What to do when the woman you love insists on sneaking out of her bed in the middle of the night and jumping off the ship? Well, here's what I think…Please READ and REVIEW!!! Much love, Cat


"Dimitri, I cannot allow this," protested Vlad as he watched his friend push the trunk up against the side of the lower bunk.

"You can argue as much as you want, Vlad but it won't make a difference," the younger man responded as he tossed his mattress over the makeshift bed and added his blanket and the pillows he had managed to charm out of the captain's wife.

"Neither of you is married, and as a single gentleman you cannot share her bed without doing irreparable damage to her reputation," Vlad said sternly.

"Relax, no one outside of this room will know and it's not like I have anything but the purest of intentions. I need to keep an eye on her and this is the best way to do so. Who knows when she'll want to go traipsing out in the middle of the night again so she can fling herself off the side of the ship?" said Dimitri dryly.

"Yes, well…it isn't proper," finished Vlad lamely.

"I could care less about propriety if it keeps her alive. Besides, I don't hear her objecting," Dimitri pointed out.

"That's because I haven't told her yet," said Vlad quietly.

Dimitri stopped adjusting his new bed and swung back to his friend. "You haven't told her yet?" he asked worriedly, his stomach plunging to his boots when the shake of Vlad's head confirmed that Dimitri had heard him correctly and he was about to be confronted by the shrewish version of Anya that appeared whenever he told her about a new development in their plan to make her a grand duchess.


So, there it is. The long awaited second Anya-Dimitri story. I hope you're happy. I know it took me a while, but when inspiration hits, it hits, and when it doesn't well…nothing happens. Fortunately for you, Thalia and Erato have released me from slavishly writing Greek mythology and have let me return to you. So, show your appreciation with lots of lovely REVIEWS!!!