Truth or Dare: Matchmaker Edition

Chapter One- The Bet

Sakura's POV


Hello, my name is Sakura Haruno

I'm seventeen years old

And I'm a top-of-the-class senior at Konoha High School

Welcome to my turmoil


I nonchalantly walked down the halls of Konoha High School on a Friday afternoon. My backpack hung at my side and my short hair gave a wavy bounce with every step I took. Suddenly, a boy I recognized from my history class approached me.

"Hey, babe," he greeted, "have I seen you in my dreams before?"

"Yes," I replied, "only if 'in your dreams' means it will only be in your dreams you're probably right."

I continued to walk on. I huffed in annoyance. That was the third cheesy pick-up line I'd received since I walked onto campus today. I gratefully stopped in front of a group of people I call my friends.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Sakura, what's up?" My blond guy friend, Naruto, greeted loudly.

"Nothing, just the usual," I replied.

"Another desperate guy, I presume?" My other blond friend, Ino, inquired.

"How'd you know?" I asked sarcastically.

"I have the amazing power of mind reading." Ino replied with a snicker.

"I wonder what happens when you read your own brain, Ino." Naruto chuckled. "You hear elevator music?"

Ino gave Naruto a warning death glare before she jumped out to strangle him.

"I think you're confusing her brain with your own, Dobe." My raven-haired guy friend, Sasuke, interjected.

"Teme, you jerk!" Naruto fumed.

"P-please calm down." The voice of my final dark-haired friend, Hinata, stuttered.

"Yeah, I don't want to get in trouble with the principle again for getting involved in a fight." I stated.

"Hey, your bad luck for throwing a punch at me just as Principle Tsunade came into the hallway!" Naruto exclaimed.

"What was that, Naruto?" I glared, bitterly remembering the lecture I got from Principle Tsunade after the named incident.

Naruto slunk back a couple paces at my glare and hid behind Hinata, who ended up turning red when his hands rested on her shoulders in an attempt to cover himself. I calmed down and let out a sigh.

"Hey, before someone goes home with a black eye…again." Ino spoke out. Everyone turned their eyes from me to Naruto.

"One time, okay." I huffed. "Anyway, go on, Ino."

"I want to play a game!" Ino declared.

We all stared at her for a moment. Sasuke finally broke the silence. "Aren't we a little old for games?"

"Fine, fine, let's call it a bet!" Ino clarified.

Naruto perked up at the mention of a bet. "Cool, I'm in! It'll be great if I win again!"

Sasuke shot Naruto a glare as the memory of an old bet gone wrong went through our minds.

"Okay, so are you guys going to let me explain, or what?" Ino asked.

"Keep talking." I insisted.

"I propose a week-long game, with a few extra rules, of truth or dare!" Ino proclaimed.

We gave her weird and confused looks at her statement.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just let me explain it and all will be clear." Ino told us. "See, the thing is that all of next week we'll be on a non-stop game of truth or dare. The rules are simple: everyone gets three chances to ask truth or dare. Once you've used all three, your part stops. Of course you're still legible to be asked truth or dare by another that still has a turn left. Also, at the end of the week, we'll all tell who asked us, and if your score is over three, you'll succumb to the punishment of either the group chooses for you to do something embarrassing or you become the mule for the whole following week! Oh, yeah, and the truth or dare can be anything and there's no backing out once the question or dare has been given. Got it?"

"Okay!" Naruto cheered.

"Fine," I agreed.

"Hn, whatever," Sasuke grunted.

"A-alright," Hinata stammered.

"Okay, great! Time starts next week at the stroke of 12:01 AM!" Ino exclaimed.

"You call me at that time to ask me truth or dare and you won't make it to the end of the week, got it, Ino-pig?" I threatened.

"Yeah, yeah, well, later!" Ino called as the bell rang.

Next Monday'"'"'"

I walked down the halls as briskly as I could that morning. I silently cursed as my own realization dawned on me: the terrifying fact that not only did I have to deal with the possibility of getting asked some crazy truth or dare question by my friends, but even worse than that is that I completely forgot this was the same week as the big school dance on Friday.

This has Ino's full intent written all over it.

A guy from my biology class approached me. "Hey, are your feet hurting, because—"

"They're hurting from having to run away from you so much." I snapped and continued on my way. I felt slightly proud of that rejection. All the cheesy pick-up lines have taught me how to perfectly counter them.

"Hey, Sakura!" the last voice I wanted to hear called out to me. I reluctantly turned to see Ino as she ran up to me.

"Hey, Ino." I greeted.

"You will not believe what I just did!" Ino squealed.

"You did your homework?"

"Oh, hell no, I already have an excuse for not doing it. Anyway, you know how we're doing the truth or dare thing, right?"

"Yeah," I gulped.

"I set up Naruto and Hinata for the dance!"

I stared at Ino wide-eyed. "How the hell…?"

"I asked Naruto truth or dare, he picked dare, and I dared him to take Hinata to the dance!" Ino explained. "I took him to Hinata, he asked, and she fainted at first, but she finally said yes!"

"Good work, you're playing matchmaker. Just glad that takes away your ability to make me do that, seeing as you already used it."

Ino gave me a sly look.

"What're you…oh, hell no!" I exclaimed. "No freaking way, absolutely not!"

"Oh come oooon." Ino pouted. "This is a perfect chance for you!"

"Perfect chance for me to die of embarrassment, you mean!" I retorted.

Ino gave me a devilish smile. "I know you want to, though."

I blushed at her accusation. "What makes you say that?"

"Because I, Ino Yamanaka, know for a fact that you, Sakura Haruno, are totally crushing on our hunky guy friend, Sasuke Uchiha, that's why!"

I glared at Ino. "There's still no way in hell that I'll sink so low as to get him to take me on a bet we made! You know how degrading that sounds!"

"You know how perfectly romantic that sounds?"

"You know how totally cliché that sounds?"

"You know how completely in denial you sound?"

"Okay, this is getting annoying." I huffed. "Let me make this clear. I—am—not—making—Sasuke—take—me—to—the—dance—through—a—dare."


I growled and a little harder than lightly slapped Ino across the cheek. She stared at me astounded for a moment before she smacked me with an equal force in return. I hit her again, she returned the gesture, next thing I knew we were repeatedly smacking each other.

"What are you two doing?" A voice asked.

We looked to the side and, curse my luck, there stood Sasuke.

Ino threw her arm around my shoulder. "Nothing, nothing, just talking with our hands, it's a new form of sign language!"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at Ino, but shrugged it off. "Come on, Sakura, let's get to class."

"Math class already?" I proclaimed. "Where does the time go?"

"Apparently you pass it by slapping Ino." Sasuke replied.

I reddened slightly and walked out of Ino's grasp. I took one last look at her and quickly wished I hadn't. She pointed at Sasuke and me and made a small heart with her hands. I stuck my tongue out at her and continued to walk on with Sasuke.

"This week is going to be torture…." I mentally moped.

Chapter one completed even if I haven't made a title yet! (At least that's how it stands as I type this.) This chapter isn't extremely funny, but my beginning chapters typically, in my opinion, suck because I'm bad at openings. It will get funnier though, and I'll be keeping up the romantic-ness! (How can you not when you have Ino around to play matchmaker?) Anyway, second chapter will be coming up soon!