Chapter 3

Ok so 1st off I have no idea why the whole last chapter was underlined it wasn't like that when I wrote it. So with that let's move on

You where my light

You where my heart

You where all that I lived for

And now you're gone

My world id dark

My chest aches in pain at the very mention of the very whisper of your name

My life has lost its point

Because you're gone

And it's all my fault

I turned you away when all I wanted was to hold you close

I walked away when I heard your cry's when all I wanted was to wipe away your tears

And now you're gone and I'm still here

I'm sorry my love........ So, so sorry

Dear Morgona

I can only hope you're the one to find this. He's gone and it's all my fault. I don't care what you or Gwen say it makes no difference. He's dead and it because of me. If I had never told him I loved him, if I hadn't turned him away, if I'd protected him like I promised I would, he'd still be here. I never wanted to hurt anyone.

I'm sorry. It's to hard. I can't live without him anymore, it hurts to much, all the memories coming back to me, causing my pain every time I close my eyes. It's too much for me. I feel like someone's cut my heart out of my chest and thrown it away. I can't do this anymore. Please don't cry for me. I want to be buried next to Merlin in our garden. If there was one thing I could wish for it would be that. I'm sorry. Don't cry for me.


Morgona felt the note fall threw her hands. "no Arthurs not that sad, he hasn't lost his mind, he wouldn't" she tried to convince herself but the truth was drowning on her. "Gwen" she screamed "what is it my lady" Gwen's worried voice asked "where's Arthur" Morgona demanded "it's ok Morgona just calm down" Gwen whispered in a soft voice "WHERE IS HE" Morgona screamed, "he's in the garden" Gwen said taking a step back, Morgona pushed past Gwen and bolted from the room dropping the note as she went.

She ran past everyone not caring about the weird, angry or confused looks she got. As she ran a single thought kept creeping into her head but she pushed it away not willing to except the truth yet. "Arthur" she yelled as she barged into the garden, "oh my god Arthur" she chocked when she saw his pale body lying on the ground. She dropped to her knees, holdings his head in her hands she franticly looked around for any sign that he was still alive. Then she saw it.

The shattered pieces of a vile broken on the ground. Realisation of what was happening was drowning on her face. "HELP" she screamed through her tears "SOME ONE PLEASE, GAUISE" she turned back to Arthur's body. All the blood was gone from body, his face was scrunched up in pain. She felt tears leave her eyes at the sight. "Morgona, what's going on" Gaius voice, then he saw the pale body she was clinging to "Morgona what happened ?" "He ... he drank something, I found a note in his room but I.... I didn't think he would do it" she said pointing at the broken vile. Gaius looked at the vile and sighed. "What is it"

Morgona and Gaius both looked up in shock to see Uther on his knees looking at his fallen son. "I....threes.... I'm sorry" Gaius tried to explain. "Don't spare my feeling old man" Uther demanded. Gaius sighed and looked at Arthur, so pale already gone from this world, his skin was colder then anything he had ever felt "it seem that Arthur has... it looks like he has taken a poison that not only promises death to any drinker but causes them to feel as much pain as they can take. It can make you feel like you're being burnt from the inside out, or like you drowning without a single drop of water. It could have been treated but.... I'm sorry sire Arthurs been dead for longer then can tell" he explained but he could feel the tears running down his face

That night candles were lit all over the city in mourning. Morgona looked out the widow, "what do we do now?" Gwen asked, "His funeral will be held at dawn, he will be buried next to my father grave" Uther stated, Morgona hated the way he talked like he was unaffected by any of this. "No" she whispered loud enough for everyone to hear . "What" Uther asked, anger taking over his voice "he didn't want that" she chocked out as more tears fell, Gwen walked over and hugged her, slipping the forgotten note into her hands before letting go, "it was his only wish" Morgona tried to explain but Gwen took over " He planned this, I don't know how long for, all we know is that he wanted to buried with Merlin" she explained " you will not tell me how to burry my own son" Uther shouted. Morgona stumbles forward to Uther "please" she begged holding the note out to him. His face fell as he read it "please" she asked again, Uther only nodded in response

Hours later Morgona was sitting on Arthur's bed staring at nothing when she saw it. A small piece of paper folded and hidden under a cupboard. She dropped to the ground and opened it . The blood drained from her face when she read it. Merlin had left a note to.

Dear Arthur

I'm sorry but it's ok, I wanted this. Please don't cry over me. Tell the dragon I'm sorry , turns out I won't be fulfilling my destiny after all.

I never told you and it's my greatest mistake. All the times I wish I had but never did. I was scared I guess. I'm a warlock. I use magic. I was meant to protect you with it buy it turns out you were the one protecting me. I never felt as safe or more loved then I did when you held me in your arms. You made me fill whole like you filled a part of me I never knew was missing. But them my world come crashing down just like I knew it would. I wish I could live like this but I can't. (1) Cause honestly I'm not that strong, I'm not that strong, I'm broken inside. I don't want to live this way anymore, in a world without you.

I love you and always will. Merlin.

Morgona fell to the floor. Both the men in her life that she cared more than anything about were gone. All because the love and loss they had shared caused them more pain and hurt then they could handle. She took Merlins note along with Arthur and threw them into the fire. No one had known Merlins secret and that's how it would stay. Arthur would have protected Merlin at any cost, the least she could do was keep his secret.

It was cold as dawn hit. The city had gathered to say goodbye to their prince. Uther made a speech and 3 friends stood together on the side lines. After everyone left Morgona sat in-between the 2 graves and smiled. "Now you can be together forever" she said before leaving them side by side until the worlds end.