Well, this is to be the final chapter on The Rabbit, The Cow and The Thunderstorm. It's sad for me as I have been working on this for absolutely ages and I have no idea what I am going to write about next. But, in a way I am glad that this is the end. My brain (or what pathetic excuse I have for a brain) hurts from thinking about plot lines and such! ;) Anyway, let's get going.

The Rabbit, The Cow and The Thunderstorm

Chapter Four

Momiji suddenly pulled away from Haru, as is he had been given an electric shock. He backed away from the taller boy, shaking his head.

"N-no, Haru-chan, I-I-I can't do this, I'm sorry."

"M'iji, its ok," Haru said gently, taking a step towards the small rabbit, "I know Akito made you do it and..."

"H-he said he would hurt you if I didn't stop seeing you. I can't be with you Haru-chan; I can't let him hurt you. I'm sorry."

Momiji backed against the wall, wrapping his arms around himself but wincing and crying in pain as he did so. Haru took another worried step towards the smaller boy.

"Show me M'iji. Show me what he did to you."

Reluctantly and slowly, Momiji removed the pyjama shirt that Hatori had lent him, revealing to Haru a horrific sight. The cow gasped out loudly and stumbled backwards at what he saw, one hand covering his mouth. Bruises covered the smaller boy sides, where his ribs were. More bruises dominated his pale back, tiny arms and shaking shoulders. In fact there was more bruising than there was skin. Haru felt anger well up inside of himself again.

"H-He did that to you," Haru growled staring horrified at his rabbit's broken body. "He did t-that...t-to...you! That... That..." Haru couldn't think of any words to describe his hatred for their 'God.' Instead he just shook his head in anger, clenching his fists.

"I-It was my fault," Momiji whispered, silent tears streaming down his face again, "I should never have come to you last night. H-He heard everything. And now I can't be with you because... because he said he'd hurt you and if I did and I can't let him do that, Haru, I just can't!" Momiji collapsed to his knees, crying loudly into his hands. Immediately, Haru made his way to the one he loved, kneeling before him and enclosing the rabbit gently in his arms. Haru stroked Momiji's hair, rocking him in his arms, careful not to hurt him.

"M'iji, M'iji please stop crying," Haru hushed, holding the smaller boy closer to him. "It was not your fault and don't ever say it was. M'iji, I want to be with you and I don't care about Akito or what he does to me. I let him do this to you and I-I should have done everything I could to stop him. I want to protect you; from Akito, from the storms, from everything in this cruel world that would even try to hurt you. Please M'iji, I love you, let me protect you."

Momiji looked up into Haru's caring, tear-filled eyes and a small shaky smile sound its way through his own tears. Slowly reaching up, he gently pressed his lips to Haru's. Haru didn't hesitate for a second; tightening his grip slightly on the small boy and kissing back passionately. They could have stayed like that for ever, locked in their loving embrace, but the small problem of the need for air forced their lips apart again. They rested their foreheads against each other's, their tears mingling as they ran down pale cheeks.

"B-but Akito?" Momiji choked, gripping the front of Haru's shirt as if it were the only thing keeping him alive.

Haru kissed the top of the little rabbit's head, burying his face in the smaller boy's golden locks. "I don't care about Akito and I don't care what he does to me. But, he is never going to touch you again and if he comes within ten feet of you, I will kill him." Haru growled the last few words out making Momiji giggle and tighten (if possible) his grip on his lover.

Haru smiled hearing the small boy laugh; everything seemed to be back to normal again. "So, what do you say, M'iji. Are we back together again of what?"

Blushing, Momiji gazed back up into Haru's smiling face and nodded his head.

Grinning like a mad man, Haru replaced his lips against Momiji's, his hands circling the smaller boy's waist, bringing the rabbit onto his lap. Both of Momiji's hands rested on the taller boy shoulders and wrapping his legs around Haru's waist brought their bodies closer together.

A crash of thunder followed immediately by a fork of flashing lightening brought both of them back to the real world. Squealing in fright, Momiji jumped and hid his face in the crook of Haru's neck.

"It's ok, M'iji. The storm's not going to hurt you. It's all going to be ok." Haru gently rubbed Momiji's bare bruised back, trying to calm him down but not hurt him.

"H-Haru-chan," Momiji stammered, shaking uncontrollably, "Haru-chan, w-will you stay with me tonight? Please?"

Haru lifted Momiji off of the floor and carried him over to the bed. "I'll stay with you, M'iji. I'll stay with you whenever you need me too, I'll stay with you forever if you want me too. Anything to make you happy. I love you M'iji and I am never going to leave you or let anything hurt you ever again."

Haru gently led Momiji down on the bed, crawling up next to and pulling the blankets over both of them. Momiji rested his head on Haru's chest and placed his hands on his lover's shoulders. Haru wrapped his arms around his tiny rabbit, pulling their bodies closer together and promising never to let go of him.

The storm may have been raging loudly outside and not everything was right in the world, but at that moment in time none of it mattered to Hatsuharu Sohma. The only thing that mattered to him was the sleeping boy in his arms and making sure that nothing and no one could ever hurt or upset his lover ever again.


That's it. It's over. No more. Now I feel depressed. Know what would cheer me up? REVIEWS!!

Please, if you liked it/hated it please tell me. I don't care if it's good or bad, I just want you review!!!