
This is for MrsWalterBlythe, who inspired me to write this. I hope you like it.

I was born and raised in Canada so I knew about Anne since an early age, though didn't read the books till I was 10. I live in Ontario, and it my one true wish to see PEI, well other than Europe and Tokyo. Rilla is one of my favourite of the kids. Nan and Di, actually never been, but I got to thinking what would happen if Anne never knew she was going to have twins until the moment they were born.

Now first off this was written years ago, almost 10 years ago when I was just out of high school.

Anyway since I had a few minutes today I copy and pasted to doc manager and edited the errors with the software I do have now. This is the final product so I hope you enjoy the edited version.


6 Hours

Gilbert walked through the bedroom door followed by the other Dr. Dave. He went next to Anne who was reclining on many fluffy pillows. Sweat beaded on her forehead and her nightgown would have been unbuttoned indecently if it was any other occasion.

"Gil! Darling" Anne said breathlessly.

"You're doing good, Anne-girl. A little while longer." Gil said wiping her forehead with a cool cloth.

"You said that last time," Anne said sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"Walter was only six hours of labour," Gil chuckled as he joked about her last labour before he had a pillow thrown at him.

"Do not mock me Gilbert John Blythe, or I will make sure this is our last child," Anne said working through a contraction.

Dr. Dave snorted from his post at the end of the bed.

"The child is fully turned?" He asked.

"My ribs have proof," Anne said. "This child kicks so much, Gil is almost sure its girl." She glared at Gilbert who just grinned and smiled.

"Well, I am going to have the nurse do a quick examination, Mrs. Blythe. While your husband and I go make a pot of coffee." Dr. Dave said.

Anne just nodded before moaning at another contraction. Waving them off, as the nurse smiled at her and went to wash her hands.

Now, Gil, I know you've been taking care of Anne during the pregnancy. Now I don't see anything amiss. Though she is quite a bit larger than her last three pregnancies." The doctor said as Gil found the coffee pot and put it on the stove, while the doctor looks around for some hidden cookies or something that they always had around.

"Don't say that around her, she gets very emotional over her size Uncle," Gil warned him having learned the hard way.

"Have you ever thought it might be twins?" Dr. Dave.

"Of course I have, but Anne has this odd aversion to twins. So I didn't dare say, do you think I might be?" Gil said as he grabbed some coffee cups from the shelf. "I only ever heard one heartbeat though. Cream or sugar?"

"Black thanks, heartbeats can mesh together so they sound like one. One may even hide behind the other so we may not feel it." Dr. Dave said. "I guess we will just have to wait and see Gilbert boy, now where did you hide those delicious cookies the housekeeper of yours makes all the time."

Gil laughed at grabbed the jar and took a few out to have with their late night drink, which Dr. Dave secretly poured a small amount of whiskey into the expectant fathers. He learned long ago that Gil may seem calm and collected as a doctor, but the father inside of him always replays the birth of little white Joy every time Anne went into labour.

8 ½ Hours

Anne breathing was laboured as worked through the surges that ran through her body. She was tired and sweating, nowhere near having this child it seemed to her. Why did women have to go through the trials of childbirth? The pains were coming closer and closer, she was glad Little Jem and Small Walter had been sent to neighbours so they wouldn't hear her muffled screams. As she walked down the short hallway of Ingleside with Gilbert at her side, she stopped as she felt another contraction. She knew them well by now. The creeping from the back of her spin forward with gripping pain to the centre of her stomach holding for a good moment before disappearing as he clutched Gilbert's hand tell it died down creeping back to her spine.

"Ready to go back to the bed?" Gilbert asked her knowing it would be another one five minutes before another. Her long braids slowly unravelling, curly strands stuck to her forehead.

"I'm ready to have this child out of me," Anne said. "I should have used something heavier than a slate that day, and maybe I wouldn't be in this pain."

"Slate or no Slate, you still would have had children at one point in your life," Gilbert said. "I'm just glad they're mine. I'm glad you're mine." He kissed her forehead as they reached the bedroom.

"Sweet talk gets you nowhere," Anne told him pointedly and she slowly lowered herself onto the bed.

10 hours

"Alright Mrs. Blythe, you're just about ready to push." The nurse said.

"I can't do this, I'm not ready for this," Anne whimpered. She was never ready for this part. She saw the nurse open her mouth to say something sympathetic. "Argh-!" Anne screamed as she felt the surge of one strongest contraction of the night hit her. She staggered up onto her knees as she held the iron footboard of the bed.

10 hours and 20 Minutes,

Anne relaxed as she heard the baby cry.

"You have a daughter Gilbert, Anne." Dr. Dave said. "Looks like she has red hair." He teased Anne and handed the baby to Gilbert.

"Look at her Anne, isn't she amazing," Gilbert said bringing the crying baby to her mother.

"She's our little Diana.," Anne said taking in the child. "The boys are going to be sad, that they have a sister, they 'desper'ly wanted another brother."

"They'll get used to her," Gil said kissing his wife's forehead.

"Gil-" Anne said cutting short, as Gil passed the baby to the nurse. "Why do I feel like I have push again!"

"You're going to have to give us a few more pushes Anne Dear." Dr. Dave said quickly washing his hands once more. "Seems like you're not having one child tonight but two!" He said somewhat excitedly.

"No-no-no, no you can't...not twins." She cried as she felt the need to push.

11 hours

"Another little girl," Gilbert said as two little babes sat contently in their mother's arms.

"I guess it not my future to ever escape twins. At least, these ones will be little darlings. What should we name Diana's little sister?" Anne said, she was bathed and in a clean nightgown, hair down and curling around her shoulders.

"Well always could call her the other half of the friendship," Gil said.

"We're not calling her Gilly or Gilda," Anne said.

"I sure hope not, I meant we should call her Anne. Of course, we would have to find a pet name, two Anne's in one house would be confusing." Gilbert said laughing.

"Diana and Anne, it does it suit them as their hair colours are switched around," Anne said. "Anne with brown hair, instead of red."

"It's perfect," Gilbert said and kissed the top of her head. "Our little Diana, and maybe we can all her Nan or something till we think of something better."

"Actually Nan sound wonderful Gilbert dearest. Nan and Di may you be the best of friends." Anne said as she yawned.

"Alright, Anne-girl time for you to rest," Gilbert said taking Diana and laying her in the bassinet before joining her sister with her.

"As much I wish to stay awake and stay awake just to watch them, I don't think I can," Anne said snuggling under the covers.

"I'll check the house and go pick up the boys," Gilbert said kissing her forehead. "I'll be back within the hour."

Anne drifted off to sleep, she didn't even realize when her husband came back into the room an hour or so later.

"Well Mrs. Dr. Dear, are you up to see the boys?" Susan said as she carried a tray of breakfast for Anne.

"Oh, of course, Susan, they must be dying to know," Anne smiled as she looked at her sleeping daughters on the bed beside her. She could hear the little footsteps race up the stairs. Jem who was four was the fastest made it to the door first.

"Mommy?" he asked poking his head in cautiously. "What did the stork bring?"Jem said as little Walter crawled underneath his brother and crawled up to the bed.

"Mama!" Walter pulled himself by the bed.

"Come here boys," Gilbert said picking them both up as he came in behind them. "Come meet your little sisters."

"Sisters, yuck!" Jem said making a face all he knew was his best friend had a little sister and she followed them everywhere. "Why two?"

Anne laughed joyfully and ran her hand though Jems ruddy locks. "Because they are twins, this one is Di she has red hair. And the other is Nan, she has brown hair."

"Babies pretty," Walter said looking at them dreamily and his parents laughed at him and he didn't understand why.

Review please I like to hear what people think!