Yo! How's everyone doing? Sorry for my long absence. ^^;

In my defense, things…haven't exactly been peachy here. Still, that should be no excuse. I humbly apologize for this and I will attempt to do much better in the future. No promises though. ^^; Again, my apologies.

Anywho, this little number is going to be my first attempt at writing a lemon. Since this is my first time, please bear with me.

Oh, yes that's right. I should give the lemon warning, shouldn't I? (ahem) This piece of fiction (whose characters are in no way, shape, or form mine) is intended for eyes eighteen or older (Yay! I'm finally old enough to say that! XP ) due to certain acts of a sexual nature that take place. If you are younger than eighteen or have a problem with Yuri themes or rape, then this is not the story for you. The rape thing only applies to this chapter, so if that's the only thing you have issue with, skip to the next chapter when it's up, Kay?

Saa, hajimaru zo~!

An Angel's First Time

As the tumultuous sounds of her Magister and freeloader's battle reached her, Asuna Kagurazaka, a redheaded and short-tempered third year student at Mahora Academy, cursed under her breath and, turning towards her friend and kendo teacher, said, "Come on Setsuna-san! We need to…Setsuna-san?"

Her comrade's silence was instantly explained as she glimpsed someone she neither expected nor wanted to see. Standing a few feet behind them stood the blond, bespectacled Shinmei-ryu practitioner, Tsukuyomi. Dressed in a red and white battle dress done in Gothic Lolita style, her face as red as her dress, her brown eyes full of lust (for battle or…other things, Asuna couldn't tell), the girl giggled.

"I've been waiting for this…Senpai."

"Tsukuyomi!" Setsuna practically spat the girl's name out, as if the very word disgusted her.

Showing no signs of being hurt by the hanyou's tone, Tsukuyomi giggled again. "Ahhh, these last few weeks have been sooooo long. To think, I had such delicious morsels right in front of me and yet, I was unable to do a thing." Panting suggestively, the girl brought one of her swords close to her face and, blushing even deeper, licked it. "Senpai, I…I just don't think that I, that I can hold it in anymore. Please, Setsuna-Senpai…could you, could you please help satisfy me? If-if you don't, why I, I might" Here her eyes took on a slightly demonic cast, "I just might have to slice up all these puppets around us."

Swiftly coming to a decision, Setsuna glanced in her fellow Magistra's direction. "Asuna-san, you head over to where Negi-Sensei is! I'll take care of things here."

"What? But I-"

"Don't argue, go! Negi-Sensei's the one who needs your magic cancel the most right now!"

Stepping back slightly from the force Setsuna put into her words, the redhead nodded. "R-Right! Just, just take care of yourself."

Setsuna smiled grimly as the other girl leapt off. "Don't worry about me." Pulling out her pactio card, the swordswoman uttered the usual cry of "Adeat", summoning her artifact and Mahora Tournament battle costume. "Tsukuyomi!" She said, calling out her wings, "I, Setsuna Sakurazaki of the Kyoto Shinmei-ryu will be your opponent."



Pulling away after yet another teeth-jarring clash, Setsuna once again used the few brief seconds before the next inevitable crossing of steel to study her opponent. There was no getting around it. Tsukuyomi was good. When Setsuna had told Asuna that she could take care of things, she had meant it. Now, however, those same words seemed to mock her. While she had progressed since the time in Kyoto, progress, as always, is a double-edged sword. This match made it quite clear that she wasn't the only one who became stronger.

As the two Shinmei-ryu practitioners clashed again, Tsukuyomi, in that singsong tone of voice she seemed to reserve just for Setsuna, seemingly echoed the other girl's thoughts, "Senpai, your teacher was good. You are a natural fighter, learned in the Shinmei-ryu and tempered in battle after battle. As you are now, I doubt there are many that can match you. But-" Here she pulled out a card of paper. Setsuna, sensing an attack immediately raised her arms in an attempt ward off whatever was coming. That was her first mistake.

Going low, the summoned golem (a kappa) grabbed the back of her costume and, pulling mightily, ripped it clean off, leaving only a chest wrap and a pair of silk panties preserving Setsuna's modesty. Here she made her second, and last, mistake.

Blushing, Setsuna reacted like most teenaged girls who had been stripped of their outer garments. She froze. Though she was only frozen for a second, that second was all her opponent needed.

With a gleeful cry of "Opening!" Tsukuyomi struck. As the two of them crashed into a nearby rooftop, Setsuna couldn't help but cry out when one of Tsukuyomi's blades impaled her through her wing.

"…there's no way for you to win." Tsukuyomi finished, bringing her remaining blade close to the bottom of Setsuna's chest wrappings. "At least, there's no way for you to win as you are now." The girl paused briefly, tilting her head to the side quizzically. "You know, you really have become more human Senpai. Before you'd never have been embarrassed by being stripped. Why is that?" She leaned in closer to the other girl, reaching up with her free hand to stroke Setsuna's raven locks. "Don't tell me," She nearly whispered, "that it's because of Konoka Ojou-sama."

"Don't you dare speak of Ojou-sama like that." Setsuna, her voice also barely above a whisper, said, her tone dangerously low.

It was then that Tsukuyomi, warned either by her sense or something in the other's face, whirled around, her blade appearing to warp as it knocked away one Setsuna's artifact blades.

"That's what I like about you Setsuna-Senpai." She said, returning to her earlier position. "You never can give, even when things are at their worst, can you. Still, it's not a crime to run away you know." She punctuated this last remark by slicing through her Senpai's chest wrapping, exposing her pale breasts. Taking advantage of the hanyou's shock, she plunged her remaining blade into the other's remaining wing, pinning her.

"You know, Senpai," She whispered huskily as she inclined her face even closer to Setsuna's, "Your cries, they really excite me. In fact," She licked her lips, "I don't think I can hold back anymore." So saying, she grasped the other girl's head and, much to the Setsuna's shock and horror, kissed her.

A thousand different feelings swirled inside her, even as Tsukuyomi swirled her tongue within her mouth. Disgust, anger, fear and even (she shivered involuntarily as she realized it) pleasure. Yes, even as she was being violated, she felt pleasure as she had never felt before. As her mind became embroiled by confusion, some baser instinct took over, urging her to join. And so, slowly, tentatively, the swordswoman's tongue poked into the other's mouth. For some reason, the other girl tasted like warm strawberries. Setsuna revealed in the taste as it danced along her tongue and all the way inside her.

Nothing can last forever, though, and so it was that Tsukuyomi, regretfully, released, leaving the two gasping. Her mind still fogged by the strawberries, it was several moments before Setsuna realized what had just happened.

"Y-you…! I-I mean, I just…that is I…!"

"My, my. Who could have ever guessed what you were really like, Senpai?" Tsukuyomi asked playfully, touching a hand to lips that still glistened with the winged girl's saliva. "To think that'd you, you, would do such a thing to a poor, virgin girl like me. What would Ojou-sama say if she saw you like that?"

Her eyes widening at Konoka's title, Setsuna squeaked, "No! I-I…it's not, I never…!"

"Shhh. It's alright, Senpai." Tsukuyomi cooed gently as she cupped one of Setsuna's breasts. "I'll take care of everything so don't worry." Flashing a quick predatory grin, she eased herself down the girl's body till her head was parallel to Setsuna's left breast. It was pale, as was the rest of the girl, capped by the dark pink skin of her areola and nipple. Running her tongue over the tiny pebble, she grinned at the girl's moans. Her smile grew even wider as she flicked the opposite nipple in time with her tongue. "Eheheh! Senpai~, your moans are so cute. And your chest, mmm! Supple, yet hard, they feel sooo nice." To illustrate her point, she grasped both breasts in her hands and squeezed them. "Does it feel good Senpai? Does it feel good when I squeeze your boobs?"

Her mind nearly overloaded by all the different sensations running through her, Setsuna could barely form a string of coherent words. "Nnnnnnnnoooo, it, AH, it doesn't…"

The bespectacled girl merely clucked her tongue reproachfully. "Senpai, Senpai, you really should be more honest with yourself. Look," she reached down and, placing two fingers at the junction between Setsuna's thighs, pressed in slightly. "You've already gone and spoiled your panties. And you're still saying you're not excited?"


Tsukuyomi shook her head. "No choice I suppose. Ah well." While her left hand continued to kneed the girl's breast, she hooked two fingers of her free hand on Setsuna's panties, slowly dragging them down. She grinned like a cat in front of a bowl of cream as the hanyou's vagina was exposed. Tracing her finger around the opening, she placed her tongue just below the girl's navel and moved downward, ending just above the clitoris. Finally, unable to hold on any longer, she pushed aside the girl's lips and inserted just the tip of one finger, barely penetrating her.

Just that sensation was enough to bring Setsuna to her senses. Fear, cold fear, of what was and could happen, completely washed away all other thoughts.

"Please." She whispered, "Please don't."

Tsukuyomi smiled. "Don't worry Secchan." Those words, spoken in the same tone and accent, called an image of the chocolate haired girl. As this image and the image of Tsukuyomi, her golden hair glowing in the sun, blurred in the girl's mind, her assaulter seemed to be covered in an angel like glow. And so, Setsuna dared to hope.

"…just kidding!"

As a sharp spike of pain from her lower region pierced her, Setsuna seemed almost to collapse, Dimly through the haze of tears that had sprung up, she could see that grinning she-devil licking two fingers.

"Looks like we're linked with a special bond now, Senpai. One your precious Ojou-sama could never hope to mimic. Bending down to kiss the defeated girl one last time (Setsuna could taste the metallic tang of blood amidst the unfamiliar taste of herself, confirming what the now dull ache already told her), she walked away.

Gazing skyward with vacant eyes still streaming with tears, one lone thought echoed in her mind.



Sob? Wha'd ya thank? Ah know id's not-Aw forgeb it. (Takes out the tissue).

So, what'd you think? Remember that this is my first time so (makes one of those adorable anime faces) please be gentle.

Anyway, that's all for this chapter. Next'll have some straight girl-on-girl for those of you who thought this might be lacking in ahem action.

Jya ne! ^_^