A/N: Story three begins!

Disclaim: I.......disclaim. Nadda.

They were working. In Jack's office, actually working. Well. Jack was trying to, but Ianto kept looking up at him.

"Can I help in any way?" He asked. Ianto's mouth opened at being caught and then closed.

"No. Well. I'm filling out the personnel updates for the year." Ianto gestured towards the pages in his lap from where he was sitting casually on the settee. "And….can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer it. It's just. I'm curious. And you know my real name," Ianto grinned a little. Jack had teasingly called him Ifan last week, after they had come back from Easter at Aoife's, and Ianto had refused to let him within five feet of him for the rest of the day. Also gave him a stern telling off that only his family called him that, and the least attractive thing he could think of was thinking about his mum when Jack was trying to get him to have a quick go in the hatch before the others showed up for the day. "And I was filling out the forms and….I was just wondering what your real name is?" Ianto said it a bit hesitantly, then shook his head.

"You know, nevermind. I don't need to know." Ianto seemed to think he had been foolish. Jack regarded him carefully. "You're Jack. I like you as Jack." Ianto seemed to smile slightly to himself.

"Jack." Ianto looked up again, refocusing on the voice.


"Jaxson, actually. With an 'x'." Jack wrinkled his nose slightly. He'd never been fond of the 'x' really.

"Your name is actually Jack."

"They always say the best lies are mixed with a bit of the truth."

"So last name isn't Harkness though." Jack shook his head.


"Hm." Jack smiled a little.

"What's got you thinking?" Ianto's eyebrows rose up a little and he turned to look at Jack.

"Nothing really. Just clarifies a few things." Ianto looked at the questioning expression he got from Jack. "Like why you like it so much when I say your name against your skin." His voice had stayed steady almost all the way through, but the softness behind the last words caught Jack in the gut. He felt his temperature begin to rise, and blushed a little. He wasn't supposed to be affected this easily.

"You sure about that?" He tried to answer back cockily, but Ianto just smiled and moved, looking like he was going to pass behind Jack, but he didn't appear on the other side like expected.

"Pretty sure." Ianto kissed slowly, soft, wet, imprecise kisses along his neck. "Jack."

This was going to be embarrassing. But he didn't care, Jack stood and turned so quickly that his chair tottered for a minute before settling noisily.

"Whoa." Ianto wasn't so much alarmed, just surprised at the speed with which Jack moved. He stumbled back, his feet astride and imbalanced as he hit the windows. Oh god. He hoped no one down in the hub heard him hit it. Or looked up. Because Jack was against him. He kissed Ianto fiercely, swiping his tongue into his mouth. His hands were along the sides of his neck, down to his waist, his arse, and suddenly, palming him through his trousers. Ianto almost choked into the kiss.

"Jack! Up against the flipping window?" Ianto tried to sound scolding, but could only really manage an ineffective debauched disappointment.

"Your fault." Jack growled. Ianto's eyes rolled back as Jack squeezed firmly.


"You have no idea how much I'd like that." Jack bit gently at Ianto's collar bone, having tugged his tie loose with his free hand and pushed the shirt aside. Ianto's hand fumbled and yanked on the cord for the blinds. It would be too late now, but he didn't care much what the others thought right now if they were anywhere around. Where were they supposed to be anyways? God it was hard the think when Jack's hand was cupping his…

"Jack." His eyes suddenly caught the other man's. Lunch. The girls were at lunch and Owen had gone with them. "Come on." He grabbed Jack's arm, wincing at the loss of contact, and pulled him to the hatch.

Below the office Jack moved with renewed vigour, pulling Ianto's belt open with one quick tug. He pulled it from the loops and stepped back for a moment. God he was gorgeous.

"Yan…" He tried to say what he wanted to, but it wasn't coming, so he just pushed Ianto back gently onto the bed and crawled overtop of him.

"You've told me your name. Now tell me something else." Ianto challenged him, as his hands went to Jack's trousers, releasing the braces and undoing his belt. Jack tried to kiss him, but Ianto dodged him. They had some time, he knew, because he remembered Gwen wanted to get Tosh's opinion on bridesmaid dresses as well as lunch, and Owen was stuck with them.

"Tell me something else."

Jack grunted in frustration.

"I want you to touch me. Now." Ianto smirked infuriatingly.

"Tell me something I don't know." He fiddled obnoxiously with Jack's zip. Jack felt liquid heat shoot straight to his groin. He wasn't thinking straight clearly. So he said the first thing he could think of.

"I want everyone to know that you're mine."

Ianto scrambled back, hitting his head against the wall and wincing. Jack shook his head slightly at the sudden change. What had just happened?

"What just happened?" Jack looked at Ianto warily.

"Uh." Ianto wasn't entirely sure. He'd heard the words, and suddenly he'd felt a surge of emotion that made their contact almost unbearably….he wasn't sure what. He hadn't felt like this since….

"I don't….I'm sorry." Ianto did up his belt. "I…I'm sorry Jack, I don't know what happened."

Jack frowned at Ianto's shaking hands. It was almost like doing up the belt had put up a shield to more than just his pants, not that that wasn't enough disappointment for Jack.

"Did I…."

Ianto shook his head vigourously.

"No, no….I just….I dunno." He looked up at Jack, equally confused.

"Alright….well….Do you want to go back upstairs?" Ianto nodded, looking a bit abashed.

"Yeah, sorry. If you don't mind."

"No, course not….I'll meet you up there." He patted Ianto's shoulder, letting his hand slid down and squeeze the bicep slightly. After Ianto had disappeared through the hatch, Jack laid back on the bed with a thump.

What the hell had that been?