Hermione Granger had always prided herself on her efficiency. Ever since she had started S.P.E.W she had fought for the rights of the House Elfs. She was currently on her way to the headmasters office to present her latest case. She knew that he had to listen to this one.

"I need to have a word with the Headmaster." she stated to the stone gargoyle. She knew that the thing was sentient. She had read so in Hogwarts a History. She also knew that it would relay the message to the headmaster. It was also the reason that he always knew who was entering. She was awoken from her quite contemplation when it jumped to the side allowing her entrance. She wasted no time and soon found herself in front of the door leading to the office of one of the most powerful people in the wizarding world. This however did not scare her. She was a witch on a mission. She had to do this for the sake of the wizarding world.

"Enter." came a soft grandfatherly voice from the other side of the door. She quickly entered and prepared for what she knew to be at least an hour long presentation. She knew this because she had timed herself.

"Headmaster. I have come here to discuss with you the terms of the house elfs employment. It is-"

"I agree completely Ms. Granger. I to believe that they should have a movie night. I also just so happen to have a magical projector and a copy of both Ghost Busters and Ghost Busters 2. Now if I could be so kind as to set it up for them it would be very helpful." and with that he handed her a shrunken chest and ushered her out of his office. "Phew just dodged a bullet there. Now where did I put my Lego?" and with that the headmaster began to search his office for his missing Lego.

Meanwhile Hermione was slowly becoming aware of the fact that she had just been played. She knew that the headmaster knew always knew what was going on in his castle so she had no doubt that he had intentionally confused her to get out of the presentation that she had. Regardless she had definitely accomplished something today. And he was right. The House Elfs did indeed deserve a movie night and she was gonna give it to them. It was then that she realized that her feet had already carried her to the Great Hall. She wasted no time setting the projector and screen up and after enchanting a candle to focus its light into a more concentrated and brighter beam she was ready.

"Dobby." she called knowing that the elf would come. And she was not disappointed for as soon as the name left her lips the energetic elf arrived. "Dobby I have orders from the headmaster. This is very important the fate of the free world depends on these orders. He has decided that it would be wise to study these two movies and he has chosen you House Elfs to be his researchers. So call the other elves and watch both the movies." and with that she spun on her heal and left. Maybe she could go and find Harry and convince him to do some "Homework". Yeah she was sure that she could.

After she had left Dobby wasted no time in setting up a theater. He summoned rows of semi comfortable seats with copious amounts of questionable substance on the floor. After this was done he summoned the other elves and sat down to enjoy the show... er begin research. Right that was it.

After three hours of watching the movies the house elves had determined what it was that the headmaster wanted them to see. Although their decision may have been hampered by the large amounts of Butterbeer that they had ingested no one would doubt that this is what they were to do. It had been decided that Dumbledore wanted four of them to dress up as the Ghostbusters and attack Voldemort. It was decided that the attack force would be made up of Dobby, Blub, Wanny, and Groc. It was further decided that they would need a secretary. No one knew why it was necessary but it was so they had chosen Winky for the job.

It took the elves several long and grueling minutes to conjure all the equipment that would be needed from the movies but once they had it all it took no time at all to suit up. After they had been suited they decided that before they left to destroy the dark lord they would need to test the equipment. This of course led to a rousing game of 'Chase the Ghost' much to the displeasure of several of the Hogwarts ghosts. Once they were satisfied that they could use the gear decently they left. Soon they all thought soon the dark lord would be no more.

… … …

Somewhere in England.

A group of four stood outside a manor that belonged to the dark lord. This was it no turning back now. Not that they were going to regardless but this felt like the right thing for all of them to think in the situation. Quickly they charged the front door. As soon as they came upon the door they popped themselves into the throne room. Being house elves there was no way they were gonna try and fight their way into the room. Once inside they found their target. He was sitting next to a table that had a box labeled 'Dumbledore's Lego Don't Touch' but they didn't care. He looked up as they approached.

"Grab your stick." Dobby said with a smirk. As one they all drew their weapons of ghostly destruction.

"Holdin'" came the reply from the other three equally smirking elves.

"Heat 'em up" Dobby said and once again as one they activated their machines as the other three replied "Smokin'"

"Make 'em hard." Dobby called and everyone released the safety off their guns as they shouted "Ready."

"Lets show this bastard how we do things in Hogwarts... Throw It." he screamed and as one they shot. Unfortunately even with all their practice their aim was still horrible and no one came close to hitting the Dark Lord. Instead they each hit one of the four doors in the room melting them together so no one could enter.

"Right Maybe we should try that one again and this time keep our eyes open as we do it." Blub stated as he looked at the mess they had made.

"Yeah that might just help a little." Groc agreed. Once again they took aim and keeping their eyes open fired upon the Dark Lord. The four beams struck him with the force of a rampaging dragon and Voldemort was instantly thrown off his feet. Dazed and confused he looked at the three elves with something that he had never felt in a long time. Fear. The elves seeing this renewed their efforts. Outside all the death eaters could hear were what they assumed to be spell fire, many curses of the muggle variety. Then they heard what would scar them for the rest of their lives.

"Oh My God you crossed the streams." Dobby screamed. The four elves watched as the Dark Lord was consumed in a marvelous display of colors the likes of which could not be described (Mainly cause we don't have the budget for it.). Eventually it got too bright for them and when it finally died down there was nothing left but a pile of ash and Dumbledore's collection of Lego.

… … …

No one knew what happened to Voldemort. The death eaters who had been there insisted that it was the work of super powerful gods. Dumbledore eventually got his Lego back after the house elves had finished playing with it. Hermione continued her crusade to give elves more rights but eventually settled for making movie night mandatory for every elf in England. But for Dobby, Blub, Wanny, and Groc they knew the truth. They had saved the world. Though it still wasn't as good a feeling as sliding down the banister in the main hall.