Guess what song I was listening to writing this. Pony swag, yes the rap about My Little Pony. Check it out. Its the shit :D

There is an armchair in Bruce's study. It had been there for as long as the millionare could remember, back when the room had been full of his father's documents and work. Bruce remembers (when he was younger) when his father was late home from work, he would sneak from his bed, past the prying eyes of his mother and Alfred to the dark study, turn on the small lamp and curl up in the armchair to wait for his father.

More than often, the young Bruce would be asleep by the time his father arrived home and would then be carried back to his bed, kiss him on the forehead and say goodnight.

After his parent's death, he would sometimes climb into the chair on dark nights where dreams would haunt him and wait for his father to return home.

Instead it would be Alfred who found him.

As he got older, he avoided going into the office, only to tidy up some accounts or hide when women got too clingy at his infamous parties.

The armchair was left abandoned in the cornor, holding the odd jacket or briefcase.

Left forgotten.

Raven had first taen a shining to the armchair when he first showed her the study. She had sunk into it, declaring it to be the most comfortable chair she had ever sat on. More often than not, she would curl up in the chair with a book while Bruce had to finish up urgent paperwork.

Then one day after finishing up on a patrol, he headed home hoping to spend some time with Raven before going to sleep. He arrived home, expecting to see Raven relaxing in the living room but there was no sign of her.

A quick search found her in the study. He only had to quirk his eyebrow for Raven to explain that she found the room most relaxing. Bruce had accepted this and so began a new tradition.

After a night of patrolling, whoever was home first would go to the study and wait for their partner to return before the both of them going to bed. Useally it would only be a few minutes of waiting before the other coming home.

One night Raven was late.

She had called, saying she was staying with a rape victem until the police arrived.

So Bruce waited, watching the minutes ticking down on the old grandfather clock.

Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

This was the picture Raven had arrived home to. Not having the heart to wake him up or the will to move him herself. Instead she grabbed the blanket that was conviently left behind the old armchair for old winter nights while reading, kiced off her boots and clamered on top of her boyfriend pulling the blanket over them both.

With a soft kiss on his forehead, Raven whispered a goodnight and with that, she fell into a comfortable slumber

Such a bad ending but Im so tired and I wanted to finish it before I forgot and lost all interst like so many other neglected stories