Sorry its been a while. I didn't get much response to chapter one so this is only short to see if i should carry one, but I dedicate this chapter to soxmuchxmorexx3 and little-miss-randomness17 (:

The next few days that followed I wasn't really on earth. I hadn't always believed in ghosts and the supernatural but that was too… real, like he (What Ever he was, lets stick with that) was actually there holding me in his arms. And another reason as to why I believed is that it wasn't my imagination was simply because I'm not that imaginative as to dream up someone with so much beauty and perfection. I'm not sure as to whether he was there or not. I spent these days walking around thinking to myself about who that boy was. I had the answer two days later…

Stumbling through the front yard, drunk on fatigue, I made my way to the dustbin. It was pitch black, around 11o'clock, and all I had was a thin little torch, my pyjamas and some slippers on. I don't even know why I didn't wait till the morning but my thoughts where clouded with that boy.

The air was cool and there was a slight gust of wind that didn't help my balance at all. Like always my mind drifted off to that... ghost, Figment of the imagination, A Dream, There were so many possibilities. The thing that bugged me most was the fact I had the feeling I have saw him previously, I just didn't know how.

As I walked back from the bin I let my eyelids slip down for a moment and let out an involuntary yawn. I longed to be in my bed. To feel the soft covers as they laid on me. Wait that last bit sounded rude. I giggled to my self. I am so intoxicated with my tiredness I am starting to act mentally ill. With that thought I rolled my eyes. Wait… there still closed and I'm walking… oh god Bella + Tiredness = Extra Klutz! Like it was on queue, I fell and it was over something hard.

'Why do I always manage to fall onto something? Never anyone else always me...' I trailed off when I started to stand up as talking upsets my balance, somehow. However, I stopped breathing when my chocolate eyes locked onto a pair of green ones. They looked cautious and a little afraid, like me.

My heart stuttered and my mind kept telling me I'd gone crazy. Even as my thoughts battled against each other, I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful person in front of me. He glanced behind me, probably at the cause of my fall. Curiosity got the better of me and I too looked around.

It was with this look that I connected all the dots. Why I feel I have saw him before, why he is at my house, if I am hallucinating and, basically, if I was sane. I swiftly looked back at him.

He was Edward from the statue (which was also the cause of my descent) and for some unknown reason he was here today-haunting or whatever he is doing.

"Is this real?" I asked, mostly to myself.

"You can see me…?" He asked. I was shocked.

"Why is that strange?"He looked unsure and I made a mental note to ask him later. "Are you…real?"

"Yes... I think." He said this doubtful: like he didn't know himself

"Why did you run away when I was crying?" I puzzled him so I added. "You could have told me the truth. I mean, it's not like anyone would believe me if I told them…"

"…well I was shocked that you saw me, any other human would of felt me but looked up and saw nothing. And also when you screamed I got worried and ran away, I'm not good with emotions." And, although I chose to ignore it, very faintly I heard him mutter 'Especially my own'.

Just then, a gust of wind blew and sent a shiver so violently down my spine it was embarrassing.

"You should get back inside; I bet its pretty cold." I only just realised how alluring his voice was, almost like velvet. I gave a week nod and started walking back towards the house, only so be stopped by a tap on the shoulder. "You don't mind me coming to do you? I haven't had company since 1918, I haven't even spoke to anyone since then come to think of it…"

It was then I noticed his eyes, and his whole appearance. His skin was pale and his clothes looked dated. His was about a head taller than me and he wasn't bulky but he defiantly had some muscles. His hair was a brilliant shad of bronze and was dishevelled and stuck up everywhere, but, out of everything, I noticed his eyes first; brilliant gold that shone in the moonlight. As he looked at me I realised he was waiting for an answer, and was dazzling me.

"Of course" my answer sounded pretty stable and he looked pleased.

"Lead the way" he smiled a crooked grin that made me go week at the knees. And there were only five words for it; I Was Falling For Him. Badly.


I was now sat on my bed with Edward by my side and I was dyeing to ask him some questions, it's not everyday you meet a dead person. Thinking that gave me shivers. He was dead. It was hard to wrap my head around. When you're a child growing up your told that you never see people again once they've died and when you're past that stage its common sense to know. It was a mind boggling situation and I didn't know how to start this convocation but, fortunately, he did.

"So…you can see me?" he had an old accent and his voice was wary. I answered with a quick nod and remembered what I wanted to ask him.

"Why is that a shock?" I blurted it out before I could think that what I was saying was a plausible question. It seemed to be okay and he closed his golden eyes and started with his explanation…

Reviews = Faster Update (: