On the twelfth day of Christmas, my best friends gave to me

Twelve pranks on Snape,

eleven bludgers bludging

ten wands a-waving,

nine dragons diving,

eight rememberalls,

seven Quidditch pitches

six snitches swooping,

five chocolate frogs

four butterbeers,

three broomsticks

two phoenixes

and a box of Bertie Bott's Beans.

            The next morning, Lily woke up to see her normal pile of presents at the end of her bed.  She was surprised, however, to see some from the Marauders.  It only made her feel even worse about the fight they'd had.  Though, she'd sent her presents to them also.  But she wasn't going to apologize to them.  They were the ones who'd started it, not her.  Why should she apologize.

"But Lily," she said to herself. "What about the Charm you cast on them?  If you're fighting, how can you bring everyone together when the moon rises?"

            Well, she thought, maybe they'll apologize before the moon rises.  Half of her hoped this would be the case.  The other half wanted to go apologize that minute.  Why don't you just go apologize to them, half of her asked.  Apologize for what? asked another voice.  For suggesting that we at least try to get along with Severus?  They have no idea what he's been through with his stepfather.  Why should I apologize for suggesting we call a truce with someone who really deserves to have some happiness for once?  Because you don't want to be fighting with your friends.  Especially not today of all days.  Will both of you be quiet, Lily shouted mentally at the two fighting voices.  Great, now I'm talking to myself.  I'm going crazy.


            Everyone was so happy that it was Christmas that hardly anyone noticed that Lily and the Marauders still weren't talking to each other.  Nor did they notice that they were sitting on completely different sides of the table.  They weren't even looking at each other.  In fact, they weren't looking at anyone.  They kept their eyes focused on their food at all times.  The Marauders only spoke to ask for different food items.  Lily didn't speak at all.

            Lily was still wondering if they would apologize at all.  What if hey didn't, she wondered.  Would the charm just be useless, or would it have the opposite effect?  She wasn't sure if she wanted to know.  The Marauders, however, actually felt happy.  They didn't know why, but they felt happy.  They figured it was just because it was Christmas.  But it was just an effect of the Charm.  No matter what, they would feel happy today.  Whether they wanted to or not.

            After the feast, Lily walked across the snow covered grounds, watching the sun set.  She didn't feel like joining the other Gryffindors in the Common Room for more partying.  She wanted to be alone.  I guess they won't apologize, she thought.  So much for the perfect Christmas.  I'll apologize tomorrow.  Tonight, I just want to be alone.

"Look at her down there." James said sadly.  He was watching her from the window in the Common Room.  He could see her walking across the grounds, head hung.  "She looks so alone."

"Well, considering she's by herself, she is alone." Sirius told him.  He, Remus, and Peter had started watching her also, wondering why James had been staring out the window.

"That's not what I mean."

"You know." Peter spoke up. "Its the weirdest thing.  I know I should feel sad that Lily is mad at us, but I can't help feeling...happy."

"You're right." Remus added. "I feel happy too, and I shouldn't."

"Now that you mention, I am too.  I thought it was just because its Christmas, but still, I shouldn't feel this happy when Lily is pissed at us." Sirius told them.

"Me either." James began.  Then, an idea struck him. "Sirius!  What was the name of that book we saw in Lily's room?"

"Christmas Charms for Holiday Fun?" Sirius asked.

"That's the one.  Come on." he said, already heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Sirius called, as they tried to catch up to him.

"The library."

"Oh great, he's turning into Lily."


"Here it is." James cried.  They'd been searching the library for the last half hour looking for the book James and Sirius had seen.  James lay the book on the table in front of them and began flipping through the pages.

"Wait, go back." Remus told him.  He grabbed the book and flipped back a few pages.  They saw that a bookmark had been placed in the pages.

"Hey, that's the one I gave her for her birthday." Peter said. "She must have left it in the book."

"Then this must be the charm she looked up." James said, taking the book back from Remus.  He began reading aloud. "The Merry Christmas Charm is perhaps the most complex of all holiday charms.  It is very difficult to cast, but the rewards it gives are worth it.  Anyone the spell is cast upon will be happy, no matter what, on Christmas day.  In order to feel its full effects, it must be cast upon more than one person.  If all the people the charm is cast upon are brought together as the moon rises on Christmas day, they will experience a feeling of indescribable joy and peace.  They will always remember it as the perfect Christmas."

"That's it." Remus cried.  A little to loudly apparently, because Madame Pince glared at him.  "That must be the reason she wants all of us together."

"Of course.  Its just like Lily to try and surprise us with something like that." Sirius added.

"You know what.  I'll bet you anything we aren't the only ones she cast it on." James spoke up. "I'll bet my broomstick that she cast it on Snape too."

"That's why she was so eager for a truce." Peter said.

"And knowing Lily, she cast it on herself too." James said.  He stood and put the book back on its shelf. "Come on, let's go."

"Now where are we going?" Sirius asked.

"To get Lily back." James replied. "That is, if we're all agreed?"

"Of course we are." Remus replied.  Peter nodded his agreement. "Padfoot?"

"If this is what it takes to get Lily back with us, all right." Sirius replied. "She went to all this trouble, we should at least do this for her."

"Then come on." James said.

"How do you know where she is?" Sirius asked, as they chased after James.

"Be quiet and just follow me."


            So much for a perfect Christmas, Lily thought.  I wish I could get rid of this charm.  I hate feeling happy and miserable at the same time.  Just a few more minutes until the moon rises.  I wonder if the Charm has a reverse effect if no one is brought together?  Maybe.  This is already turning out to be the worst Christmas I can remember.  Worse than the year my parents ordered Petunia to go with me when I went Christmas caroling.  That would have been fine, if they had been able to agree on a song to sing.  Petunia liked Jingle Bells for some reason.  Lily wanted something more...poetic.  Like her favorite carol.

"Oh come all ye faithful." Lily sang softly.  She didn't know why she was singing, it just felt like the right thing to do.  And her favorite carol was as good as any other song.

"Joyful and triumphant." James continued, walking to stand beside her.  She smiled.  She knew what why he was here.  And she loved him for it.

"Oh come ye, oh come ye." they sang together.

"To Hogwarts!" Sirius sang loudly, grinning.  The remaining Marauders were making their way across the snow, grinning at Sirius' changing of the lyrics.

"Come and behold him." Remus sang.

"Born the king of angels." Peter sang, smiling.

"Oh come let us adore him." Lily continued.

"Oh come let us adore him." James and Sirius sang together.

"Oh come let us adore him.  Christ the Lord." The five of them finished together.

"Come on." Lily smiled.  She grabbed James' hand and they followed her back inside the castle.  She knew they understood now.  And they only had a few minutes until the moon rose.


            So much for her promise, Snape thought bitterly.  I should have known better than to trust a Gryffindor, especially Potter's girlfriend.  He'd immersed himself into his book for the last couple of hours.  He'd been there ever since the feast had ended.  Not that anyone cared.  He'd never felt so lonely, sitting there in the Common Room, knowing that there was no one there at all.  Even the fire seemed to give him no warmth.  He only looked up from his book when he thought he heard voices.  But that was impossible, wasn't it?  No one was in the Common room outside of himself.

"God rest ye merry gentleman, let nothing you dismay." the voices sang.  Where was that coming from, Snape wondered.  The ghosts perhaps?  No, it sounded like it was coming from the entrance to the common room, but why would anyone be out there?

"Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas day." the voices continued.  He followed the sound to the Common Room door.  Who could that possibly be?  "To save us all from Satan's power when we have gone astray."

"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy." He opened the door and stood in shock at the sight that greeted him.

"O tidings of comfort and joy." Lily finished, smiling.  The four Marauders stood with her.

"What?  You?  Why?" Severus stuttered.

"Merry Christmas Severus." Lily said, still smiling. "We've all called a truce, for today only.  I cast a charm on you when you were asleep, it guarantees a perfect Christmas."

"Lily cast a charm on all of us.  But we all had to be together for it to work." James explained. "It should take effect once the moon rises."

"Ten seconds." Remus told them.

"How do you know that?" Peter asked in surprise.

"Do you really have to ask?" he smiled.  "Three...two...one."

            It was like a wave had suddenly hit them.  They all stood absolutely still as a feeling of indescribable peace and joy came over them.  The book was right.  They had never felt so happy.  They all stood staring at one another as the wave seemed to pass, leaving them still feeling happy.  The feeling was indescribable, and left them absolutely speechless.

"Come on Severus." Lily said at last. "Let's all go caroling around the school."

            That was just what they did.  And even though Severus was spending Christmas with his enemies, and vice versa, they all remembered it as the best Christmas of their lives.  Really, Severus thought, they hadn't even needed the Charm to give them a perfect Christmas.  Overcoming their differences, if only temporary, was enough.  Even though, after Christmas break, they resumed their war, Severus couldn't help but be thankful for that one Christmas.  The first Christmas he had ever felt someone truly cared.  And thanks to Lily, he would always remember it.  It wasn't the Charm that had made that Christmas perfect, and Severus and the Marauders knew this.  It was Lily.  Because without her, who would have even tried to make peace?

A/N- And for anyone who wants to know what the Merry Christmas Charm is, here's the translation.  Most of my spells are in French because that's the translator I have on MS Word.  So anyway, here's what the charm means in English.

May your Christmas be bright and cheerful

May peace be in your heart

And may you always keep

This gift within your heart.