I wished to post a note to an anonymous reader, since you are indeed anonymous I cannot speak directly to you. Yes I know this story was cheesy, it was written exactly that way on purpose. I LOVE cheesy, romantic nonsense, I WANT happy endings and to be honest I never liked Peter Pan, he was totally unrealistic and childish and cruel. To me, Peter was incredibly more cruel that Hook ever was. I will be honest that I based this story entirely on the 2003 movie, I have not actually read Peter Pan or the following books by JM Barrie. I also wish to say that there is such a thing as love at first sight, there has always been proof that opposites and similar personalities attract. Wendy was daring at heart, she was cruel to Hook as a child, they shared a great many personality traits and it was that love of darkness and a tiny bit of malice intertwined with imagination, vision, adventure that allowed Wendy back to the world she loved, back to Neverland and to Hook. And we have no way of knowing how time changed in the land of Perhaps, there between the stars, so for Wendy it was 10 years but who knows for Hook? A thousand years to allow him time to think over his actions, his temperament... those are all in the realm of imagination and you may imagine at your will. It takes a certain amount of similarity for two people to fall in love, having things in common makes for a strong friendship which leads to a strong relationship. I would also point out that I fell in love at first sight with my husband, we think alike on occasion but have very different personalities. Romance, love, cruelty, heartache... all go hand in hand. My story was meant to be a bit silly, a bit romantic, falling for the villain... though Hook was never really that to me... just lonely. They mention that so many times in the movie, in all the movies about Hook and Pan. He is a man alone, brought from the real world, hated for simply being an adult man, taunted and then maimed by an obnoxious boy. Who wouldn't feel some torment for him, some compassion, some attraction towards making him a bit less lonely? I do appreciate that you liked my writing skills, I suppose writing for over 15 years and taking those English and Creative Writing courses paid off. I will stand up for my story and say, cheesy or not, it brought a smile to my face and many others so if you find it unbelievable, etc. then move on and don't read it. Thank you and feel free to hit the 2nd star on the right and keep on straight until morning...