Chapter One:

Authors Note: This is my first story, pretty brave aren't I for making this a crossover aye? Haha Well this is Chapter One, please no Flames, only constructive criticism. *Cough* Well….

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach OR Harry Potter

Warnings: Rating Mature. Swearing. Violence. It will be YOAI. I do not know who Harry/Hoshi will be paired with though. ^^


Privet Drive

"VERNON!!!!!" A screeching voice filled the air that surrounded the non-imaginative Privet Drive, Surrey, as an irate, somewhat insane Petunia Dursley scrambled in panic around her tidy house, her "little" Dudders watching her every move, his massive baby thumb stuck in his mouth. Said Vernon Dursley quickly, well as quickly one could of his size, waddled down the narrow steps and into the living room where his wife was screaming her head off.

Laying innocently on the doorstep wrapped in a baby blue blanket was a small baby boy, watching his now new guardians change a rather impressive range of new colors. Seeing the baby, Vernon started to sputter incoherently in surprise, his grandeur mustache twitching.

"W-w-who? W-w-what? What Is that!?" He roared pointing an accusing finger at the small babe. Petunia flushed and sent a scathing glare at the sniffling baby, who had been upset by his boisterous Uncle's yelling.

"My sisters' baby, apparently the little snot was unwanted." Petunia's look turned darker at the thought of her sister Lily Potter nee Evans.

"Your sister?" Vernon asked surprised, then he realized one important thing, the neighbors could see the abnormal baby on their doorstep. "Petunia! Hurry! Grab the freak and bring him in here! The neighbors can see him!"

Taking the face of eating something sour, Petunia primly walked over to the open door and picked up the baby, holding him in the wrong position Petunia hurried back in and set the baby on the couch. Vernon closed the door and hurried over to the couch; both he and Petunia huddled over the emerald eyed, adorable, baby Potter and scrunched their noses, as if smelling something foul.

"Well what should we do?" Vernon asked, eyeing the baby warily.

"Keep him."


"The Freaks sent a letter with him." She spit jerking her head to the now quiet mini-Potter. "It said that they would pay us money to keep him, and to raise him until he turns eleven."

Vernon took on a contemplating look, "Would they know if we send him to an orphanage?"

Petunia looked surprised, then a look of glee spread across her peaky face, her beady blue eyes lighting up. "Not if we send him far enough! And we would still get the freaks money! But where to send him?"

Simultaneously they glanced at the thumb-sucking Harry Potter. A thought struck in their mind, "Japan."

Karakura Town

"So, let me get this straight. An obese walrus, a horse faced lady, and the spawn of the two left a small cute baby boy with pretty eyes on the doorstep?" One irritated Yamazaki Yu, the director of the Sunhill Orphanage asked her subordinate, well, he was mostly known as "Vice-Director".

"Ah, yes you summed it up pretty well Yu!" Narita Hyoe, the Vice-Director, exclaimed happily.

Yu's left eye twitched, and Hyoe backed up slightly, Yu suddenly threw her desk forward screaming in anger, "HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM ABOUT THIS!?!?"

Hyoe smiled charmingly, "Well one would get used to this after working here for over ten years, every once in a while one would see an abandoned baby. Even if it is an English baby dropped off by a walrus." Hyoe tilted his head in a closed-eyed smile. Yu twitched again and sighed.

"You're right. I am sorry for over reacting."

"Apology accepted. You might want to fix the desk." They both looked down at the ruined desk, the oak wood beyond fixing and everything that was in and on it scattered around. Yu groaned; it was the fifth time this month! "I'll go give the new baby some milk."

"Wait!" Yu exclaimed suddenly, Hyoe turned around with a raised eyebrow.


"Ah, well, what is the baby's name? In English."

Hyoe smiled, "Potter Harry."

Four Years Later. Sunhill Orphanage. Harry is Five.

Harry, or Hoshi as he was called now, sighed and swept a piece of stray raven colored hair from his bright emerald eyes. He was stuck between a rock, and an oaf, quite literally. Said oaf bared his teeth at his "prey", and stared imperiously down his nose at the petite five year old boy.

"So Hoshi, what's gonna' be? Get beat up by me and the gang, or give me everything you own?" The twelve year old oaf asked, his "gang" surrounding him.

"I'd rather give you a breath mint, so you can clean that disgusting mouth of yours." Hoshi spoke snidely, knowing that he was going to get beat up no matter what. His eyes flickered around to look to see if any of the people who worked at the Orphanage where around. None, him and the band of merry idiots were at the park, alone, fantastic.

The lead oaf growled and grabbed the front of Hoshi's overlarge shirt, "I dare you to say that again!"

"Did the first time get stuck in the junk of your ear?" Hoshi asked innocently, smirking on the inside. There was a sudden burst of pain in his stomach as the oaf smashed his fist into it, as his cronies all laughed at Hoshi's misfortune.

"Oof!" Hoshi hit the trunk of a tree as the oaf and oaflets swooped down on him, kicking and punching. He felt the familiar tingle of something trying to come out, but he pushed it back, Hoshi didn't want a repeat of last time.

"Hey! Stop that!" A faint woman's voice made its way to Hoshi's ears, and the twelve and thirteen year olds scrambled away in fear, as a blurry adult made its way into Hoshi's vision. "Oh poor you, let me take you our clinic." The blurry lady crooned, gently picking up Hoshi's small body.

Clinic? What clinic?! He wasn't insane! Thought Hoshi frantically. He squinted up at the almost visible lady, and she smiled down at him, and started walking. Keeping quite, Hoshi tried to ignore the blinding pain that was coursing through his body. In what was almost no time, they had both made it to the clinic; the Kurosaki Clinic to be exact.

"Here we are; the Kurosaki Clinic!" The nice lady exclaimed, jolting Hoshi out of his dazed state.

"MASAKIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!" A handsome man yelled loudly, crashing through the front door of the Clinic.

"Isshin! We have a patient! Hurry you fool!" The now newly called Masaki said, scolding the man. Isshin looked surprised, then turned to the tiny boy in his wife's arms that was covered in blood and dazedly looking around his surroundings.

"Do not worry dear! I shall save him!" Isshin exclaimed; snatching the boy out of Maski's slightly amused arms and rushing back inside the clinic. Maski followed at a more sedate pace after her husband, smiling at the couple who had moved in next door.

"Lovely day isn't it?" She said smiling serenely. The couple graced her with identical surprised looks.

Inside Kurosaki Clinic

Hoshi suddenly became better aware of his surroundings as his mind came back the real world. Groggily he snapped open an emerald eye and promptly closed it once again as the laughing sun hit him square in the face. Mentally preparing himself for the offending sun, he quickly snapped opens both eyes, squinting as the brightness hit him once again.

"You're awake! Good!" Hoshi had to stop himself from jumping as a happy voice entered the room he was laying on a bed in. He turned his head slightly to the door and saw the nice lady that saved him from the Oafs'. She had a pretty smile and happy eyes as she bounced into the room. "My name is Kurosaki Maski, my husband Isshin, was the doctor who helped you."

Hoshi just blinked at her, like a normal, none-genius, five year old would. "Hoshi." He said simply, he made to keep his voice as young, and innocent sounding as possible. As his name left his lips he could see the heart shapes in the nice lady Maski's eyes. Really, he should become an actor.

"Aw, you are so cute! Those big mean boys are going to be in big trouble." She took a seat on a wooden chair next to the medical bed, and smiled at Hoshi again. "But I would expect you to speak in longer sentences as you did in the park." Hoshi froze, she heard him? A mischievous twinkle entered Maski's brown caring eyes.

"Well, I suppose my 'innocent-five-year-old' look as been destroyed. Thank you for saving me from the Band-Of-Merry-Idiots." Hoshi finally said, in a horse voice. The reaction he was expecting was far from what Maski actually did. She squealed, like a little fangirl.

"YOU ARE SO CUTE!" She said, suddenly hugging him tightly. He inwardly cringed, this was not what most adults did when they found out he was some sort of super genius.

"Ah, thank…you?" He choked out. Maski pulled back from him and held him at an arms length away, eyeing him critically. Hoshi fought from twitching in annoyance, instead letting his mind to ponder the nice, somewhat crazy, lady in front of him, he let his mind wander to the Orphanage. Director Yamazaki and Vice-Director Narita were the only ones that knew of his, ahem, higher intellect; well the oaf's knew, but nobody believed them.

"I have decided!" His saviors, cheery voice jerked Hoshi out of his thoughts as he stared wide eyed at the grinning Maski. Her grin grew wider as she saw the little Genius's facial expression.

"May I ask what you have decided?" Hoshi asked timidly, afraid of Maski's super-powered Grin of Doom™

"I am going to introduce you to my family!"

"Excuse me?!"

Well that is it for Chapter One! Uhhhhh, well..... Yeah......Harry is a genius in this story, super smart! Yay. Oh, and any confusing parts will be explained next chapter! Not sure when I will update next, hopefully soon though!