Author's note: I do not own any of this.

So I was watching this movie with and I thought that Mace and Capa would be kinda cute together,'s what I came up with.. Enjoy!

Warning: Slash! MaleXmale stuff...

Capa was lying underneath him, smiling at him. "Aaah… Do it to me… Yeeesss…" he moaned. Mace thrusted into Capa harder and faster; moaning as he did so. He kissed Capa deeply and Capa looped his arms around Mace's neck. And after few more hard thrusts Mace came with a low moan.

Mace woke up with a start. He was all sweaty and breathing rapidly. He had had that dream again, the one about Capa. 'Why am I having these kind of dreams about him?' The guy was just utterly annoying.

'Yeah right. Who am I kidding? He's incredibly handsome and extremely cute, 'Specially when he's nervous and doing that thing with his hair.'

Mace sighed and noticed something that had never happened before (and he had been having those kind of dreams aboutCapaforaboutthreeweeksnow). He was hard. 'Shit!' Now Mace had two choices: jerk off thinking about Capa or a very cold shower. 'Maybe the second one. Won't be able to look at Capa in the eye if I jerk off thinking 'bout him.' So Mace took an extremely long and cold shower.

In the next room Capa was also awake, but not because of any dream. He just couldn't sleep. The day's events were circling around in his head. Well, actually just his and Mace's fight. They had been on the ship for almost 18 months now and Capa had been attracted to Mace since the first time they met, but had been able not to show it. But in the past two weeks things had changed. Almost everything he said seemed to make Mace angry, which led into the fact that they fought about practically everything and Capa didn't know why. 'I hope I haven't given away any clues about me being attracted to him. That would be a disaster.'

The days went by and the boys tried to avoid each other as much as possible (which was pretty easy considering it was a large ship). Capa was afraid that he might say something that would make Mace angry and Mace was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself (after few more dreams about him humping Capa's brains out, he had ended up jerking off thinking about Capa). Everything was fine until the day they were supposed to send the last messages home (before entering the dark area) and Capa's turn was before Mace. That wasn't really the problem anyway. Capa accidentally spent too much time in the Communications Room so that Mace wasn't left with a lot of time to record and send his message. This, of course, set Mace off and he and Capa ended up having another fist fight. The other crew members broke them apart and Capa left with Corazon and they went into the Green Room. The crew's doctor and psychiatrist ordered Mace one hour of the Earth Room and then (after calming down) he would have to apologise to Capa.

After an hour in the Earth Room, Mace started to look for Capa. 'He could be in the Green Room.' Mace figured and headed that way. When he got there he only found Corazon.

"Where's Capa?"

"Oh, he went to run tests in the Payload. You know it calms him."


'Great! That means he's alone. Which means that we're gonna be alone…together…in the same room…that could end up being a disaster.' Mace thought as he headed towards the Payload. He walked down the lobe and pressed the calling button.

"Capa, it's me. I need to talk to you", Mace said trying his best not to sound nervous.

Capa opened the door and Mace walked in.

"What do you want?" Capa asked with a little edge on his voice. He had just got over the first fight and didn't need any more.


Capa sighed. "Mace… I'm sorry…"

"No, Capa. I'm the one who should be apologising."

There was a silence as Mace stared the floor and Capa stared at Mace.

"Is this you apologising?"


"Okay. Apology accepted."

"Thanks", Mace said but didn't make any movement to leave.

"Did you want something else?"

"Yeah…" Mace said and then fell silent again. Capa was just about to ask when Mace spoke.

"I know I haven't been fare to you in the past moths. Well… after the first moth to be honest."

Capa just listened not knowing where this all was leading, so Mace continued.

"I've been picking a fight with you about almost everything and…" Mace trailed off.

"And what?" Capa asked with a soft and gentle voice, the one that made Mace weak on the knees. "Mace, it can't be that bad. Just spit it out and we continue from there."

Mace couldn't continue. He just stared at Capa. Suddenly he stepped forward, grabbed Capa's face and pressed his lips against Capa's. Capa was shocked and didn't respond and soon Mace pulled back.

"Capa…I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have do.." Mace started but was cut off by Capa, who now pressed his lips against Mace's.

"It's okay", Capa said with a little smile when he pulled away.

Mace smiled and kissed Capa again. Soon they were kissing passionately and moving towards the table on the other side of the room. Unfortunately they were cut off by the buzzer.

"Capa, it's me", came Cassie's voice from the speaker.

Capa sighed deeply and Mace let out a disappointed moan. They, reluctantly, pulled apart and Capa pressed the door's opening button and let Cassie in.

"Oh. Hi Mace. Didn't know you're here", Cassie said surprised.

"Yeah, I came over to apologise to Capa."

"Oh", was all Cassie said to this.

Everybody was silent and the situation was starting to grow a little awkward.

Cassie looked alternately Capa and Mace and Mace and Capa glanced at each other.

"Well…I should go", Mace said after a while and gave Capa a small smile. "Thanks for the talk."

Capa smiled a little too and Mace left, leaving Capa with a confused Cassie.

"What was that about?" Cassie asked the second the door closed.

"What was what?" Capa asked trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"That", Cassie said. "You and Mace. And what did Mace mean when he thanked you for the talk?"

"Oh, that", Capa said and tried to come up with an excuse. He knew exactly what Mace had meant, but he couldn't really tell that to Cassie, now could he.

"He came to apologise and then we talked about our situation."

"Your situation?"

"Yes. About, why we fight so much."


"Cassie, did you want something or did you just come here to torture me with questions?"

"I came to get you to dinner."

Capa looked little confused.

"It's five o'clock. It's dinner time."

"Oh. Right", Capa said and shut down the equipment.

They walked to the dining room in silence and when they got there Cassie sat on her usual place but, to everyone's great surprise, Mace made room on the bench and Capa sat down next to him. They ate and talked the same way as usual, though everyone noticed that something had changed between Capa and Mace. They were talking to each other, and they weren't arguing. None of the others said anything about it, of course. They were just glad.

Mace finished eating first and Capa finished shortly after him.

"I think I'll go and check the machines and then hit the sack", Mace said and the others nodded.

Mace stood up and turned to Capa. "Will you come with me?" At this you could here six jaws hit the table and then, when Capa said 'Yes', you could here the jaws hit the floor.

Capa stood up as well and he and Mace headed to the kitchen and the others were left in the dining room to collect their jaws from the floor. When Capa and Mace got to the kitchen they gave each other a meaningful glance and smiled. Capa put his dishes to the sink and made way for Mace, who had to lean against the table so that Capa could move away from the sink. As Mace leaned against the table and Capa made his way pass him, his ass 'accidentally' touched Mace's waist. Mace had to try really hard not to get a hard-on. Mace put his dishes to the sink and they headed to the Cooler Tank. After Mace had checked everything was ok (which was done pretty quickly) he took Capa's hand and they started to walk. And in a silent agreement they headed towards the area where the bedrooms were. Lucky for them their rooms were alongside. They went into Mace's room and sat on the bed.

Mace lied down on his back and Capa lied next to him, rolled to his side and draped his arm across Mace's chest and felt him snuggle closer, cautiously. Sensing Mace's reluctance to be too cuddly, lest he put Capa off, Capa wriggled over and wrapped himself around Mace.

"Are you cold?" Mace whispered and Capa chuckled and nuzzled Mace's neck.

"Touch me", he whispered quietly.

Mace rolled to his side and placed one hand on Capa's waist and the other between Capa's head and the pillow. He kissed Capa gently and Capa felt a rush of heat as Mace's hand teased his ass.

"Touch me more", he whispered. Mace's fingers smoothly slid inside his waistband, massaging his hip and slowly moving inward, toward his manhood.

"More", Capa pleaded, voice catching as, in one fluid motion, Mace reached down to squeeze his cock.

"Ah… hmmm, yes", Capa murmured as Mace ventured further, stroking him.

Capa hooked one leg around Mace and gasped. The sensation was so unfamiliar, but far from unwelcome. Mace clearly knew what he was doing. Capa moved his hands up Mace's back pulling the shirt off. Mace let go off Capa's cock just long enough to pull his shirt off. He continued stroking Capa and kissed him again swallowing up the ardent noises just in time for Capa to come. Mace knelt over Capa, and they slowly started to pull off each other's clothing. Mace was responsible for pants, and Capa wrestled himself out of his shirt.

The sensation of Mace's naked, firm and quite hot body against his under the warmth of the blankets was almost enough to make Capa come again. He explored Mace's body with his hands, experimenting with different places that elicited quite lovely sounds from the other man, until he could hear Mace's heavy breathing even as he sat above him. Capa could feel the tip of Mace's cock prodding his entrance. He had overheard enough naughty little stories to know what to do. He knew it would hurt a little, but he honestly couldn't care less.

When Capa lowered his body onto Mace's cock, gasping, almost crushing Mace's body between his knees in the unfamiliar pain, Mace felt like he could explode. He never even dreamed of actually getting this far and yet here Capa was, rocking back and forth experimentally, slowly. It was kinda cute but the agonizing slowness of his rhythm was driving Mace mad. He placed his hands on Capa's hips and quickened the pace, listened to Capa's breath catch and felt his muscles contract around his cock. Mace bit his lip hard and tried not to screw the living daylights out of Capa (which was what he really wanted to do).

"Mace…ah, harder…"

Mace dug his fingers into the soft flesh as he chased after the fire that was burning him up. Capa whimpered.

"Do it ... I want ... ah ..." he reached back and hooked his arms around Mace's drawn-up legs. "Please ... oh, yes! Right there!"

Mace had very clearly found the right spot. He thrust upward, hitting the spot Capa wanted. Capa moaned and arched his back, head dropping back and the gab between his legs widening even more. Capa groaned and sat back up again, flipping his head forward and rode Mace harder, faster. The expression on Capa's face could've been mistaken for fury if he wasn't crying Mace's name and thrusting himself onto Mace's swollen, rigid cock.

Capa's urgency and now almost erratic movement told Mace he was close. Mace thrust himself hard into Capa, again and again, revelling in Capa's reactions, both verbal and physical. He felt himself speeding towards release and came seconds after he felt Capa spray all over his abdomen and chest.

They stilled, Capa taking in deep breaths, slowly easing himself off Mace. Capa lied down next to Mace and snuggled closer and felt Mace pull the covers over them. They both fell asleep soon afterwards.

The next morning Capa woke up first and smiled when he felt the warmth of Mace's body pressed against his back. He turned around so that he was facing Mace, who was still sleeping, and raised his hand and gently touched Mace's cheek.

"Mornin' ", Mace murmured.

"Mornin' ", Capa answered and smiled. "Did you sleep well?"

"Extremely well", Mace answered smiling and kissed Capa.

After that Mace and Capa spend every night together. They also started to take their morning showers together. One morning (about two or three weeks after their first time) Capa, once again, woke up before Mace and looked at him. Mace looked pretty happy. Soon he woke up too.


"Mornin' ", Capa smiled. "Did you have a pleasant dream?"

"Yes", Mace answered smiling. "It was about you."

"About me? What kind of dream?" Capa asked with a lopsided grin.

"Let me show you", Mace said and kissed Capa passionately.

The days turned to weeks and Capa and Mace had their little private moments every chance they got. One day Capa and Mace were, once again, having a moment for themselves during the day. They were in Mace's room, lying on the bed under the covers, kissing and enjoying the feeling of the other's naked body. Capa was lying on top of Mace, kissing his neck and jaw.

"I gotta tell you something", Mace said and pushed Capa away a little, so that he could look into Capa's eyes.

"What?" Capa asked with a soft look on his face and brushed Mace's cheek with his fingers.

"I…um…"Mace started and looked deep into Capa's eyes.

"You know you can tell me everything Mace", Capa said softly.

Mace hesitated a moment before he spoke. "I love you", he whispered.

Capa smiled and kissed Mace softly. "I love you too."

Mace smiled and rolled them over so that he was on top. They kissed deeply and Capa looped his legs around Mace's waist and felt Mace's cock on his entrance. Mace was just about to thrust in when they heard the captain's voice from Mace's transmitter.

"Mace, get Capa and come to the Observation Room."

"Right away, sir", Mace answered and sighed.

Capa sighed too. "We should go. He sounded like it was important."

"Yeah", Mace said with sigh.

They got up and got dressed and made their way to the Observation Room. The others were already there when Mace and Capa arrived. Cassie gave them a suspicious look but didn't say anything. She had been giving them suspicious and weird looks since last week.


Mace and Capa were in the Cooler Tank. It was just before dinner time. Mace was fixing one of the panels and Capa was helping him. Handing him tools and so on. They were talking and laughing and fooling around a little bit, too.

"You wanna try?" Mace asked.

"Me?" Capa returned the question incredulously.

"Yes, you", Mace gave a laugh. "All you have to do is tighten this screw."

Capa still looked little doubtful.

"Come here", Mace said and pulled Capa closer. "Here…" Mace gave the screwdriver to Capa.

Capa sat on his knees in front of Mace and took the screwdriver. Mace sat behind him (on his knees as well), so close that his chest was touching Capa's back, and took Capa's hand and lifted it, so that the screwdriver was on top of the screw, and started to move Capa's hand so that the screw was tightening. Capa felt Mace's breath on his neck sending shivers down his spine. Mace entwined their fingers on top of the screwdriver and wrapped his other hand around Capa's waist.

What they didn't know was that Cassie was standing nearby, watching them. She had been sent to get them to dinner (dinner was ready little earlier than usual). Everybody knew she had a crush on Capa. Capa knew it himself as well. Cassie just watched as Mace's hand started to move down on Capa's stomach, but the hands movement was cut off by Capa's hand and a silent whisper 'Not here.' Mace nodded and they finished tightening the screw.

"Thank you for the lesson", Capa said with a lopsided smile and put down the screwdriver.

"You're welcome", Mace smiled.

They heard an erm and turned towards the voice and saw Cassie. Cassie had a weird look on her face and only murmured 'Dinner', before walking away. After that she had been acting weird around them and constantly kept an eye on them and gave them weird looks.

End of flashback

Because of Cassie's angry and little disapproving look, Mace and Capa didn't sit next to each other but almost on the other sides of the bench.

"Ladies and gentleman. Mercury", the captain said and opened the shades on the window.

After that Capa went to the Payload, Mace went 'to get some sleep' and the others spread to their own directions. After Mace was sure that the others ('specially Cassie, they didn't want to upset her any more) were in their favourite places, where they liked to spend time, he sneaked out of his room and in to the Payload were Capa was already waiting.

Please review!! I want to know what you think! And if you are nice i will upload more chapters!