
I finish putting away my clothes and look around my new/old bedroom. Jake and I decided to live with Grandpa Carlisle for the extent of our stay in Forks, Grandpa Charlie was a little sad to hear that but he perked up when we told him we would visit often. Jake and I also decided that we would spend the next week on vacation, we would not think about our quest or the rest of my family. We even filled up our schedule so that we hopefully would be unable to think but still have fun.

Monday, we'll spend the day visiting with Grandpa Charlie. We figure that visiting him will make us think the most about our quest so we want to get that out of the way. That sounded bad, we want to visit with Grandpa but we don't want to think about our quest.

Tuesday, we are going to be in La Push the whole time with the wolf people, and everyone else in La Push.

Wednesday, we are going to spend the whole day with Billy. Jake really wants to see his dad and I really want to know the man who brought Jake up and helped to be the person he is today.

Thursday, we're going to Seattle with the wolf people and girls. We're running there because it won't take very long, but I hope Claire has ridden on a wolf before.

Friday, I'm hanging out with the La Push girl's and maybe meeting Angela. Jake's going to hang out with his friend. We both need some time to catch up with our friends and I really want to meet my Mom's only human friend who was a true friend to her.

Saturday its back to normal, our vacation ends and the burden falls back on our shoulders. We don't know what the burden is but when we decided on this vacation we both felt a burden lift off of our shoulders.

I know the week will be fun, and probably one of the best weeks for awhile but I can't shake the feeling that I won't be able to forget my quest. I feel like I would be betraying someone if I forget, even for a week. The quest will come back and haunt me when I'm having the most fun, but maybe I can come to terms with it during this week, maybe I can learn to deal with my lot in life. No matter what I will not stop having fun because I'm afraid. Carpe Diem, that's what I say.

A/N I changed my name from QueenEmber to EleEnchanted, so don't worry (not that you would…)
Sorry I'm late, I had to clean the house for our Halloween Party last night, and I had to go to a TERRIBLE football game on Friday, the halftime show was AMAZING the band did thriller and even did the dance!!! I LOVE my high school (although I hate the football team we SUX!!)
I'm SO SORRY! That this chapter is so terrible but I believe that my
Twilight fanfiction muse is sleeping, because it was very difficult for me to write. Well when one muse sleeps another awakens, I'm getting inspiration for a CATS fanfiction so be on a look out for that.
I just got a WordPress blog that will deal with my writing and will include the rambles that I normally put in my Author's Notes. I will also put how I'm doing on a story (ie I might put up a post saying that my
Twilight muse is asleep) and if I need help for a story it will be there (ie how should I write my CATS fanfiction.) I would love it if you guys would check it out. The site is…
e l e e n c h a n t e d. w o r d p r e s s. c o m (Just without the spaces!)
Tips, Tricks, Ideas, Comments, Questions, Concerns, and Thoughts
are all welcomed and loved.
And now my weekly ramble!!! And just so you guys know the only thing I changed was my name and I capitalized Monday… so yah!

Sooo....this week Ele isn't writing the authors note, I am. I am a friend of Ele and this has been my favorite part of the chapters. So I am in Pre-Clac block, and I am going to ramble on about the happenings in our school for the past week. On the bus that Ele and I ride home after school, there is this creepy freshmen who decided that he is Ele new best friend. Starting Monday Ele won't have to worry about having to sit next to him because I will start riding the bus again because swim season is officially over for me. Today was also our Halloween Spirit day. Ele and I both dressed up in poodle skirts which made it difficult to do yoga. I ended up changing into pants. So for this first half of class, we were sitting (the girls were sitting) on the floors watching the boys in the class do flips off of the vault in the gymnatstics room. Then our teacher decided that we were going to be unorderly (which is the complete opposite of yoga) by rolling around on the floor doing forwards and backwards rolls. It was really fun, and I basicly ran into Ele doing the backwards ones, because you can't really see where you are going. Anyway, that was the eventfull week. Also Ele is helping my mom and I run a middle school cooking club that will be epic. We work with about 20 middle school kids, and the best part is we get to eat what we make. Most of the time its desserts, but sometimes its other foods. So this ramble is becoming really long, so it is time for me to go....bye.