~???'s POV~

I grabbed at my shirt; pain was stabbing at my chest, getting more and more intense. A masked man stood at the corner as he sent a short boy a simian-like man and a pink haired girl after me. I ran into a random alley and climbed up the fire escape. Suddenly, a crack echoed in the air as the ladder broke. I tried getting up but ending up half dragging myself as my chest pain got gradually worse. Suddenly it hit me, the only way to get out of my predicament. I lay down in a half fetal position, pretending to have died. A foot hit my side. I tried to hold in a grunt.

I waited awhile as their footsteps went faint in the night. I was about to get up when two cold, hard arms picked me up, a half concerned, half annoyed mumble exited the owner. I flinched, but other than that, froze in fear. The pain began to numb and breathing slowed as I slowly fell unconscious.

~Cyborg's POV~

I can't take a short walk without running into a villain. I saw Jinx and her 'buddies' walking out of some ally with smirks on their faces. So I kicked they're ass's! I looked into the ally out of complete curiosity only to see a girl, about the age of 16, on the ground.

I picked her up and thought about bringing her to the hospital. 'pfft, those ass holes don't know shit.' I thought. I looked down at her. I've never seen anything so fragile, so delicate. She wore a large tattered white shirt and shorts. That's odd for the middle of winter. Suddenly, the rise and fall of her chest stopped. I panicked and ran as fast as I could towards the tower in hopes of saving this complete stranger's life.