Disclaimer: I own nothing, which is too bad because I'd make myself have more talent and put these two together in the correct and most entertaining way!

Title: Indecent But Beautiful

Rating: R to NC-17 for sexual situations

Category/Genre: Lois/Clark Romance, with a little Lex/Lana romance, also Dinah/Oliver Friendship/UST…

Verse: Smallville, Post Episode, Alternate Universe

Summary: Post Siren, Season 7, what would've happened had Clark stayed right after Lois cried in his arms?

Important: This was written DURING Season 7, before the character of Tess Mercer came onto Smallville. The version of her that I have written is based roughly on the comic/cartoon version, Mercy Graves, not Tess, and not SV's Oliver's pet name of 'Mercy' for her either. Anyone who knows me knows that my goddesses of the Smallville universe are Lois Lane and Tess Mercer. Tess hadn't come on yet, so I don't write her positively in this story because she hadn't come on yet. I do not have a split personality, and yes, I do, and always will, ship her with Oliver. Had to clear that up when I re-read this fic and was horrified by my own writing.

Chapter 1

"You know, where Ollie's life is going, there's not room for me in it. And…I know he'd never admit that so…I had to," she said looking into his eyes. "I just um, I can't face another heartbreak down the road."

Clark's heart broke for Lois and he didn't know what to do. Seeing her standing over there he gave in and walked towards her, pulling her into an embrace. Lois gladly accepted it, tucking her face into his shoulder for an instant, holding her breath so she wouldn't sob.

"Besides, you know why settle for hot, rich, and famous when I can hang out with you?" she smiled through her tears.

He smiled, loving her determination to be strong even when she was grieving.

"Could you just hold me for a minute?" she asked, her heart breaking over losing Oliver a second time.

He stayed there with his arms wrapped around her. She had lost so much in her life and he knew Oliver was the only man she had ever loved. It had taken a lot of strength for her to turn him away. Clark wondered if Lois had been right, though. Would Oliver have been incapable of putting Lois first as she so defiantly believed?

Lois trembled in his arms from the tears she was determined to hold back.

"Shhh," Clark soothed. "I've got you."

She laughed softly as if she was denying she'd ever been weak enough to have tears. Pulling back a little she looked down, two tear trails along her cheeks. Clark tipped her face up to see her guilty hazel eyes. Seeing Lois, he was trapped in a new feeling. Looking at her wet eyes and open mouth he saw her vulnerability, something she rarely showed him and he wanted to comfort her, to show her he could make it okay. So, without thinking he touched his lips to hers, not as Green Arrow, not as Kal-El, but as himself…for the first time.

Giving her time to react, he kissed her gently before pulling back and when he did, her eyes opened slowly to meet his. Ready for anything, her very sad eyes turned confused before she spoke softly.

"Please," she whispered, reaching up to curl his hair behind his ear as she had when she was under the influence of the crimson lipstick.

Kissing her again, Clark's hands gripped her face brushing the locks of her hair out of the way. Nibbling his way across her mouth, he wiped the tears away with his fingers and very quickly realized the feelings growing inside of him. Raw hunger began to emerge and he knew he had to be careful. For someone that had driven him crazy for as many years as she had, he couldn't believe the realizations he was coming to in his own mind and body.

He wanted to rip her clothes off and make her his.

"Clark," she whispered, and he was gone.

He began combing his strong fingers through her hair while descending hot kisses along her neck, pulling the hair clip roughly from its set place and letting it drop loudly on the floor. This might not be the perfect time to make love, but all of a sudden he was feeling the four years they'd known each other, and touching, sucking, and tasting her was all he could think about.

"Hold me," she cried, the tears still falling that he kissed and wiped away.

He cupped the back of her head, moving her gently up against the wall. His mouth went back to hers where he openly nipped her lips, outlining them with his tongue, dominating the passionate kisses and completely surprising her. She was doing everything just to keep up as his hands swept under her shirt to feel her bare skin, pushing the blue sweater away from her skin.

Breaking their lips, she inhaled sharply from lack of oxygen but Clark grabbed her quickly, not letting her acquire much make up time. Returning his lips to hers, she tasted everything, the complete desperation, the hunger, and the teasing intent. It was more than Oliver had ever given her. Oliver had wanted her. She knew that. But there was always something else he had to attend to an even when he was kissing and touching her, she hadn't ever been oblivious to that.

Clark didn't have that. His attention, strange as it may be, was completely on her. It had been so many years since she'd felt this kind of attention from someone, or…anyone.

Butterflies fluttered in Lois's stomach when her blue sweater was tossed to the floor. Seeing her in a weakened state Clark removed his own blue jacket and red shirt and then reunited their mouths. Clark's hands snaked up her bare back enjoying the soft skin before yanking her hair down so that her lips broke from his and he then marched his way down her neck, licking the pulsating veins.

Clark kept one hand at her back but swept his right one forward to cup her breast. Peeling the cup back he flicked a finger gently over her nipple rubbing it into a tightened bud. He heard her moan, making him ache as his free hand unclipped her bra and she shuddered when it fell, leaving her vulnerable to him.

He tightened her body against his to gain better access, frustrated by the clothes still separating them.

"I want you," he murmured against her lips, his hand snaking lower, unbuttoning the first button of her jeans.

"Clark, just make it all go away," she replied, leaning back against the door, awaiting sensations to fall along her body like hot lava.

Clark unzipped her jeans and pulled them down, gliding her underwear along her shapely legs in the dim light that seemed to illuminate her beautiful form. Clark's fingers moved from her stomach downward until they gently slipped inside her. Her eyes closing, Lois's inner muscles tightened barely letting him move inside her. She held her breath, trying to recover as a bucket of sensations poured over her body.

"Let go," he whispered, and she released his fingers.

Wanting to taste her, he slipped his fingers into his own mouth, savoring her on his fingers. Opening her eyes to see him, she suddenly felt a wave of heat upon her, awaiting the return of his hands on her skin.

His tongue explored her she felt herself blushing, her orgasm building with what he did with his mouth and fingers. She used the wall behind her for support as his mouth bit down gently on her clit, the final straw as the flood from her body came from her, a cry from her mouth, hot and aching inside her.

She cried out his name as he lapped at her juices, the drops of her essence. All of it was her and she tasted good.

Placing a hand on either side of her waist he lifted himself slowly up off his knees as he listened to her heavy breaths, giving wet kisses along her panting stomach, dipping his tongue into her belly-button, eliciting another soft moan from her mouth.

He watched the rush of heat in her eyes and though she was weakened, her hand reached out to stroke him through his jeans. He hardened immediately as she undid the zipper but he tore her hand away, preparing to lift her up and straddle her legs around his waist, taking her to the couch, laying her down beneath him. Allowing her to watch, he stripped himself nude and descended himself over her.

Lois came at him with her mouth tasting a bead of moisture on his torso, licking at it in a lazy circle, the pads of her fingers pressing into his shoulders as he pulsated against the juncture of her thighs, begging at her entrance. With tears still glistening on her face, she opened her legs, welcoming him as he pushed inside her gently, feeling the unfamiliar flames echoing throughout her body, coursing through her in hunger.

She wanted the yearning, the aching inside to comfort her so she rose to meet him, tightening her walls around him, constricting to give him pleasure as he pushed, forcing her to take more of him inside her with each movement. He dove again and again, burying himself. She clutched to him, grabbing at his arms, her teeth resting on his shoulder as her hair spread over the couch pillows. Clark cupped the back of her head, drawing it to him to brush his mouth over her passion-swollen lips, driving himself more deeply into her. Eyes locking, they said nothing but Lois felt herself spiraling, splitting inside and she bucked against him, initiating his response as two huge tears fell from her eyes. She gripped onto Clark, wondering why he was looking down at her like he knew her that well, and it made her climax, made her need him, and then…when he kissed her, she closed her eyes, embarrassed of the person she'd allowed herself to be in front of him for the very first time.

As she lay in his arms on her couch she thought about what the hell she had done. Was this revenge against Oliver? Wasn't Clark still with Lana? Wasn't she embarrassed as hell to have had such a sexual response to a guy that had driven her as crazy as Clark had over the years? Should she feel bad that she felt relieved that for two seconds Clark had gotten Grant and Oliver off her mind?

She didn't know what the hell she'd been thinking. She'd never been that vulnerable to Clark. He'd kissed her and she'd let him…do all those things to her. And now he was lying naked beside her in the dim light of her apartment. His hands were on her body as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

But who was she kidding? This was something they had fallen into. She was already feeling feelings for Clark. Guess that chemical they say goes right to the female brain after they have sex exists, but she didn't want Clark to feel obligated to her. She didn't want him to feel obligated to this.

"Clark I…I know that this was done on impulse. Please know that I would never try to sabotage you and Lana-"

"Lana?" he asked as if he'd never heard her name before.

Lois looked up at him.

"You are still with her, right?"

Clark looked down, now feeling guilty. He hadn't thought of Lana once during this entire evening. Everything in him now belonged to Lois and he didn't exactly know how to deal with that. This was Lois after all, the girl, correction, woman who joked with him and drove him crazy. Though they had a deep friendship, how could he ever be worthy of her, especially after she just got through telling him how she could never be with someone like Oliver? But now that he'd had her, now that he finally knew…he couldn't go back to Lana. He could never be with anyone but Lois. He loved her. With every possible warning sign blazing in his head the Kryptonian actually loved her.

"It's okay," Lois told him, interrupting his thoughts. "I won't say anything. I promise. I can keep my mouth shut. This can be something…something we did once. Something you did to help me but that's all."

"Lois," he said, shaking his head. "No, it's over with Lana and me. I can't go back to her now."

Lois put her hand on his arm.

"Yes—yes you can. You two really are the perfect couple."

"No," he told her. "We were once something. But I look at you now…" he trailed off.

She looked away unable to face what he might say.

"I can't."

"You can't?" he countered. "You just did. You were with me every second."

"I was grieving Oliver."

"Maybe so but you weren't making love to Oliver. You were looking into my eyes, kissing my lips, letting my hands be all over you and I know you felt me."

"So what do you want me to say? That in one night my feelings can just change and we should let go of everything else and fall for each other? That's insane-"

He kissed her, shutting her up, forcing his mouth, his feelings, and his love over her. When he successfully felt her shudder with emotion he let her go, caressing the side of her face and holding her eyes with his.

"I'll let you think about it but I'm not going away as easily as Oliver did."

He sat up and got up, gathering her clothes and giving them to her.

"Here," he said, wrapping her in her blue sweater.

Putting his pants back on, she shyly redressed herself. She waited for him to turn and leave and jumped a little when he turned back and gripped her face.

"This isn't over," he promised her.

When he left, she plopped her head back on her couch and looked at the ceiling.

"What have I just done?" she said out loud.

~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~~