I Do Not Own Any Of The Characters

Super Metal Mario Sonic Gear Chapter 8

As the copter landed on Angel Island, the five heroes looked upon the beautiful gaze of the island. It was covered in trees and mountains far beyond the eye can see. The sounds of waterfalls and buzzing calls of unknown insects covered the floating land. Knuckles out of all the characters knew this mass like the back of his hand. For years and years he's guarded the emerald. Never turning his back, it was his life, his duty to protect this large piece of rubble of a rock. Otacon and Tails greeted them "good luck" and headed off to the distance of the skies, leaving the protagonists to themselves.

"Follow me" the echidna instructed as he walked into the depths of the trees, "If your friend, Liquid, ever wanted his hands on anything dangerous it's the Master Emerald. If used by the wrong hands, the Master Emerald can create infinite chaos. Its power may energize weapons of mass destruction."

"With Liquid in the equation, it spells disaster" Snake explained, "We need to get there. NOW. How long till we make it to the Emerald?"

"In just a few minutes" answered Knuckles, "I hope he hasn't made it".

But unfortunately, Knuckle's curiosity of Liquid reaching the Emerald was answered by a conversation heard nearby in the distance. The five hid in the trees, listening in to hear if it was too late.

"So this must be the Emerald you were speaking of" Liquid noticed as he took his steps slowly into the altar of the Emerald, "My, such a beautiful jewel."

"Yes and with it we can power the ship AND your Metal Gear to fully show its potentials" grinned Eggman.

"Good" Liquid said in pleasure, "I do believe our "friends" won't show up for the deal. Time is something we cannot take granted for. Get your bots ready to plump that giant rock into the ship. I'll prepare Metal Gear".

With fast pace the bots from the ship above the island floated their way to the Emerald. Grabbing it along the way, the villainous trio transported their selves into the ship via Eggman's floating mini saucer.

"How'd we not notice the ship over the island?" Sonic asked?

"Eh the writer was too lazy to add in that part in the beginning of this chapter" Mario shrugged.

"Forgot about logic right now" interrupted Snake, "Metal Gear must NOT be active. We need to find a way up that ship."

"I can glide up there with at least two people per ride" Knuckles insisted, "So it'll be two trips".

"Sounds good" Snake agreed, "Mario, I need you and Luigi to sneak in the ship by searching through the water systems, since you're such a skillful plumber I'm sure you'll find your way to the Emerald they have. But in order for you to find the Emerald, you need directions. I'll try to convince someone on board how to get there. I might be able to find out where Peach and Amy are too".

"But can't you do it yourself?" Luigi asked curiously.

"I would but I NEED to find Metal Gear before it's active" Snake answered, "We can break two birds with one stone if we do it this way. Sonic, you and Knuckles will distract Liquid, Bowser, and Eggman while we take care of the Emerald, Metal Gear and the girls."

"Gotcha" Sonic replied, "All right let's go team."

As Knuckles flew back to ground after dropping off Sonic and Mario, he grabbed Luigi and Snake by the arm with ease. Luigi though almost practically being afraid of everything, looked down below and just noticed what would happen if Knuckles just accidently lost his grip with his limb.


"Just close your eyes, I think he knows what he's doing."


"He's NOT going to drop you. Just shut up and close your god damn eyes!"

Luigi cried and sobbed the whole trip until they made it on top of the ship with Mario and Sonic waiting. As Knuckles landed with the old mercenary and tearful plumber, they looked upon the massive device they were standing on.

"This ship looks familiar…" Knuckles reminisced, "It's like I've been here before. It must be another Egg Carrier Eggman made."

"What are you talking about?" Snake plainly asked.

"Long story" Knuckles replied, "Maybe I'll tell you another time. Or you readers out there just look it up on the internet".

"Stop breaking the fourth wall!" Snake demanded, "We need to stop Liquid and the others!"

"He's right" Mario said as he came into the conversation, "Luigi let's go find a way into the water systems of this place, Snake go get the info we need."

"Roger that" replied Snake, "Sonic, Knuckles. Go and head to our three little trouble makers. I got some calls to make. Good luck."

The four went off to set the plan as Snake got into codec with Otacon.

"This is Snake, I'm in the facility".

"Good job, Snake. But it gets difficult from here. Security may be tough. The radar on your map shows the enemies-"

"Yeah yeah I know. Just give me some info about any weapons they're carrying".

"So far it's only Russian soldiers, Koopas, and robots."

"Heh too easy."

"Just remember that you CAN'T be seen. It's a sneaking mission and Liquid may find out your presence. He needs to keep his eye on Sonic and Knuckles".

"Got it. Listen, Otacon, hook links between the Colonel and me".

"Okay, linking now".

"Snake, Mei Ling and I listened in on everything so far. Good work".

"Thanks Colonel, I need a briefing about the Metal Gear, Liquid has."

"Mei Ling and I already looked up all the information you need. Snake, remember in New York when you were on that Tanker?"

"Yeah, my mission was to destroy Metal Gear Ray".

"That's not all. There's more to this than meets the eye".


"From various sources we've found, Revolver Ocelot had planned to take Metal Gear Ray for the Patriots and sink the tanker ship down. With the oil of the tanker overflowing in Manhattan waters the Patriots would build a huge marine decontamination facility established approximately 30 kilometers offshore from Manhattan, New York. This facility would actually be a cover-up story to keep the public from finding out its true meaning".

"What are the Patriots trying to hide?"

"Arsenal Gear".

"What!? A new Metal Gear!?"

"Not just any Metal Gear. Arsenal Gear is a submersible, mobile fortress with the ability to monitor, block, and tamper with internet communications in order to further the goals of The Patriots. The unit is massive; large enough to house – and also require – a significant force for its defense. It can store up to twenty-five Production Model Metal Gear RAY units, each separately operated by Arsenal's core AI, GW. Along with that, it's heavily guarded by Tengu Commandos".

"Tengu…a Japanese demon".

"That's right. Tengu Commandos are trained to using Arsenal Gear equipment, in order to protect the inner sanctums of Arsenal Gear from infiltration and destruction. Due to the artificial tissue in their armor, they're much more agile and stronger. It's practically the perfect soldier".

"Dear God…is Arsenal Gear in the hands of Liquid?"

"Yes…but it's not on the Egg Carrier. It wouldn't fit. It's somewhere in the oceans of the Pacific. Snake we need you now more than ever. Stop Liquid AND get rid of Metal Gear Ray AND Arsenal Gear. I'm cutting the transmission and linking you back to Dr. Emmerich".

"The Colonel's right, Snake. But in order for you to stop Arsenal Gear you need a virus. It can only be stopped virtually; nothing can stop its path".

"Where do I get it?"

"Do you remember before we went to Angel Island, I gave you a disc?"

"Yeah I have it right here".

"That's the virus, plant it in Arsenal and it should stop it in its complete tracks."

"Okay, I'll get right on it when I'll destroy Metal Gear and find the girls".

"Sounds like a plan, all right Snake I won't keep ya any longer. Now onto the mission, I'd wish you luck but I don't think you would need any do you?"

"Nope got my smoke charms right here. Snake out".