"What I Wanted Was A Plastic Heart"


There are times when Edward truly hates Winry.

In those moments he hates everything he could possibly hate about her- her golden smile and the shafts of light that wedge around her head, hates the wrench that slams against his skull and hates the color reflected in her eyes, hates every last bit of her.

He hates her evey movement and the way she measures his leg when he needs new automail and especially- he hates her cooking. Hates how flour powders over her hands and hates the stains those blueberries make, hates that she hates blueberries and Alphonse can't eat and that she goes out of her way to make pie for him, especially. Guilt. Hate.

Edward hates that she's the tie he and Alphonse have to Risembool, hates that she's taken what he's given her, unwittingly, and molded it into something beautiful, an alchemy he'll never learn and can only grudgingly admire the product of.

And there are times when Edward loves Winry.

In those moments he loves everything he could possibly love about her- bare feet shoved into sandals and the freckles on the insides of her elbows and that golden, wonderful smile. Loves how she leans over the porch railing, flashing a light to guide he and his brother home again, and he loves every bit of her, then.

He loves the curves and curls and bumps and imperfections that form her- form her perfection. He loves how he can cup her hips and barely make her out in the milky dawn light, how she protests in a grumble when he pulls her back on the bed when she figures she'd better get up and finish that commission. It's love, it's passion. Fire.

And Edward loves how she's he and Alphonse's tie to Risembool, loves how she admired his plastic heart and molded it, until it became something worth something.


( A/N :Whee ~ this was inspired by a theme on a Soul Eater prompt table, on LJ. I'm not exactly unhappy with this ficlet- no, I rather like it. EdWin isn't my OTP, but its fun to write about and explore. So .. Take a minute or so and review? I might make more of these little drabbles, if it turns out people like them. o w o

Thanks for reading and have a fantasmic day ! :D )