AN: This is an exra special chapter that I thought of after I finished it. So, this is what happened on the night of Kyo's bachelor party!

Hatori Sohma knew that the night ahead of him was going to be one he would regret the moment Samii stepped out of the house and Shigure pounced on him from behind.

"Ha'ri! Let's go drinking, yeah? We'll take Yuki and Kyo to a strip joint," Shigure said excitedly.

"And you know exactly what Samii would do to me if she found out I had an almost naked girl rubbing up on me so I would tell her it was your fault," he responded nonchalantly.

Shigure, after imagining Samii's fury which hell hath no. Then he shivered and said, "Okay well, can we at least go buy alcohol and drink it here?"
Ha'ri rolled his eyes then said, "Ask Kyo. It's his party."

"Actually the best man is supposed to plan the bachelor party," Haru said in his flat voice, walking into the house.

"Don't you ever knock?" Ha'ri asked while Shigure was having a fit.

"Haru! You're underage, you can't enjoy a party like we can!"

"I'll be the designated driver," he stated.

"You don't have a license," Ha'ri responded, confused.

Haru stared at them both and said, "So?"

Ha'ri facepalmed while Shigure said, "Well, Ha'ri and I must go get the alcohol for the fun. You can't plan the party, I shall do it! We'll be back." Then left to go to the liquor store.

Ha'ri stood off to the side with his arms crossed, watching as Shigure ran around the store picking up anything colorful that caught his eye. When he eventually went up to the counter, the guy asked for his ID, mostly because he looked like a 12-year-old running around a candy store.
Once they got back to the house, Haru was sitting in front of the TV, playing some video game. Kyo and Yuki were arguing as per usual. Ha'ri and Shigure set the alcohol on the table and the boys stared at it. Kyo and Yuki looked at each other then the table. Kyo reached forward and grabbed a bottle. Thus began the night filled with drinking.

Several hours of drinking later... (AN: I didn't wanna type out them all drinking. Just imagine silly boy talk.)

"I wonder whatever happened to that John guy," Shigure slurred, turning to look at Ha'ri.

"Who's John?" Haru asked from the floor. He had positioned himself there so he could see everyone at once.

"Samii'ss psycho, cheating ex," replied Kyo, "I hope that bassstard diesss!!"

It took all his willpower not to laugh at how drunk they were all getting. "Do you know where the guy lives?" he asked.

"No, but I think Samii has an address book somewhere upstairs," replied Ha'ri automatically.

Yuki and Kyo looked at each other, at Ha'ri then up at the ceiling. Haru grinned and said, "Who's up for a good, old-fashioned blanet party?"

"What's a blanket party?" Shigure asked as Kyo jumped up and ran up the stairs. He made it about halfway before tripping on his own feet and falling back down. Yuki laughed as he stood and went over to walk up the stairs to Samii's room, Ha'ri following to make sure they didn't rifle through her stuff.

"A blanket party sensei is when you throw a blanket over someone's head and then beat the living crap out of them so that they cannot see who you are. I believe a blanket party is in order," Haru replied simply.

"Found two Johns in her address book so we're going to both," Kyo shouted, coming back down the stairs.

"Wait, Kyo," Haru said, standing up and walking over to him, taking the book from him and reading it, "They have phone numbers, let's just call them and ask if they ever dated a Samii before."

They stared at him in drunken amazement. "Wow," said Shigure, "Good plan, Haru."

"You know, your brain works when it hasn't been all fuzzed up by alcohol," Haru replied simply, walking to the phone. After the two phone calls, they found John and loaded into the car. Haru had to drive since he was the only sober one even though he didn't have a license.

It took him a while to find it as it was Haru's directionally challenged self and a bunch of drunk people. Eventually, they just stopped somewhere and Yuki, the most sober one, went inside to get directions. He, then, told Haru how to get there. They stopped outside John's house and waited.

"So, do we just go up to his house and ring the doorbell or something?" Shigure said, reaching for the handle.

"No, he could have someone in the house. Unless you can lure him away. Most likely though, since it's a weekend and he's rather young, he's probably out at a club or something. We should just wait for him," Haru said.

There was silence then Yuki commented, "You are diabolical."

"Yeah, are you sure that you're not a girl at heart?" Kyo asked.

"If I were a girl, I'd be trying to ruin his reputation or something of the sort. Women wound with words. We men are all fists and violence," Haru replied nonchalantly, "Now, we should probably get out and wait in those bushes over there so we can sneak up on him once he gets here."

They did just that and as it turns out, they didn't have to wait long before a car was pulling into the driveway and a slight drunken John was getting out of the car. He started toward the other side of the car, where they could see a passed out girl in the passenger side. Haru motioned and they ran at him, throwing the blanket over his head then started to wail on him. Kyo, Yuki and Haru did all the martial arts moves they could think of while Ha'ri just punch where he thought John's head was. Shigure just beat him with a stick he had picked up while they crouched in the bushes. When they figured John had passed out, they stuck him in the backseat of his car and headed back to theirs, Shigure giggling.

On the way back, they retold the story to each other as if the others hadn't been there. Ha'ri relayed the story of Samii beating up Shiho and how he finally had an equal story. They pulled up and went inside to continue drinking. This time, their celebration was a bit more hardcore. They played music loudly and Shigure voiced the opinion that he should call strippers again, which was then heartily turned down by every other guy in the room.

"Fine," Shigure pouted, "I'll just have to settle with Ha'ri." This statement was coupled with Shigure hugging Ha'ri, who tried to push him away but was unsuccessful.

"Well, I'm going to go to bed," said Yuki.

"Nighty night, Yuki, my boy," Shigure said, still not letting go of Ha'ri.

Yuki just ignored him and left the living room. Unfortunately, he made it to the stairs, tripped and hit his head, thereby passing out on the stairs. Kyo, also deciding to sleep, started to crawl out of the room. Crawling because he had decided to stay on the floor, stating earlier that standing up would make him fall off the world. He made it to the hallway before just falling asleep.

"Well since everyone else is going to sleep, we shall as well!" Shigure announced, dragging Ha'ri to the floor.

"What do you mean 'we' cause I am not sleeping with you," Ha'ri replied.

"Yeah, sensei, didn't you know that you have to give him flowers and call him pretty first?" Haru joked, playing some Final Fantasy game.

"Shut up," Ha'ri growled, trying to wrestle away from Shigure.

"You're not getting away so you might as well resign yourself to that fact and become my uke," Shigure said, becoming the "big spoon" of their little cuddlefest.

"I hate you," Ha'ri replied monotonously.

"Good night, you two," Haru said happily. The night had turned out well. They fell asleep quickly and all was silent... for about an hour. Then Samii and Tohru came home.

AN: Oh Haru, you are so evil ^_^

So, Death Note won the poll so I guess I'll be doing that one next! So, would you guys like me to do one that pretty much just goes right along with the story (like Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes) or just go along with whatever (like Kiss the Girl)? I have ideas for both so it doesn't really matter which you choose.

By the way, I read back a couple chapters and realized on one of them, I put the disclaimer as Death Note instead of Fruits Basket XD Hehe oops.