Okay, well, this is the last chapter. Sorry for the wait and sorry for grammar mistakes and spelling issues and opposing information. This story was influenced by the song 'break away' by Kelly Clarkson and a story i read on ZukoxSokka ^_^

Thanks for Reading!


I slowly awoke, my eyes fluttering open to dawn upon the twilight light.

I felt Zuko on me; his fire-hot body was the only blanket i ever needed.

His chin rested on my shoulder and his head leaned against my cutely; his beautiful mop of brown hair covered his face. Zuko's arms were wrapped loosely around my figure, yet his held me close to him. I realized i was sitting on him, as i felt myself on his lap, entwined in his body.

I could feel Zuko's steady breathing in my ear. In and out. In and out.

It was so peaceful and unaggressive, a light wind whisking in my earlobe.

I shifted slightly, wrinkling my toes to get blood back in the tingling, numb skin. Zuko quickly wrapped his arms tighter around, not wanting to let me go.

I smiled at the thought, amused by it.

And I to, did not want to ever let Zuko go.

I scanned the area, a normal reaction to me.

They had returned to the beach, so I was in sand that would be cold to anyone but me—just because Zuko was by, being my human-fire-blanket. The moon was starting to show, a bright white orb floating in the tinted sky. Stars peaked through the violet and red and pink sky, shimmering like tiny angels.

The moonlight reflected off the water beside our camp out, making the water seem enchanted. It pulled up on the surface and then let go, repeating this action endlessly. It made a swoosh sound, and the air smelt like salt water.

I shivered as a light wind breezed past me, sending prickly thrills up my skin. I pushed deeper into Zuko, feeling warmness once again blossom.

I realized that Aang was laid by the fire, only a few inches away from it. He had no mat beneath him, and no blanket on top of him either. I would fear that he would catch on fire, but i didn't. Aang was most likely unconsciously controlling it, as he was a fire bender and the avatar.

Toph was set some far ways away from the fire, a few feet past the actual camp site. Her petite, yet muscled body was cradled in a rock shell that she had pulled from the ground and melded around her figure. Being that she was considered the best earth bender throughout the land, it was no surprise. Toph had her arms wrapped around her, hugging herself. Her legs were pressed against her chest, so she was practically curled up. Toph's short black hair covered her closed white eyes, and her pink lips were parted in a steady breathing corse. She had mastered her snoring issue—though Aang failed to. Toph did manage to mumble in her sleep. Like right now, her lips were moving, and Sokka strained to hear what she was saying.


I smiled at the name. Suki and i had tried to go out, but miserably failed. We quickly found out that we both like the same sex, though we both agreed it was fun to at lest try. That's what i like about Suki.

Katara was right near the water. The way her body was carelessly laid out, her stretched out arm was right next to the water. The water washed up against her finger tips, and then went back down, and went back up again. Katara looked peaceful as she had removed her braids and her wavy hair was rested over the sand and her body.

It surprised me that she wasn't by Aang. After all, they were showing signs of relationship.

I liked that they liked each other, even though she was my sister.

At first, i remembered i had hated Aang. Not because he didn't seem trustworthy like i lied to cover myself up, but because the look in Katara's eyes just set me off right then and there.

The lust and love was over powering, and i had been afraid he would take advantage of that fact and use her.

So i guess i really did not trust him, but it wasn't for the reason of 'came-out-of-no-where-from-a-ice-burg-with-weird-arrows-on-his-body'

But after spending time with him, i realized he was far from what i had though, and i came to trust him. He was nice and kind and considerate, and he cared about us before he cared about himself.

I had actually 'liked' him, you could say, at one point in my life. But i realized it was just a stupid crush that had been practically demolished when i saw Zuko. And Katara liked him. No matter how much i despised my sister for her ability to control magic-water, i couldn't ever do that to her....

Enough said, Katara and Aang had actually gone on late night 'walks' around places, which led me onto the conclusion they were dating.

Suddenly, Katara screamed out.

"Mmm! Harder Aang!"

I went scarlet at the lusty call from my sister, who then rubbed her legs together, sighing happily.

I was definitely going to have a talk with Aang about this.....

I sighed, blinking.

There was still more hardship to come, and I doubt it would be easy to pass this ancient, tired bridge.

There would be many more losses, and many more problems. How could we survive?

Aang still needed to defeat the Fire Nation, and even though that sounds undemanding, it sure as hell wasn't.

Everyone here still has a chance to die, and it would seem me as the most likely one to go first.

But i shouldn't be selfish like that.

Zuko better sure as hell protect me, or else he's going down the fire gutter.

Anyways, i should stop being so negative.

I yawned, cuddling deeper to Zuko.

It's not like me to be so depressing.

I'm Sokka, the amazing warrior of the Southern Water Tribe.

I'm happy.

"Sokka...wake up Sokka....."

I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head. I wasn't even aware of the clothe until it was over me, but i couldn't care less.

It kept those horrible rays of the morning sun out of my eyes, and that's all that mattered.

"Sokka, wake up...c'mon..."

A hand gripped my shoulder and lightly shook me. I wished to tell Katara to leave me alone, but my voice just came out as a muffling moan.

Katara finally gave up, sighing.


Katara walked back over to Aang, rolling her eyes at the Sokka who just didn't want to get up.

Aang smiled, trying to cheer her up. It worked, and Katara smiled too.

At least Katara had been able to make him stir.

Aang had tried to wake him up also, before Katara, and Sokka didn't even shift. He was like a rock.

Aang wished Toph was here. She always had been vociferous, despite her now older-thin-like frame, and it seemed to always slap Sokka out his dream state.

But Suki had shown up this morning, so Toph was gone—having left for a 'walk and talk' with her.

Aang and Katara were happy for them. Katara was most happy because she loved the reactions Toph gave when Suki was around.

When the Kyoshi Warrior was by Toph, the girl would blush madly at anything she said, and she was as shy as a lover who had just had intercourse with it's other lover.

It very cute—something that Toph was usually not.

Zuko had failed to try to wake up Sokka, deciding to watch. He found it amusing when Sokka's face turned into a pout every time Katara had to wake him up, and before when Sokka would just simply lay there, completely oblivious.

The whole team was supposed to be leaving soon. The vacation was over, and fighting had to begin once again.

But how could they fight, if their planner was sleeping on an island far away?

Aang and Katara, now actually 'friendly' with Zuko, shot him pleading looks.

Zuko sighed and nodded, smirking. He stood up from the rock he was sitting on and walked over to Sokka.

He kneeled down in front of the teen wrapped in clothe.

"Sokka....," Zuko whispered in Sokka's ear lightly, his fingers lightly flitting across the blanket surface until they found the end. He gripped onto it.

"Sokka...." Zuko gently tugged down the blankets, revealing a sleeping Sokka.

Sokka pouted deeper in his sleep, and he held onto the blankets, trying to keep them there. He didn't want the warmth to go away.

Zuko smiled, and once the blanket was at least down to Sokka's chest, uncovered from his face, Zuko softly pressed his lips against Sokka's parted ones.


I clenched onto the blankets, not wanting the warmth to go away. Light streamed against my face, so a squeezed my eyes tighter to keep the darkness, pouting.

Thankfully, i felt whatever was pulling the blanket off me stop.

Suddenly, fire-hot lips pressed against mine.

My eyes snapped open and my back arched as a zip of heat crawled up my spine, sending me awake.

I saw Zuko's fire-like hazel eyes, only centimeters away from mine.

I was officially awake now, my body tingling with heat.

I slowly sat up, and Zuko let go of the blanket, causing it to fall off me more.

But i didn't need that now, for all the heat i needed was right in front of me, kissing me.

I wrapped my arms around Zuko's waist, pressing our bodies together. Warmth blossomed through my whole body, and i moaned.

Zuko's tongue slithered inside my mouth, caressing my gums and teeth. Then, it connected with mine, and i felt my pants tighten.

Our tongue's tied together, and saliva congested in out mouths(just because we weren't swallowing)

Then, we tardily parted, our lips connected by a trail of saliva.

Then, we both grinned, and it broke.

I wiped it off my chin, and Zuko did the same.

"Good morning, love," Zuko whispered, now very close to my ear.

I blushed dark violet. "G-good morning...," i replied.

Zuko leaned back and stood up. He leaned down, setting out a hand.

I grabbed it and dug my feet into the sand, standing up as he pulled me.

I saw Katara by a fire that had obviously just recently–-meaning one or two minutes ago—been made.

She wasn't looking at it—rather looking at the shifting sea beside her.

I saw Aang flipping through it, with fish slipping out of his hands.

Katara smiled, amused by the site. Appa let out a growl as he woke up.

Finally, Aang emerged from the water, setting the fish on a rock.

He air-bended his clothes dry, and then plopped down beside Katara, crossing his legs and preparing the fish.

"Hey, Sokka," Aang greeted.

"Morning, bro," Katara said.

"Yeah," I replied, looking around.

The glowing morning sun streaked down on the beach, bringing light upon it.

The sky was a clear baby blue, besides the few wispy clouds floating high in it.

I realized Toph wasn't here, and i confronted my fellow friends and lover about it.

"Where's Toph?," i asked.

"With Suki," Katara replied.

I raised an eyebrow. "When did she get here?"

"Earlier this morning," Aang said. He put the fish with sticks running through them in the flickering fire.


It was only a few minutes later when Toph and Suki appeared—both with delighted smiled on their faces.

Toph sat down beside Katara who smirked at her 'knowingly'

Suki looked me and then winked, before following Toph's action and sitting down beside her.

Aang handed Toph and Suki their breakfast, before he took one for himself and began demolishing it.

Zuko handed me one and i immediately bit into it, noticing the pit of my stomach was burning. It later growled, signaling it needed food—which i happily gave it.

Momo took a fish out of Zuko's hands only seconds before he was about to bite into it, and then ran away.

Zuko glared at it, and then snatched up another one, biting into it and grumbling.

I giggled in amusement.

Appa simply ate the largest fish Aang had caught. It wasn't cooked or prepared—he just chomped it down.

(NP) The five humans and two creatures sat around the needless fire, eating their breakfast and talking and laughing.

Finally it was time to go.


I offered to put out the fire—knowing full well that Katara, Aang, and Toph could do it in seconds—and they agreed.

Zuko went with me.

The rest of them began to prepare Appa.

I took a bucket and walked over to the sea, crouching down on the soles of my feet—my feet which were emerged into the water all the way up to my ankles—and setting the bucket in the ocean, filling it up with salt water.

"I'm sorry Sokka," Zuko suddenly said.

"Hm?," I asked, looking up at him.

"Im sorry for all the things i said to you before this....I'm sorry for trying to kill you guys...im sorry for what my father did...im sorry i put you in all these horrible situations...."

Sokka stared at him, confused slightly, before he grinned and laughed, shaking his head.

"What?," Zuko asked, his word dripping with confusion.

I sat up, the pail filled fully with water, and began to walk back to the site, Zuko following me.

"It's nothing Zuko....I just find it funny that you would say sorry... it doesn't seem like you."

"Is that good or bad?"

"I don't know," I admitted, blushing.

I dumped the water on top of the fire, putting it out.

Then, we started walking towards Appa, who now had a ship beside him in the water.

It must how Suki got here, I realized, watching the many people on that ship prepare to leave.

I observed Toph and Suki, watching them with interest as they talked.

Suddenly, Suki pecked Toph on the lips, and then turned and fled away back to her ship.

She looked behind her back to see a bright pink flush on Toph's surprised face, and smiled.

I smiled too, watching as Toph, still dazed, got onto Appa, where Katara and Aang were.

Me and Zuko stopped in front of Appa, staring at each other.

Zuko suddenly cupped my cheek. "I love you," he whispered.

I didn't know why, but i felt joy seep through me when i heard that.

I nodded. "I love you too."

We stared at each other, our eyes gleaming, before i blushed and turned away, climbing onto Appa.

Zuko did the same, sitting by me.

"Yip Yip!," Aang called, and Appa took off into the air, saying goodbye to our sweet vacation.

There was a horn call as the ship too took off in the water.

I sighed, leaning back into Zuko's arms which were delightfully wrapped around my waist.

I looked at the sky, and saw a bird spreading it's angel-white wings and soaring through the sky, breaking away from the limits of gravity.

I smiled, and for the first time in my life, wrapped in my lovers arms, watching the sky together, I felt free.
