Oh! The Possibilities!

Chapter 10: Shiny and New

Hey guys... I know I've been MIA for a while, but RL has been getting in the way. I've always been incredibly busy and this year has been insane in particular. I do, however, not intend to abandon this fic. It will be finished. Eventually.

Recap: The marauders and the girls are playing truth or dare. They must answer truthfully or do the dare or else they will be forced to kiss McGonagall. Right now, they are in the midst of practicing for the school play, 'Romeo and Juliet' (Remus is Romeo and Lily is Juliet). Meanwhile, James is upset about having to play the head of a horse (Sirius was forced into playing the horse's arse) instead of Romeo, and has begun to hatch a plan that so far includes polyjuice potion. As for the dares... James was last dared to seduce Snape. At the time of seduction, Snape was brewing Amortentia (the love potion) and because Snape loves Lily it smells like her. Unfortunately, James (code named: Jamie) also smelled like Lily, as he was wearing her perfume, etc. Now Snape thinks James is his true love. Oh yeah... and due to a prank, the boys' clothing is now all shades of pink and they girls' is blue.

Did that refresh your memory? Hope so...

Disclaimer: Its all mine. Not. It's JKR's. Eve and Elle are mine though!

Now... On with the chapter! Hope you guys like it! Please leave a review at the end!

Never stop being awesome,

-GG xxo

Later that evening, Lily, James, Eve, Elle, Remus and a very disgruntled Sirius found themselves in the great hall once again for the very first rehearsal of Romeo and Juliet.

"Welcome, welcome! First, I would like to thank each and every one of you for choosing to donate your time towards this production." Announced Slughorn, waltzing through the double doors towards his students. "Now, you should know that the cast list parchment has indeed been spelled, and if one of you were to try and say, quit," he looked pointedly at Sirius, "things might not turn out well in your favour."

Sirius snorted. "What bloody choice…"

Slughorn cleared his throat again.

"No, we shall begin at the top!"

And so the rehearsal began. Lily was a brilliant actress and Remus took to the stage like a natural, something that surprised his fellow marauders given their friend's usually unassuming nature.

Then it was time for James and Sirius to take the stage. They were the only ones who would be rehearsing in their costume for every rehearsal leading up to the show in order to learn how to coordinate with one another.

The brown horse costume quite large and was made up of two parts that attached in the middle. Half of the costume consisted of a pair of legs and a tail while the other was another pair of legs and a head. James and Sirius looked ridiculous. What was worse was the fact the Sirius had no ability to see anything other than James' rear end.

"Do we really have to wear this?" Complained Sirius, "It smells like rotten cheese and the audience won't even be able to see my gorgeous face!"

James rolled his eyes.

"Of course you have to wear it m'boy!" Laughed Slughorn along with the rest of the cast.

After that, rehearsal turned out to be a lot of waiting around for each scene to finish, but Slughorn assured them that for the following practices he would be posting a schedule so not everyone would have to attend.

Sirius remained sullen and upset until a few of the Capulet maids decided to chat him up. Elle thought that she spotted a flash of something in Eve's eye as the crowd of girls surrounded the arguably most dashing marauder, but she chose not to say anything.

At one point, Snape entered the great hall and began to ask people if they had met anyone names Jamie, as he needed to speak with her about their impending engagement.

James promptly hid under a table and refused to come out until the greasy haired git was properly gone.


Eventually, the gang returned to the Gryffindor tower and a very disgruntled Peter who sat in front of the ever-present roaring fire.

"It's not fair," Peter moaned as he chucked bits of newspaper into the fire. "You guys get to be in a play and I'm stuck here! I want to be in Romeo and Juliet!"

"You can take my place," Sirius suggested, getting excited at the prospect.

James vaulted onto the couch from behind, slung an arm around his best friend's shoulder and ruffled his hair with the other. "But Prongs, who would be able to better play the part of an arse?"

They burst into laughter.

"Honestly!" Sirius whined, not amused, "Why must I take part in that awful monstrosity?"

"Wow, big word Sirius," Remus teased his friend. "And I didn't even teach you that one!"

"I know," the dark haired boy replied, smirking. "Lily did!"

They all laughed and Lily smiled. She couldn't believe that she was actually enjoying herself, and with the marauders no less! Plus, James hadn't asked her out in a while.

"But actually, I'm going to die if I have to go inside that horse's costume again! It smells like something died in there, and James kept farting on my face!"

"Hey! I did not!" Cried James indignantly. It was so not cool for Sirius to have said that in front of his Lilykins.

"Sure you didn't Prongs, sure!" Sirius laughed.

James sent his friend a look that would have broken lesser men. Too bad Sirius was used to it.

"Why don't we continue our game?" Asked Elle, innocently oblivious to what was going on around her.

"Sounds fun," Peter smiled eagerly.

"Only is you take the blue charm off of us first!" Demanded Lily. The girl was really quite bossy sometimes.

"Only if you take yours off first!" Sirius countered childishly.

"You first!"

"No, you!"

"NO, YOU!"






"Alright, enough," James chuckled. "I'll do it, Lily."

Sirius grumbled something about love under his breath.

"Thank you, James!" The redhead beamed as her clothes returned to their natural colours. "At least some people here are mature."

Sirius stuck his tongue out at Lily, as if to further exemplify her point.

Effortlessly, Lily then dropped the spell on the boys, and they were left sitting in horribly unmatched clothing. Peter was the only one who seemed to care, as he hastily pulled a bright orange jumper off from over top of a lime green t-shirt and flung it across the room.

"Ok," James chuckled, his sour mood instantly gone. "It's my turn!"

James rubbed his palms together and looked at each of his friends in turn, trying not to let his gaze linger on Lily.

"Pick me!" Peter stage whispered, "PICK ME!"

"Um... yeah, sure." James smiled, "I pick Peter."

"YES! I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU'D PICK ME! WHOOPIE!" Cried the usually quiet boy as he stood and waved his arms in the air.

"You might not be so excited when you hear what I've got planned for you." James smirked deviously.

Peter's sat back down, still smiling with anticipation.

"Peter, you know that song Padfoot likes to sing in the shower?"

"Yes?" Peter asked, his smile beginning to fade.

"Well," continued James, "I dare you to stand on the teacher's table and with a sonorus charm at dinner and belt out that tune just like she did it at on the telly when we watched that muggle award show at Remus'."

Peter turned green.

The marauders smiled giddily, knowing the song Peter was about to perform. This was going to be priceless.

"NO!" Peter cried, in attempt to get out of it. "You can't make me do this!"

"Well it's that or you kiss Professor McGonagall!"

The look on Peter's face was priceless.

"Fine, I'll do it," the pudgy boy sighed reluctantly.

His friends whooped and cheered. This would be fun.


A few hours later, Lily, Alice, Frank, Eve, Elle, Sirius and Remus made their way down to the great hall for dinner. James and Peter were noticeably absent and Sirius insisted that they were rehearsing.

About ten minutes into the meal, James Peter had still not entered the hall, and Remus and Sirius had begun a rather pointless conversation.

"Padfoot, there is no such thing as frozen cheese," insisted the werewolf.

"Yes there is! It's called ice cream…that's cheese flavoured."

Remus brought his palm to his forehead. How on earth was he friends with this person?

Just then, James entered the hall carrying on over-sized muggle boom box and a mysterious black bag. He walked down the isle as if it were the fashion show all over again commanding everyone's attention, and stopped at the head table until of Dumbledore.

James than pulled a white square and set it on the ground. He than took out his wand and muttered a spell. The square inflated into a giant white wedding cake.

Now everyone was staring at the bespectacled boy.

Casting a quick sonorus on himself, James faced the audience and bellowed, "I give you, the musical stylings of Peter Pettigrew!"

James turned on the over-sized boom box, beamed, and rushed onto the Gryffindor, squeezing himself on the bench between Lily and Sirius.

A tune began to fill the air and the crowd started to buzz. No one knew what was going on.

Then, all of a sudden, from the top of the cake emerged Peter. He was dressed in a slinky bridal gown, complete with a veil. Oddly, a "boy toy" sign hung around the boy's neck.

At that point, the students of Hogwarts believed that it couldn't have gotten weirder, but then Peter started to sing.

I made it through the wilderness

Somehow I made it through

Peter looked green. He was nervous and trembling.

Didn't know how lost I was

Until I found you

Most of the students were staring in shock. Peter Pettigrew dancing in a wedding gown on top of a cake? It was absurd.

I was beat incomplete
I'd been had, I was sad and blue
But you made me feel
Yeah, you made me feel
Shiny and new

On "shiny and new" Lily and Eve, who were both muggleborn, got up on their bench and began to sing with Peter. They were instantly joined by many of the other students from all houses excluding Slytherin. The snakes thought they were too cool, of course.

Like a virgin

Touched for the very first time

Now Peter was smiling. He couldn't sing at all, but oddly enough he seemed to be enjoying himself. He grabbed the blow-up groom and started to dance with him.

Like a virgin
When your heart beats
Next to mine

Now Peter climbed down the cake and began to twirl his veil and thrust his pelvis into the air. It was the most bizarre thing the students of Hogwarts had ever witnessed, but they were thoroughly enjoying themselves as well.

Like a virgin, ooh, ooh
Like a virgin

By now everyone but the Slytherins were up on their benches dancing and swaying. James found himself fall into rhythm with Lily, moving back and forth.

Feels so good inside
When you hold me, and your heart beats, and you love me

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh, baby
Can't you hear my heart beat
For the very first time?

Peter ended the song by slamming his veil into the ground and attempting to do the splits. Midway, though, he ripped his dress and accidentally fell of the blow up groom and he popped violently. Peter turned to red it could have been considered purple.

This did nothing to dim the applause.

Then Dumbledore stood up and beckoned for Peter to accompany him to his office. Peter got to his feet and followed the head mater out of the great hall, followed by shouts of "We love you Peter!" and "Peter, you rule!"

Ten minutes later, Peter, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall accompanied by James sat inside of Dumbledore's office. McGonagall looked murderous. Dumbledore however, just looked thoroughly amused.

"I suppose I should punish you for your disruption on dinner this evening," Dumbledore said, nibbling fondly on a cockroach cluster before offering the bowl to each of the boys. "But I think that I will leave it up to Professor McGonagall, as she is your head of house." His eyes twinkled, "I must say that that was a fine performance."

Peter blushed and McGonagall took over the reprimanding. James was sure that he heard Dumbledore humming "Like a Virgin," in the background.


Later that night, Peter and James returned to the Gryffindor tower. They were greeted by cheers and shouts for an encore. For whatever the reason, Peter did not refuse.

As Peter began a reprise, James joined his friend by the fire.

"That was bloody hilarious," Lily smiled, still laughing.

James grinned, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I choreographed it."

"I bet you did Prongs," Remus laughed, "He did all of your moves."

Sirius then began to imitate Peter's pelvic thrusts and the group burst out in laughter.

"I do not dance like that!" James cried.

"Sure you don't!" Sirius replied through his tears.

James sighed. It had been a tiring day.

"So what's the punishment then?" Eve asked when the laughter had settled.

"Detention with Filch," James replied. "Every day this week after school."

"Tough break," Sirius winced empathetically.

The marauders had recieved much worse punishments, but detention with Filch was horrible. The squib always made then clean without magic.

"And Peter has two weeks," James finished.

"Whatever!" Laughed Frank, "It was definitely worth it."

"For sure!" Elle agreed, giggling. "It looked like a flock of wrackspurts were attacking him! It was quite an accurate depiction, really..."

Frank and the marauders sent her a look of confusion. The girls didn't even bat and eyelash. They were, by now, used to their friend's absurdity.

"Yeah," Eve agreed. "Plus, we did learn something interesting." She smirked at Lily who returned the half-smile.

"What?" Asked Sirius, confused. "That Peter can't sing or dance? Because I'm pretty sure that wasn't too hard to guess…"

"No." Laughed Eve, "that Sirius Black sings Madonna songs in the shower!"

And there you have it. The first chapter in way too long... I'm so sorry again! Please leave a review and let me know how the chappie is! I know James didn't do much plotting in this chapter, but I promise it will come! He can be quite devious when he wants to...

Oh yeah, and the song in this chapter is "Like a Virgin" by Madonna... If you don't know the song there may be something wrong with you... Google it! Also, the performance the boys discussed was from the MTV Video Music Awards in 1984. YES, I am aware that this story takes place before the song comes out, but I really wanted to use "Like a Virgin." Sorry!!!

Also, if you're in the mood for some craziness, check out my fic "Of Madness and Chocolate Frogs."

Thanks so much again!!


-GG xxo