NOTICE!!! This story is told from the point of view of an OC, Amelia. She's the turtles' "sister" of sorts. She's human, but her story as to how she was found and adopted is told later in this chapter. Please, don't judge her right off the bat. I've worked really hard on this character. She's the youngest of the family, being a year younger than her brothers and she weilds a tessen, which is a war-fan.

I also want to say that this doesn't really have much of a timeline that it follows. All I can really say is that Amelia is going to be eighteen years old, making the turtles nineteen. I don't know if any of the bad guys I'll be bringing in have been killed off or not, but considering so many antagonists in this show "die" and then come back later, I figure it really won't have much of an impact. So, with that, please enjoy this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own TMNT. It belongs to Mirage. I do, however, own any and all OCs I have put in this story.

I reached for the tessen that rested on my hip, my fingers barely touching it. I was ready to use it at a moment's notice. The room I was in was dark, pitch black, actually. I couldn't see anything in front of me and was forced to rely on my other senses if I wanted to keep my life. The only light in the room was from a small candle on the other side, some thirty feet away. It didn't provide any help, but for allowing me to see if and when a blade was drawn. Of course, I would most likely hear the blade before I saw the light glimmering off of it, but it was always good to keep an open mind. This was especially true in my situation. I knew I was surrounded by four unseen opponents, all armed. I didn't know where they were or when they'd strike, but I needed to be prepared for anything. I heard a slight shuffling, like a shift in weight, from the right and jerked my head to face it. All sound ceased.

Suddenly, I saw a glint out of the corner of my eye and could hear a shift as one of my opponents leaped into the air. I pulled a kunai out of its holster at my waist and held it above my head. One blade came down and met with my dagger, causing small sparks to fly. I jumped back, still holding the kunai in front of me for protection. The first attack was only the start. I soon found myself bombarded with assaults and could barely hold them off. Finally, I pulled out my tessen and opened it, the blade on its edge glimmering in the limited light provided by the candle. My foes each took a small step back, knowing my mastery of my weapon. It was my turn to take the offensive, and I took that advantage. I ran forward, my tessen in front of me and used it to slice at the nearest opponent. He jumped back, possibly doing a back flip, and landed silently in an unknown area. The others surrounded me and tried to capture me, as I knew was their goal. I fought for my freedom, my movements fluid-like and controlled. Finally, I felt one of them tackle me to the ground and I skidded against the bricks. I landed rigidly, but only grunted in the struggle to free myself. There was the sound of metal clattering to the floor and I knew it was my tessen, as I had dropped it. The being on top of me didn't let up and I felt a very sharp point being pressed to my throat. My breath caught in my throat, but I showed no other signs of fear.

"Match," a familiar voice said above me. I knew there was a smirk on his face.

"Alright, alright. Just get off me and get the sai away from my throat," I answered obstinately, rolling my eyes.

There was a soft click as the lights slowly turned on in the lair and my vision was restored. Hovering above me was my second eldest brother, with the smirk I'd known he'd had. His dark green skin had made him blend perfectly in the darkness, better than my other three brothers would have if there had been more light. The tails of his red eye mask hung to either side of my head and I glared into his dark brown eyes. He twirled his sais in his hands a few times before placing them in his belt and getting off me. He then extended a hand and helped me stand up before rubbing his hand against the top of my head, mussing my short, chocolate-brown hair.

"Not bad, Ame," he said with a chuckle. I playfully slapped his hand away and ran my fingers through my hair to straighten it out again.

"Thanks, Raph, but did you have to put the sai to my throat? What if I gulped?"

"But ya didn't." I punched his shoulder, only to have him push me back, into my eldest brother, Leonardo.

Leo chuckled as he helped me keep my balance and handed my tessen to me. I closed it and replaced it on my hip before my four brothers and I walked to take a seat in front of our teacher and father, Master Splinter. He was an old rat, with grey fur and eyes that illustrated his wisdom. I was taller than him, as well as all my brothers, but not by much.

"You have done well, my children," he said, looking over each of us. "This concludes your training for today." All of us nodded and watched as he left the room before we stood. Mikey immediately draped one arm over my shoulders with a laugh.

"You almost had us that time, Amy," he congratulated.

He was the youngest of my older brothers, and the most fun-loving. Michelangelo was the one who kept things lively around the lair, especially when he decided to get on Raphael's nerves. He was the second palest green in skin tone and the lightest of my brothers. Mike was the only one that I could wrestle with, and not have to worry about hurting myself too badly. Oddly, he had baby blue eyes that did not match the rest of our family, though the turtles were all biologically related, and he wore an orange eye mask around his head. His weapons of choice were the nunchakus, with which he was very skilled.

Donatello was next in line in terms of age. He was the palest of my brothers and had eyes the color of caramel. He was the genius of the family, able to fix all things mechanical. He was the one who had taught me all I knew about machines. I often helped with the multitude of projects he worked on, providing insight he had previously overlooked. I was nowhere near as intelligent as he, but I liked to think I was helpful to him. Donny usually preferred to think his way through any predicaments we may be in, though that was often not possible due to the nature of our battles. He wielded a bo staff, and knew how to use it. More often than I'd like to remember had I found myself on the defense against him during our training exercises.

Raphael… now he was something else. The tough guy, the hot-head and the first to jump into action. Yep. That was my brother. He was darkest of all my brothers and had brown eyes that looked almost black. He was also the most muscular, which was why I wasn't able to wrestle with him, as much as I would have liked to. I was probably closest to Raph, for reasons that are difficult to explain. He had the softest spot for me out of all my brothers and was the first to react if ever I was put in a dangerous situation. I often thought of him as my protector, because that's what he did. Of course, Raphael would never admit that he had such a soft spot for me, but he didn't need to. I knew it, as well as the rest of our family. His weapons were a pair of sais, which I had been subjected to in our training today. Raph always worked me the hardest, pushing me to my limits and beyond. I figured it was because he wanted to make sure I could defend myself, in case he wasn't around to do it for me.

Leonardo was our leader. He always took responsibility for everything and took care of us. He was the eldest and had the second darkest skin tone, along with eyes just like mine, chocolate-brown. He was a little less muscular than Raphael and was the one who was best at keeping his cool in the heat of battle. That was probably why he was our leader. He could come up with a plan in a matter of moments, which came in handy when we were against the Shredder, Purple Dragons or the Foot Clan. Leo was a master with the two katanas he wielded and the most disciplined of all of us. Even as long as I had known him, the determination he had never ceased to amaze me.

I was the youngest of the family, a year younger than my brothers, and the only human. Master Splinter had taken me in when I was only four years old, when he found me after my parents had disappeared. I didn't even have any memories of them. My family, for as long as I can remember, has been Master Splinter and the four turtles I call my brothers. Being the only girl in the family, there are different obstacles I must face. For starters, my clothing had to be carefully chosen to appeal to the lifestyle I was taking on. When I wasn't dressing for the purpose of going into the city, I wore a black kimono-style top that ended at my mid-thighs with a pair of sleek black pants that came to my knees. The top of my shirt was accented with dark blue strips for the tomoeri and at the end of the sleeves, which fanned out from my hands. I also wore black sandals that were durable and easy to run in. My hair was short, reaching just above my chin, and as brown as my eyes and I had a fair skin tone. My mastery lied in the tessen, a fan with a blade on the edge.

"You're getting better at using your hearing rather than sight," Leonardo commented, snapping out of my musings.

"Raphie still pinned me down," I answered with a shrug.

"And you fought back. You can definitely hold your own in a fight, no doubt about that."

I smiled at my eldest brother for his compliment. Though I had always thought myself weakest of the group, simply because I wasn't built like the rest of them, I was happy to hear his kind words. It was nice to know I wasn't useless in a battle. I glanced around the lair to find Michelangelo already looking for a good movie to watch and Donatello was walking towards his work-space to work on his latest project.

"Guys, I'm just gonna go to bed. I'm beat," I said as I turned away.

My brothers all bid me goodnight, each in their own way, and I walked into my room. After closing the door behind me, I placed my weapons on the small table near my bed and quickly changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a white tank top. I removed my black eye mask and set it with my weapons before dropping ineloquently onto my mattress. I curled into a ball under my blanket and soon drifted off to sleep, the day's events finally taking their toll on me.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. There will be even more interesting happenings in chapter two. This is gonna be good. -evil grin- Please R&R