IT'S DONE! Wow... I can't believe I finally finished this. I'm so excited! But I'm also kinda sad, too... This was such a fun story to work on (as much as it drove in insane at times). I'm going to miss having to look back on and growl at when I can't think of anything to move it along. lol. But it's good to have it completed. I feel like I've accomplished something with this. There were times when I wasn't sure if I'd be able to complete it, but with a little help, I was able to do it. :) So, for the last time...

Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT or its characters. I only have Amy and Gage. Christopher Nova (wherever he may be) belongs to Solaris Prime.

A few days later, I was in the park with Gage and my brothers. They were all against me being up and moving, but I'd insisted that I wanted to spend the day with all of my brothers. They all agreed to allow that for today only, because it was my twentieth birthday. Of course, it was under the condition that I was carried to the park and back. As I looked around my family in the park, I couldn't help but smile.

Leo, dressed in his khakis and a blue button-up, was knelt before Chris' gravestone, beside me. He was paying his respects to our passed brother, but I wondered if he was also thanking Chris. I'd told all my brothers, Gage, Mona and Master Splinter about what I'd experienced. Even Casey and April knew, having been told by Donny. Master Splinter had said that he believed Chris really had protected me, as my guardian.

Raphael was leaning against the nearest tree with his arms crossed in front of his chest, staring down at the stone tablet before me. Raph never liked seeing his family hurt. When Chris had left us, Raph was angrier. He'd wished he could have done more. Now, with the condition I was put in, he felt guilty again. Of course, this was Raph and he'd never admit it, but I knew better.

Donny was dressed in the outfit I'd first bought for him and was sitting a few feet from Raph, his arm resting on his knee. He looked relaxed and at ease, except for his eyes. They were watching me carefully, likely to make sure I wasn't pushing myself with this little trip to the park.

Mikey was hanging upside-down from a tree branch with a grin on his face. His cheeks and forehead were beginning to turn pink from the blood rushing to his head, but he didn't seem to care. He was enjoying his last day as human, since my brothers had all decided to become turtles again the day after my birthday.

Gage was seated next to me on the ground with his legs crossed. He was having me lean against him while we paid our respects to Chris. My brothers, Gage and I were all around the stone tablet, surrounding it. Surrounding Chris with our love for him. I almost laughed at the analogy. Since when was I so deep?

"I can't believe it's been almost a year," Leo murmured.

"Two more weeks," I answered and my brothers all stared at me in silence. Gage's arm around my shoulders tensed and I shook my head. "Don't act like you guys hadn't noticed the date. How many times do I have to tell you I'm fine?"

"It's their job to worry about you," Gage offered with a chuckle.

"Uh-huh. And what's your excuse?"

"I made a promise, remember?"

"Yeah, and he thinks your performance left much to be desired."

"I'm working on it. I'm still learning."

"Ya betta learn quick," Raph answered and Mikey laughed.

"I think you're failing the class, dude," he added and dropped from the branch, rolling to sit with his legs crossed. Mike then placed a hand on his head and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, prompting a laugh from the rest of us.

"Lightheaded, Mikey?" Don asked as our laughter died down.

"Oh, hardy-har-har." Leo stood from where he was knelt and gave me a smile that made me wonder what he was thinking.

"We should go back to the lair. Casey and April will be coming down soon, and I think Mona Lisa and Master Splinter would like to spend some time with you, Amy." The rest of my brothers stood, as did Gage, and Raph moved to pick me up.

"Can I stay here just a couple more minutes? I want to be alone for a bit," I requested. My brothers all looked concerned for me again and I sighed. Gage looked down at me and winked.

"I'll stay here, and bring her back when she's ready to go home," he offered.

"Ya don't exactly have de best track record with 'er," Raph answered, his gaze hardening.

"Just for a few minutes," I assured. "Please, guys."

Leo sighed. "Ten minutes, tops. Any longer, and we're coming back."

"Got it. Thank you, Leo." My brothers all walked off, heading back to the lair, while Gage and I watched them. Once they were gone, Gage turned his eyes to me.

"I take it you don't want me eavesdropping while you talk to Chris," he said.

"If you don't mind."

He shook his head and started walking. "I won't be far. Just holler when you're ready." Once Gage was past the trees, I turned back to Chris' memorial stone.

"Thank you for coming to rescue me, Chris," I murmured. "That's twice now that you've saved my life. I really owe you. I don't know if you're here right now, but I know you're alive." My voice broke and I was silent for a few minutes, wiping the tears that formed in my eyes. "As well as I know you, I can't pretend to know why you haven't come back to us. I just have to trust that you have your own reasons. If you ever decide to come home, just know that we're still your family, we love you and you're always welcome… You know, Gage isn't going to stop trying to keep me safe. With any luck, you won't have to save me again, but then that means I probably won't get to see you again, huh? I wish I could…"

I rubbed my eyes again and placed my hand on the memorial stone. The dates were wrong on it, I figured. After all, how could there be an end date if he was alive? Then again, maybe I was just fooling myself. I wished I had some way of knowing.

"Turn around," Chris' voice whispered and I whirled around where I sat on the ground.

There was no one there. He had sounded like he was right behind me, but I couldn't be sure. Chris had always liked to throw his voice to confuse people. However, on the ground behind me was a small bouquet of a half-dozen white roses, tied together with a grey ribbon. I picked up the flowers and found a card in the middle of them.

In Chris' half-cursive handwriting, it read a simple, 'Happy birthday, Ame.' I smiled softly and put the card in my pocket.

"Thank you Chris," I whispered before calling for Gage. When he came, his gaze immediately went to the roses in my hands.

"Where'd you get the flowers?" he asked as he picked me up.

"My guardian angel." Gage chuckled and his eyes fell to the stone marker.

"You dropped the card," he said and leaned over to pick it up. "Huh? It says, 'PS I approve too.' What's that mean?" I could only laugh as I wrapped my arms around Gage's neck.

"Don't worry about it," I answered and kissed him. "Let's go home."

Again, thanks to all who have read and put up with me. I know I can be a pain at times with my random updates and mood-whiplash, but was it worth it? I hope so. :)

And I have two special thank-yous. The first goes to my co-author, Ashley. Without her, I would never have been able to get past the first few chapters of this story. :D

And the next goes to Solaris Prime, who helped me get back into gear when I really needed it. You let me use your character, and you gave me the brilliant idea towards the very end there. I don't think the ending would have been as smooth as it was without your help, so thanks. :)

Please R&R. I would love to know what you all thought of the full story.