Long time so see, eh? I can't get inspired for anything; I just don't have time. I wrote this drabble-thing a while ago, and I think it's okay. Sort of numb and unfeeling and…odd.

The teens' identities should be obvious, and if it's not, they're Malik and Ryou. I make their personalities sort of different. Hopefully in a good way, but still. And, be warned of angst! Well, sort of. Just expect dark moods, 'kay?

Enjoy the work of my random brain!

DISCLAIMER: I seriously don't own it.


Two teens sat in a long silence, each letting their mind wander here and there. It was late at night in Domino Park, and they were the only two souls around. Rain was coming down in a light drizzle; not that either of them noticed.

Or, rather, cared.

Thin clouds were overhead, and low rumbles of distant thunder could be heard in the stillness of the place. The calming sounds of late traffic far away mixed with the lulling beat of the rain drops made the teens feel at ease.

This didn't happen often.

Then, out of the blue, one of them stated, "Life isn't fair."

He didn't expect an answer.

He got one anyway.

"It never is. We're living proof of that, the two of us." His light brown eyes flickered toward his companion.

A smirk played on the blonde's lips. "We do have plenty of luck, don't we?"

He was answered with a nod. "Yes we do," he chuckled bitterly, "but not of the good variety."

The park fell silent again. They rain became a tad heavier, and the gusts of wind picked up strength. The white locks of the younger one stuck heavily to his soaked shirt, and fell stubbornly in his eyes.

He didn't react.

Lightning flashed brightly, illuminating the world below. The whitette could see that the Egyptian had his eyes closed. His strands of golden hair hung lifeless, and drops of water ran down his flushed cheeks. He looked like he was asleep.

His friend knew he wasn't.

A minute later, the teen asked a question. "Do you miss him?" He didn't open his eyes.

He didn't have to ask whom. "Yeah, I do," he sighed, sending a look to the ground. "A lot."

This time, lavender orbs fluttered open. "Me too." Anger flashed over his face, and he groaned out loud. Rain (tears?) fell all over his face, and his eyes seemed distant. "I hate him so much. He ruined my entire life...all of it. He made my life a total and complete living Hell." He let a choked breath out. "God, I miss him."

"I should hate him. I should hate him with all of my heart! He messed up my every dream; swallowed all of my hope..."

"...But it doesn't matter."

The pale one shook his head. "No. He was the other half of me; my soul. He was apart of me!"

"And when he left, he took apart of you with him," his friend finished. The tainted hikari let out a bitter laugh into the dark abyss. "I hate them. I hate them so much."

The youngest agreed. "Me too. They took him without a warning. When I woke up, he was gone." He took a shaky breath. "He was gone. I was alone again..."

The Egyptian glanced over at him, sympathetic. "I can't imagine how you feel...I chose to have him taken away. It was a mess of my own making. I thought it was what I wanted." Another blot of lightning flashed. "I was wrong."

"We both were."

A long, stormy silence followed. How long was it? Minutes; hours? When they were completely drenched with rain and tears, they both got up slowly. The shook from the cold, finally noticing neither had brought a jacket.

As they walked along, the blond sighed. "Life just isn't fair."

"No one said it was."


Well, my last one was fluffy…

And, you're probably wondering, Why the heck would they miss them? Well, this was just another opinion on their POVs. Hey, I was tired!

Tell me if you liked the angsty coldness!

- Unique Art