Tales of Symphonia 2: Dawn of the New World

Summary: People piled expectations on him. He followed them, while in the midst of following his. Two paths. Theirs and his. His helpers were numerous and many on their path, one on his.

A/N: Yes. I tried my luck with one of those 'inner turmoil', 'emotion', thingies. Personally, I think I semi-fucked-up. Not completely, but I don't think I did too well. I've also been in a depressing mood lately. Listening to Evanescence does that to you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Tales of Symphonia. If I did, there would be more romance, death, etc.

Started: March 10, 2009

Finished: March 10, 2009


"People… Have this… habit."

Emil stared off at the night sky, filled to the max with stars, tiny spaces between each of the specs of light. Time alone, to think, that was all Emil wanted. Thinking, perhaps, wasn't the right word. Visiting, maybe. Deeply in love with a certain red-eyed summon spirit described him as a whole.

Infatuated. Intoxicated. Reciprocated.

Just a few good words that described his relationship with the summon spirit. Or rather, barely described. Words were incapable of describing. Summing up was maybe possible, but it wouldn't be correct.

Perhaps… That could describe his relationship with Ratatosk. Wordless.

But, despite how much he wanted the romance, he had to continue returning to Marta. He was soon to, technically, die, and if he were to die, he wanted Marta to atleast believe he had returned her love in full.

Love in life.

Live in love.

Spending an eternity with Ratatosk, ungodly happy, over being without Ratatosk for the span of a human lifetime, emotionally dead.

He would continue, fulfilling expectations. So, that way, he and Ratatosk could be an eternity.

"Potential. Kinetic. Chemical. Physical. I learned something in school for once. How to distinguish between 'being loved' and 'being used'."

A/N:: So, what did you think? Review, please? Yes, I made Emil – mentally – bold. My favorite part? "Infatuated. Intoxicated. Reciprocated." Damnit, I love that part! Well, I'll be on my way, guys. I think this is one of my shortest drabbles yet…

[ • TRG • ]