Days passed with Daisy and Tony barely speaking with each other. There was no touching or even eye contact between them either. Tony still seemed upset at the situation. Daisy on the other hand felt guilty. Not only for hurting her husband's feelings and pride, but also for the ill treatment Tony was giving to the people who worked for him. From his dealers, to the housekeepers, and even Manny was feeling his wrath.

Tony would be in his office, hours at end, while Daisy stood outside, trying to have the courage to knock on the door. She didn't know what to say or if she should even apologize. This was the man who took her happiness away. He took Oliver away, accusing him of drug possession, and he took away her freedom.

So why did she have this guilt inside her? Did she pity him?


Was it because of their intimacy?

That, too.

Even though Daisy and Tony didn't have a common ground on many things, at least they had their intimate moments to unite them. However, that wasn't it either.

There was a knot in her stomach that she feared was going to explode inside her.

No! She can't start having feelings for this man. No! Not him!

"Oh my God, Chica! Are you seriously going to stand there all day?!" Daisy jumped and gasped, hearing Manny's voice. "Just go inside and fix this stupid mess between you two."

She shook her head. "I can't," she whispered.

Manny rolled his eyes. "Why not? You know, you guys should seriously fuck and get this shit solved. Tony has been a pain in the ass since you tried to run away."

Daisy turned red at his words.

"I hurt him, Manny, but he hurt me, too." She sighed heavily. "I don't know what to do."

"Hey," he said placing a hand on her shoulder. He loves you. He'll forgive you. And you should forgive him. It's all up to you."

Daisy shook her head. "He had ruined my life! Why should I forgive him?"

Manny growled as he ran his hand through his hair. "Forget about that pendejo we had locked up. He was fucking someone else anyways."

Daisy's eyes widen and stopped breathing. "What?!"

Manny sighed. "Shit, Tony is going to kill me."

"N-No, no! You just said Oliver was seeing -"

Tony burst the door open, making them both jump. "What the hell is going here?! You two are yelling while I'm trying to run a drug empire!"

Daisy swallowed hard, looking at his state. His eyes were red and had dark circles. White powder covered his nose. She knew what was going on with him, but she had to ask, regardless. "Tony, what do you have on your nose?"

Tony glared at her. "None of your business," he said lowly. Daisy flinched when he locked himself in his office.

Her eyes began to tear up. "How long has this been going on?"

"Since your incident," sighed Manny.

Daisy just shook her head and ran into her bedroom.

Tony growled as he entered Babylon Club, but this time without his wife. He was sick of the bickering and awkward moments. It was a mistake on his part to even go after Daisy. However, something about her: her eyes, her sweetness, and beauty took him over.

When he found out about Oliver, it made him want her more. Tony had seen him with a redhead at a club and it made him want to beat the shit out of the had a beautiful woman on his arm, who practically worshiped him, putting her life at risk and he was fucking another girl on the side.

So he made that scheme to make Oliver look like a drug dealer to the police. He got 15 years for drug possession.

He was finally able to marry Daisy, have a family with her, a normal life. Even if she didn't love him, he was convinced he could seduce her and that she'll fall for him. The sex between them was great but the distance between the two was as cold as iceberg.

Then she ran away. He treated her like a queen and she ran away. What more could he do? He'd given her jewels, clothes, cars; anything a woman can want.

Fuck, women! All they're good for are spreading their legs, he thought angry.

Tony collapsed as he got his usual table. He wanted to hurt Daisy.

His "security" sat down with him and immediately women came flocking to them. Usually he would brush them off. Why would he when he had Daisy, his beautiful wife. Not tonight, though. Not ever.

"Manny," said Tony.

"Yeah, man?" he said, eyeing the chest of a leggy blonde on his lap.

"You see that chick over there?" he said pointing to a random group of women.

Manny froze and looked at his friend. "A woman?"

"Yeah, you deaf or something, man?" said Tony, getting irritated.

Manny just stared at his friend. He's actually going to cheat on his wife? He was surprised since he waited this long and seemed really into his wife. Daisy fucked up. "Which one do you want?"

"Any will do."

"Tony, are you sure, Daisy…"

"Hey! Fuck, Daisy. I don't want to hear her name! Now get me a bitch to fuck!"

Manny just shook his head and went to get a girl, pushing the girl on his lap aside.

When a brunette Manny was talking to turned to look over his directing, his stomach dropped. A wave of guilt hit him. This woman was not Daisy. Damn it, fuck Daisy. Exactly what I need: a good fuck.

"Hi," said the busty brunette. She stuck her breast out more than she needed to, flipping her hair back during the process. Any man would kill to be in his shoes. Then why did he feel like shit? "Well? Wanna dance?"

"Sure, whatever," he replied, standing up. He practically shoved her to the dance floor. She protested, but quickly got over it and began to dance with Tony. He felt his frustration raising. He could hardly understand what was going on. He inwardly groaned as the woman put her arms around his neck.

"I know what you are" she whispered in his ear.

"What?" he growled grasping her wrist, fury in his eyes.

"You're an entrepreneur," she said confused with his harsh treatment.

Tony rolled his eyes and let go of her wrist. "Yeah, whatever."

"You want to go to the restroom and…" She didn't finish. She instead began nibbling on Tony's ear and then kissing his neck.

He grimaced. "Wait…"

"Wait for what? Don't you want me?"

Tony winced as she began to frisk him. He suddenly looked up at his heart froze. Daisy was standing by the entrance of the club. "Daisy," he croaked out. He saw tears in her eyes. She ran out in a fury.

Tony pushed the woman aside, making her fall to the floor. He ran after his wife. The look on her face was utterly heartbreaking. Anger, betrayal, and sadness rolled in one. Daisy didn't fuck up. I did.