Edit: Oops! I almost forgot the disclaimer.

Transformers in no way belongs to me whatsoever.

Enjoy! =)



Valerie Leilani Sparrk never thought that this day would actually come.

The Mayan calendar ended on the day December 21, 2012. Many people thought that the day marked the end of the world, the date that all mankind would be slaughtered and terminated. Others thought of the day as a breakthrough for all society, a revolution. Websites, forums, and books each claimed different outcomes for the human race, from flourishing to perishing; phenomenon or apocalypse.

Valerie just ignored all the rumors, and even laughed a little at them. It wasn't like the Earth was going to just – poof – disappear. In her mind, life would just resume like it normally did, besides the rumor-freaks being disappointed about the universe not collapsing into nothing.

Another explosion sounded, trembling the ground beneath her feet, and shaking her mind out of her thoughts. Valerie looked into the sorrowful eyes of her beloved before looking back through the grimy window. A warm, stray tear fell from her eye and streaked down her cheek. Her love wiped the tear away with his thumb and pulled her into a much needed embrace. He shushed her, singing a soft and soothing harmony into her ears. Valerie nuzzled her head into his neck and let the sobs come forward freely.

She was partially right. The annihilation of Earth and its people had come early.


Reviews are much appreciated. The update is on its way!