Hello again!!! It has been a will since I last put up a fanfiction and, for those that are interested, i haven't disappeared of the face of the earth. I have been deprived of coffee for the last three days and for me that is a bad thing so I'm sorry if it's not that good.


Basically, Momiji is terrified of thunderstorms and whenever one strikes he needs to go to the only place he feels safe, Haru's arms. Rated T just to be on the safe side.


Momiji and Haru, the best pairing in the world. Anyone that says otherwise is an idiot, a liar or both.


I don't own Momiji *sob* Haru *sob again* or any of the other Fruits Baskets characters *breaks down in floods of tears*


The Rabbit, the Cow and the thunderstorm

In the garden of the Sohma estate, Momiji Sohma walked in the darkness, between the many cherry blossom trees that grew there. He hummed softly to himself as he walked, getting lost in thoughts about his lover, the one that had been on the young rabbit's mind all day.

Momiji was not afraid of the dark; in at he loved these times at night when he could be all by himself and think. As he reached the large pond that lay in a corner of the garden, he sat down on the cold stone that surrounded the water and gazed at the Kio fish that swam there. A small, far away smile spread across his face as images of his loved one came floating back into his mind, just like the lily pads were floating softly on the top of the water.


From his room up at the Sohma household, Hatsuharu Sohma peered down into the garden and at one place in particular, the pond where a certain young rabbit sat, staring down into the water. Hatsuharu had been watching Momiji for some time now as he felt he couldn't sleep knowing that the one he cared most about was out in the cold, dark garden all alone. Haru wouldn't go down there either because he knew that Momiji liked to be alone at times like this. So the older boy just watched his rabbit from the safety of his room.


There was a soft rumble over head followed by a clap of lightening as rain began to all from the sky. Momiji's heart began to race as he heard the thunder and saw the lightening. He was terrified of storms and hated being alone when they were raging outside. He got up quickly from the cold stone floor and ran to the place where he felt safest, Haru's room.

By the time Momiji had reached Hatsuharu's bedroom he was shaking with fear and soaked to the skin. He knocked quietly on the door and waited patiently or it to open.

When he heard the knock on the door, Hatsuharu knew straight away who it was as he had watched Momiji run inside and the rabbit was the only one who came to his room during thunderstorms. He stood from his place by the window and walked to the door, which he opened and tried to look surprised to see the little rabbit staring back up at him.

"M'iji? What are you doing here? Why are you all wet?" Haru asked the younger boy, trying to make out that he hadn't been watching him all night.

Momiji looked down at his feet and was about to answer when the thunder clapped loudly again. He jumped forwards and clung to the nearest thing that just happened to be Haru. "I-I'm scared of the storm Haru-chan. I don't want to be alone!" Momiji cried into Haru's chest, "C-can I stay with you again please Haru-chan? I'm scared!"

A small smile spread across the older boy's face as he ruffled the rabbit's wet blonde hair. "Nothing can hurt you now, M'iji, I won't let it. You know you can always come to me M'iji and you don't need to ask, but you're going to freeze in those clothes. Come in."

Haru walked Momiji, who refused to let go of his cow, into the room and seated him down on the bed. Then, after persuading Momiji to let go of him, Haru went to find something that might fit the smaller boy. The best he could find was an old shirt of his that was too small for him anyway. He handed it to the younger boy, who accepted it gratefully and peeled his soaked clothes away from his body before changing. Whilst he was doing this, Haru was forcing himself not to look at the younger boy change, but he couldn't help taking a few longing glance at Momiji. The shirt ell way below the rabbit's knees, but it was a lot better than his wet pyjamas and it was Haru's so it meant a lot to the rabbit.

Once he was hanged, another lap of thunder and a flash of lightening made Momiji squeak in right and run into Haru's waiting arms. Haru picked up the younger boy and carried him over to the bed, gently placing the rabbit down before climbing in next to him and pulling the covers up over them. Momiji clung to Haru's shoulders and Haru wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's waist, pulling them closer together. Momiji was still shaking from his fear of the storm but felt safer now that he was in the other boy's arms. Momiji closed his eyes and smiled as he snuggled closer to Haru.

"Thank you Haru-chan." Momiji yawned, feeling himself drifting off to sleep.

Haru kissed the top of the younger boy's head lovingly and whispered in his ear; "Love you M'iji."

The rabbit's smile grew wider and his grip tightened on his lover as he whispered back; "I love you too Haru-chan."

The sound o the storm seemed to die away to Momiji as Haru held him close to his chest. The two of them were soon sound asleep in each other's arms. Unknown to both o them, their evil God Akito was listening outside the cow's bedroom. His eyes filled with hatred as he heard the two boys whisper their love for each other. Akito stalked back to his own room in a foul mood, thinking about how badly he could hurt the two boys for simply loving each other.

THE END!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if I am just going to leave this as a one shot or not. If anyone has any suggestions or requests they will be most welcome. That's all for now, just one last thing to say:


Sorry to all those mad people out there that like her.