The sent of rain filled the air a light breeze passed and gone as if not there the more the darkness came into contact with amu the more she felt the cold stinging sensation in her head the damp air slowly filled her senses telling her she had moved form one place to another

'Kit wake up you wont believe what your about to see'

"what" amu lifted her head only to feel a slight throbbing in her head

"what happened ? were is this place? Weres yoru?" amu got up from what looked like to be a hospital bed it was empty no light or any kind of warmth at all the walls were metallic as if you were in a insane asylum

"whats going on" amu kept telling herself to calm down she slowly got up leaning against the wall she looked up slightly and caught a glimpse of light coming from the wall it was a mirror

"huh? why is this here" she noticed that her head was bandaged but could not tell at first since her bangs covered it only in closer inspection you could see it

"who did this?" asked amu failing to notice the shadow behind her

"I did" said a low husky deep voice

Amu jumped at the sudden voice she turned to see the voice come from a shadow it was so damp in the room it kept amu from smelling the shadows sent all she knew was he was a male

"who are you?" she could not help but bite her inner check from such boldness

"He's coming make sure to hug him or you'll never stop hearing the crying" suddenly the voice was gone and so was the shadow

"what the hell is up withs place" cursed amu afraid the shadow might come back

"AAAAAAMMMMMMMUUUUUUUU" suddenly the door opened in aflash amu was pinned to the ground by a purple blob

"ugghhh…what….YORU" amu was shocked not only that but some what confused


"Amu calm down our leader saved us" yoru gazed up at amu with a looked of admiration while talking about his leader

"K…so why am I here then"asked amu

"because you were hurt and leader said 'yoru what am I gonna do with u if cant even help a 14 year old kid ' so in other words its my fault so I helped u like u did with me"yorus ear laid falt on his skull again but this time it made his ears look bigged and him smaller

'KAWAII' shouted the little fox in her mind she knew she couldn't stay for long even her counter part knew

"yoru, I'm 17 not 14" she was some what pissed that his leader would even think she was a 14 years old

"don't worry kit once your 18 I'll make you 2 cups bigger after all a fox must stay FOXY"

"shut up UMA I don't want to hear it

'What you know what I say is true after all u have fox DNA inside of you'

'Uma why did you let them take me here'

'What do you mean'

'You know what I mean if you really wanted to help me you would have taken over'

'Ur right amu kit'

"Then why"

'Because it seems I-we have found something more interesting then stealing '



Amu had awoken from hear daze to find yoru pulling on her sleeve leading her through the hall

"yoru where r u taking me"

"you were in a daze you I thought maybe u should see it"


Yoru opened what looked to be large metallic doors with a strange mark on them

A cats eye

A bright light came from the door amu was blinded by its intensety the light began to die down

"what is this place" it looked like another world (it looks like the limitless fortress form get backers except it has a under ground river and bridge that connects to a water fall)

"Welcome to CLAWS KEEPER my home"

"That's what I-WE found a home kit, our home kit"

"uma you knew" whispered amu

"Amu whos Uma?" asked yoru

"a friend a close friend"


"so were do we go first"asked amu

"we have to go ask the BLADESfor your pass into the town"

"Blades? who r they"

"they are the people that look after the town and prevent conflict from happening"

"so is one of them your leader"



amu was confuzzled how could u wish some one away

"then who is this leader of yours"

yoru stopped walking he turned to amu his eyes burned with an intensity only known when a lion was about to kill his pray

"leader is the one one has hidden us from the hunters ,made us live a normal life even with animal characteristicts leader is our KEEPER"