Here's just a short, and hopefully, humorous ficlet I conjured up out of nowhere from the prompt below. I hope you all enjoy it.

Fear v Frustration

By LetitiaRichards

Using the phrase - "Do we really have to get so dramatic?"

And, being stuck on a ledge. – Well I sort of used both but added a little dramatic licence to fit my idea when this popped into my head. Honestly, I don't know where it came from.

Response to Drabble Challenge #53

Category: Angst. Drama? Humour.

Summary: Jack is right there when Daniel needs him. If I say any more it will be longer than the fic.

Starring: Jack and Daniel.

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"Daniel... It's okay. I've got ya. You're not gonna fall."

"Are you sure about that, Jack? You know how much I hate heights."

"I know," Jack replied softly and calmly in an effort to ease away his friend's fears.

"Jack, if I fall, and you're still holding onto me, you'll fall too."

"I am not gonna fall, Daniel, trust me, It's not gonna happen. We'll be fine."

Daniel wobbled slightly losing his balance. He grabbed hold of Jack with both hands and cried out in blind panic.

"Daniel! Do we really have to get so dramatic about this?"

His heart was racing. Ears buzzing. But the panic calmed the longer Jack held onto him.

"I'm sorry," Daniel replied, his voice quivering from the shock of almost falling to what he was sure was certain death.

Patience all gone, Jack snapped out in frustration, "For cryin' out loud, Daniel. The sooner Janet gets those new glasses fixed for you the better! Now, I've got ya... so just step off the damn kerb and get into the truck!"

The End.

Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate SG-1 or the characters. I'm not getting paid and no copyright infringements are intended.