So sorry! I wasn't satisfied with how I started this out, and completely changed it. I went with one of the other openings I had written. I hope that this doesn't dissuade you from reading my tale! But don't worry! The original opening chapter may worm its way into the future plot. And, silly me, I forgot to insert a disclaimer in the older version, so here you go:

One Piece was created by Oda-sensei, and is published by Shueisha. I am making no profit from my writing. It is being written solely for peace of mind. I also don't own any of the songs mentioned in here and will add disclaimers for them at the bottom (so you'll know which ones I'm using).

Warnings: I'm not entirely sure when this'll take place. The last episode of One Piece I've watched was the one where Ace and Blackbeard fought, but I read about the story after that on Wikipedia. For sure it will have the Thousand Sunny and Brook, but the time line is unclear. Just think 'nameless island on the Grand Line'. Also, the main character is an original character, and it is mostly from her point of view. This is not going to be your run-of-the-mill songfic. If you object to learning some really neat songs, please turn back now. Also, this story contains healthy doses of silliness and violence (although how violence is healthy is beyond me). Consider yourself warned.


Naïve Melody

Prologue: Dark and Stormy Nights

Three months ago, near an island in the West Blue…

A sixth-rate frigate glided silently towards a lone pirate ship, unseen in the stormy night. She pulled up and broadsided her target. Unknown to the doomed crew, the order to fire all her cannons was given.

They didn't stand a chance.

Then a yell rumbled through the night, heard over the rain and thunder, the dying cannon blasts and cries of sheer terror.

"Don't be too rough! Remember, I want prisoners!", it ordered. The owner of such a commanding voice waited patiently for his crew to lower the gangplank that would connect the two ships. Once the task was completed, he stalked across, towering over the crew of the vessel he had conquered. "I demand to see the captain. Where is he?"

Any pirate who was still conscious wouldn't dare to speak up, for they all feared for their lives. They had never heard of this privateer and his ship. They knew not what to expect.

The man paused, then turned to the bosun at his right. "Have the men search the ship and round up any and all personnel and bring them on deck. They have permission to use force, but no killing."

After a shout of 'Yes, sir!', the bosun relayed the orders to the rest of the crew.

The captain then stood off to the side while his men finished up their task.

"Sir," an ordinary seaman came up to the captain and his first mate and saluted," we found the captain."

He eloquently smirked and stated, "Good. Bring him here."

"Ah, about that, s-sir. He's dead. We found him in his quarters, impaled on a timber." the nervous sailor managed to report. Seeing his superior grow dark with rage, he quickly stuttered, "But there was a girl with him, 'though injured, and she's been brought out!"

"Girl?! What I'm looking for cannot possibly be with this girl!" He snapped at the quivering sailor. Then he sighed and tried to calm down; no use shooting the messenger. After a moment of thought, he wearily said, " Did you find any books or notes?"

"Books?', the sailor quizically thought aloud. Hurridly, he stated, "Yes, sir, we did! There was nearly a whole library down there!"

"Perfect. Bring them aboard. I'll look through them personnally."

As he turned to walk back across the gangplank, the ordinary seaman ventured a question.

"Captain, what of the girl?"

"Hmm? Oh, put her in a seperate cell in the brig. She may know what about what I'm looking for, since she was in his personal quarters. Take the rest of this filth and put them in the brig. I have no use for them, but orders are orders. Once you've gathered any treasure, burn the ship."

With that, he stormed back to his ship and down to his cabin. 'Blast it! Another dead end! Maybe, though, I'll find what I need in those books. And we'll see what this girl has to offer.'


"Girl, let's make this quick. What did that pirate captain tell you?"


"Silence, is it? How childish."


"Surely you know something? Several of your ship mates have stated that you and the captain were quite close."

"…I'm not part of the crew."

"Oh? Is that so? Then what were you doing on a pirate ship? You do know any person affiliated with pirates is considered an enemy of the World Government?"

"So you are a Government dog?" the girl spat out. She was promptly smacked. Quickly recovering, she said "If you are just gonna kill me, then why should I answer your questions?"

'Heh, gotcha.' "Just think for a moment: you were in his cabin when he died, and I know now for a fact that he didn't die immediately. Did he have any last words?"

"…I don't know what you're talking about."

"You yourself stated you knew answers to what I'm inquiring about. Look, I'm a reasonable man. You sustained a few injuries, and must be in a lot of pain." He gestured to the gash spreading across the prisoner's face. "Give me what I want, and I can have my ship's surgeon fix up your pretty face."


"Back to the silent treatment, is it? Well, I can be a very persuasive man. Care to see my methods?"


An indeterminable amount of time later, the privateer captain stepped out of the brig. Without so much as a glance, he flippantly ordered the guard posted by the entrance before stalking off:

"Have the surgeon come down here and fix the girl up. Tell him I need her ready for questioning as soon as possible. I'll be in my cabin reading."


"Captain, the surgeon said the prisoner won't be fully healed for a few weeks."

"I didn't ask that. I asked for when she'll be ready for questioning."

"Ah, he thought you'd say that. At the very least, seven days. Five, if you're pushing it."

"Well, I am a patient man. One could say I have all the time in the world."

"If I may, you seem to be in a cheery mood, Captain."

"Why, yes, I do believe I am. Have the crew make haste in getting the ship ready for a voyage. Head straight for the Calm Belt."

"So, you've found what you've been looking for? Very well. But, pardon, wouldn't we need a Log Pose once we're there?"

"Yes, yes we would. Fortunatly, the dear pirate had an Eternal Pose or two lying about."
