I can't apologize enough for the time (years) that has gone by since my last update. A very huge THANK YOU to those of you still interested and waiting for this chapter. And I really hope that it's worth the two year wait.


How had I let Edward talk me into leaving? I could have easily gone another couple of weeks without feeding. But he'd convinced me that hunting would help take the edge off, free my mind of all the pent up anxiety and dread that had been consuming me since Leah's abduction. I'd begrudgingly agreed, not wanting to burden her with such emotions as her condition had seemed to finally be taking a turn for the better. Alice had assured me that she was on the cusp of coming to. And I could see the change, the flush of heat in her body, of course, but I was still hesitant to leave her side.

Reeling with guilt, as I had not been there when she'd awakened, I pushed harder, taking down a young Sitka spruce as I stormed madly towards my destiny. Though I hadn't traveled far, it seemed as though I'd been running endlessly, our home still nowhere in sight. Countless questions tormented me as I tore through the continuous green. What physical and emotional state was she in? What memories, if any, did she have of what had happened? Did she blame me?

A human figure blurred past me unexpectedly, its scent unmistakable in its delicious toxicity. I ceased my flight, searching desperately for the woman who held my heart and my very existence in her hands.

I waited restlessly for Leah to reappear, the anticipation of her fiery embrace almost too much to bear. And, just as I felt I was to implode from the impatience, she materialized in front of me.

Though Alice had done her best with Leah while she was unable to do for herself, the way she looked now led me to believe she'd been awake far longer than the five minutes that had elapsed since Edward's fateful phone call.

She was stunning. My entire body twitched, aching to reach out to her.

"Jasper," she called in a hushed voice.

I immediately picked up on the slight variation in her tone. And my brow came together as I examined her more closely. Though Leah had always been captivating, something about her eclectic beauty was strikingly different. Her eyes, once a mesmeric shade of the darkest, most alluring brown, were now varying hues of copper, with hints of gold around the rim. Even more shocking were the minute speckles of scarlet, too small for the human eye, dancing within her irises. Her scent had also been altered; a subtle trace of vampire tainted the once earthen aroma I had learned to love.

Was this the result of the venom? What other changes had she undergone? Was she still the same Leah I had fallen in with?

"Did you miss me?"

A smile stretched across her face, and all prior worries were instantly obliterated. Within a sixteenth of a second, her pounding heart was beating powerfully against my silent one.

No words were exchanged. I kissed her. She threaded her fingers into my hair, and a soft moan echoed in my mouth as I lifted her up off the ground. Relief and desperation washed over me. In that moment, I vowed to protect her, now and forever, because nothing, no one mattered more. She was my life.

The walls of my chest became heavy, constricted, my cold, dead heart swollen with love and adoration. For the first time in my existence, I felt whole. After so many decades, a century and a half of self-deprecating solitude, of merely existing and co-existing, I finally felt alive. Never more alive than this very moment. My life now had a purpose. Everything had happened exactly as it was supposed to. I needed to be this person, someone strong and resilient, perceptive, to love her the way she deserved.

"I'm okay," she whispered, arms tightening around my trembling chest.

Willing back the urge to sob, I murmured her name, whispered, "I love you," then continued reveling in the taste of my own personal slice of paradise.

After several minutes, I reluctantly attempted to pull away, conscious of the fact that she needed to take a breath. But Leah protested, strengthening the grasp her legs held around my waist.


"Where are you going?" I asked, nibbling gently on Jasper's bottom lip.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Nowhere, ever. Leah," he pleaded against my mouth, "I don't know what I would have done if-"

I put a finger over his icy lips, and he cradled my face. His eyes narrowing as he stared into my mine.

"What?" I whispered.

"You're different." And I nodded. "Are you… I mean, you can't be..." Jasper put a hand over my chest, as though he needed tangible proof that I was still somewhat human.

"Yes, there have been some changes."

I was still trying to come to grips with it all. The venom that had almost taken my life, had also, inadvertently, heightened my already enhanced strength and physical abilities. There were some slight aesthetic improvements as well… and I couldn't complain too much about that particular aspect. At the moment, however, until it all sank in, I was content enough knowing that I had absolutely no craving for human blood.

"But... what does it all mean? What has Carlisle said? Can you still phase?"

"I-I'm not sure. I haven't tried," I replied nervously, pushing the thought from my mind. "And Doctor Cullen doesn't know what to make of me, either. Then again, I didn't stick around long enough for him to make an attempt." I lay my head on his shoulder and pressed my lips to the base of his neck. "I needed to see you. After convincing Edward to make you leave..."

"And why did you want me gone? Have you any idea the torment I've been through these last four days, not knowing whether or not you'd pull through." He tilted my chin. "Leah, I wanted to be there."

"And I had no way of knowing how long I'd been out, let alone what the hell I looked like, or how badly I needed a shower… and a toothbrush. Turns out, your mind-reading brother's actually good for something after all."

Jasper laughed softly, then inhaled deeply against my cheek, before making his way to my lips. "You look…. delicious." He gave my ass a squeeze. "Alice?"

"What, you don't think I have any fashion sense of my own? I'm pretty capable of dressing myself, you know." I smirked, curving myself against him. "I was going for the whole Kate Beckinsale, Underworld look. Think I can pull it off?"

"Mmm. How about you let me do that part?" he groaned into the nape of my neck, then paused for a second. "Leah, your scent, your skin, even your eyes... does this make you some sort of-hybrid? I mean, you're still very much alive. Your heart-" Jasper's nose nestled in my hair. "What does this mean?" he asked again, now kissing my shoulder. "How is it possible?"

"I don't know. Carlisle mentioned something about an anti-venom and its repercussions. He'd started to try to explain, but I couldn't-I didn't want to hear. Jasper, I just feel so... different. There's so much space in there," I stated, referring to my thoughts, and how effortless and remarkable it was to think of multiple things at once, to feel such powerful emotions and be able to turn them off and on like a switch.

And then there was the physical aspect. I'd ran incredibly fast, faster than I had ever done while in wolf form. The vigor and endurance in my legs were seemingly limitless.

"Immunity," he stated suddenly.


"Your blood, it smells of venom. There's a good chance that you've developed a possible immunity to it." His eyes lit up.

"You want to conduct an experiment or something?" I asked jokingly, offering my neck for dramatic effect.

Jasper suddenly grabbed me firmly by the shoulders and shook his head, black gaze swimming with anguish.

"These last four days have been the worst of my existence, Leah. I don't know what I would have done had I lost you. I may have lost myself. In fact, I think I had already made the choice." He kissed me sweetly, solemnly, reliving those despairing moments. "It would have been so easy... Leah, I just cannot envision a life without you. I need you. I love you."

The intensity of his words made my heart palpitate.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere," I murmured, placing small kisses along his neck. "You're stuck with me."

He laughed softly. "You promise?"

I froze. An alarming thought unexpectedly crept into my mind. Jasper instantly read the sudden shift, and tensed.

"What is it? Does something hurt? Do-"

"No, no. I'm fine. It's just…" I fought to look him in the eye. "Jasper, the way I feel about you is… overwhelming, and there's no one else that I would want to… because of what I am, there are things that may be beyond my control. Even with all these changes there's still a possibility that..."

Jasper combed his fingers through my hair, a faint smile touching his lips. Not at all the reaction I'd expected.

"Imprinting," he said, more as a statement than a question.

"You know?"

"I heard Edward and Jacob discussing it briefly-"

My face dropped, and I turned away from him. "If I ever…"

He lifted my chin and kissed me before speaking. "You're the only female shape shifter in existence; I have faith that you work a little differently than your pack members. And you're not one-hundred percent shape shifter anymore. In any case, we'll cross that bridge when and if we ever get there. Either way, it's not like you'll be getting out much in the coming months," he laughed darkly, nuzzling my neck.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I purred.

"It's been almost four days, and a lifetime before that- I don't want to waste another second." Jasper's lips were now blazing a trail between the valley of my breasts, ripping a groan from my throat. He ascended slowly, lips, tongue, running across my skin until reaching my ear. Nearly panting, he whispered, "Just wait until-"

I broke away from him slowly. And suddenly found myself having a hard time concentrating. My eyes were focused, awe-struck, on his face, his neck, his arms… Despite my enhanced vision, I had never noticed how prominent and how numerous the scars on his body actually were.

He suddenly stopped speaking, his words trailing off as he picked up on my bewilderment. I reached up, my fingertip lightly tracing a smaller scar on the edge of his jaw. Looking into his eyes, I smiled, kissing the spot I had just touched.

Nothing could ever take away from his beauty.

"What are you thinking?" he asked, looking a little confused, but relieved by the softening in my demeanor.

"How there isn't anywhere in the world I'd rather be right now." I wrapped my arms tightly around his chest, closing my eyes and shaking my head. "To think, I almost didn't take that job, on the cruise ship… it scares me to think of the possibilities, because I just can't imagine it."

He gently took my face into his hands, which, strangely enough, were not as cold as I remembered. "No, I know I would have found you, somehow."

I snorted. "You hated me, remember? Had it not been for the crazy circumstances pushing us together, I probably wouldn't have seen you after that first encounter."

"Not true, Leah. This just feels so right. This is where I am meant to be," he whispered over my lips. "And I didn't hate you; I was afraid of you… I'd never experienced the feelings I felt the moment I laid eyes on you. And that's saying a lot."

Something inside me stirred violently. I gripped his shoulders tightly, my lips parting as I breathed his name. Before I could stop myself, I tore through his shirt with the sheer power of my finger tips, shoving him against the bark of the nearest tree. Jasper had once explained how strong and dominant vampire emotions were, a notion I could never fully grasp, until now. The urge was nearly uncontrollable, stronger than anything I could have ever imagined. I pushed myself against him, teeth opened against his jaw, panting, needing him inside me... deep inside.

A beastly growl escaped my lips as I trailed kisses down his sculpted chest, nipping hungrily at the impenetrable marble. "Jasper, I want you so badly. It's making me crazy. I've never… Fuck, I feel like I could explode."

He lifted me gently, so that our eyes were level. "Now you understand exactly how I feel."

A smile stretched across his lips as he pressed them against mine slowly. A soft, pleading moan slithered up my throat, and, I pushed myself against his abdomen, desperately seeking friction between my legs.

"It's the venom. Everything becomes heightened. Not that I want you to, but you'll learn how to suppress and control strong, overpowering emotions like anger and lust." He gently laid me back onto the grass, pushing his rock hard dick between my legs, testing the strength of the black leather… and my non-existent self-control. "But I'm sorry that I won't be much help."

I grinned darkly, clawing at his back. "Don't," I demanded, his slacks now in pieces on the ground. Rosalie's leather suit quickly joined the tattered grey fabric.

Words were unnecessary. He filled me, thrusting himself inside with a snarl. Just a few days ago, I couldn't have fathomed the idea that making love to Jasper could have gotten any better; it was already as close to divine as one could experience. But this, this moment far exceeded them all. Every crevice, every pore, every part of me was buzzing, vibrating with unparalleled sensations.

Tears gathered in my eyes. "Jasper, que quowle," I murmured over his lips. He ceased for a brief moment, forehead against mine, then pushed, caressed and kissed with more fervor.

Our bodies climaxed simultaneously, yet it felt as though the glorious culmination was only the beginning. As if we could remain this way indefinitely.

I interlaced my fingers with his and placed my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and savoring the feel of him inside me, cold, hard as steel, perfect. Nothing could ever feel so right. It was otherworldly.

I watched with reverent eyes as a faint smile pulled at Jasper's lips, his jaw twitching slightly whenever my fingertip swept across a sensitive area around his nipple.

"You know," he began, lips brushing over my forearm, "I owe Alice."

Just as I intended to respond, the words escaped me, as Jasper pushed himself deeper.

"I thought she'd gone completely mad. I couldn't have been more wrong." He was kissing behind my ear now, hands splayed against my back, pressing me to his chest, and, as impossible as it seemed, deepening the penetration. I had to reach down, to the very depths of whatever superhuman strength I possessed, in order to articulate a coherent sentence.

"We should take a trip. We could go anywhere you'd like, anywhere in the world. Another cruise, perhaps?"

I smiled, focusing on what he was saying, slowly taking control and regaining my composure. "S-surprise me."

"You have to tell me. If you leave it up to me, I'd probably never bring you back." Jasper rolled me slowly onto my back, sliding a hand down my tremulous abdomen, and reaching to touch where we were joined.

"Baby, as long as you keep doing that…" I moaned as his thumb made luscious, circular motions, "you can take me anywhere… for as long as you want." I bit down on my lip when his other fingers began a rhythmic stroking motion across the slickness.

"Don't tempt me," he murmured, retreating his fiendish hand, and slowly bringing it to his lips. I watched as he hungrily licked the wetness off his fingers.

"How should I feel about you doing that?" I asked, my mouth grazing down his neck.

He chuckled. "I love every part of you."

And we rolled again.

Smiling, I cupped his face in my hands and kissed the tip of his nose, his forehead, then his jaw. There were so many things that I wanted to say, but I couldn't bring myself to speak the words. They simply did not exist.

I sat up, Jasper buried inside me, and let out a loud, pleading whine. He followed, his gentle teeth alternating between each breast.

"Leah, I love you. You're mine. All mine," he growled, gripping my thighs.

I grabbed a fistful of his hair, tipping my head back, wanting to respond, to tell him that, even if I did imprint, I'd cut my legs off before even thinking of walking away. But the way Jasper was now plunging himself deeper, impossibly deeper… reaching places, making me stammer obscenities I'd never heard of, had rendered my brain useless of anything remotely logical.


"Are you ready?"

I hadn't really wanted to dwell on how it would feel not to be able to phase again. For weeks, from the very first godforsaken instant that it happened, I cursed and loathed what I'd become. But the more I thought about losing that once abominate part of who I was, the more I feared losing the link that had brought me to Jasper. We were both anomalies in a world oblivious to our existence. My life was irrevocably tied to his. And I could never go back to just being Leah Clearwater from the La Push Rez.

"My love," he whispered, washing away every single one of my worries with the mere brush of his lips against my shoulder.

I slowly turned to the only thing that would ever make sense in this crazy, fucked up world, and pulled his face close. "How about you just try to keep up."

A sly grin quirked the corners of his mouth, and he nodded.

Drawing in a deep breath, I braced myself for the unknown, closing my eyes and concentrating on evoking the wolf. Searing heat quickly flowed throughout, traveling towards my limbs before erupting. Four silver paws brutally uprooted the grass as they thundered to a sprint. Jasper immediately followed, bounding through the canopies before taking to the forest floor behind me.

The deliciously exhilarating feeling of the wind, as it blew swiftly through my fur, filled my senses with feelings of absolute euphoria. I could almost feel the muscles throughout my body strengthening with each stride instead of tiring. A powerful surge of energy buzzing through my veins. The greenery around me blurring, melting into what seemed like one long verdant tunnel.

I spotted a lake in the distance and promptly propelled myself forward, diving off the edge of a small boulder, my body smoothly breaking the still surface of the water. I remained submerged as the wolf melted away. Moments later, I heard the echoes of Jasper's footfalls as he entered the stream. And I trembled with anticipation.


"So what's the verdict?"

Carlisle was scribbling some notes on a small white pad. He stopped to look at me, undeniable fascination colored on his face.

"I would have never imagined such an outcome. However, because of the rarity, or rather, novelty of your case, I can't offer any concrete answers." He grasped my forearm gently and brushed his fingers against the crease of my elbow. "If I could only get a blood sample."

Evidently, my skin was a lot more resilient, probably as impermeable as a vampire's. Syringe after syringe had bent, snapped and broken with each attempt. I'd offered to use my teeth, a samurai sword, even, but my apparently ludicrous suggestions nearly caused Jasper to have a stroke.

"Amazing, isn't she?"

I turned to find my slightly neurotic and overprotective lover standing at the door of Carlisle's office, grinning and looking as deliciously sexy as ever.

"Quite," Doctor Cullen responded, tucking the note pad into one of his front pockets. "We'll just have to take it one day at a time. Because of your unique nature, I'm entirely curious to know whether the changes are permanent, wear off gradually or simply disappear all together. It's fascinating, really. It seems she has acquired all our strengths, yet her cells, while not physically aging, per se, are still dividing, renewing themselves. The possibilities here are simply unimaginable."

"What about my theory, and her immunity to venom?"

"It's probable, yet impossible to safely test without a blood sample."

"Well, I certainly feel great," I declared, smirking and leaning against the cot, seductively crossing my legs in Jasper's direction.

He stared back at me with predatory, lust-filled eyes, but didn't move a single muscle. We both knew that distance was best for the moment, at least for Carlisle's sake, who quietly cleared his throat, then proceeded to excuse himself.

"Doctor Cullen," I called, as he crossed the threshold, "thank you… for everything, for saving me. I owe you my life." He smiled and nodded.

"No need to thank me, Leah. If anything, thank you," he said, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "And please, call me Carlisle."

As soon as the door closed behind him, I leapt into the air and into the arms of my favorite vampire. Squeezing my legs firmly around his waist, I kissed him almost desperately, as though we'd been apart for days instead of a mere thirty minutes.

"I missed you," I breathed.

"Not nearly as much I missed you."

I laughed internally, recalling how I'd always gotten on Bella for being such a cornball with Jacob. Now, here I was, just as pathetic, pet names and all.

"Do you think we have time to slip away?" Jasper asked, nibbling on my ear, hands traveling southbound.

I moaned softly. "As much as I'd love to, baby, I promised my mom and Bella that I'd go back home today."

We were both well aware that slipping away meant we'd be M.I.A. for the rest of the evening, and possibly well into the early hours of the morning. As hard as it was to resist what would undoubtedly be an unforgettable rendezvous with Jasper, I needed to be with my family. It's been so incredibly long, or at least it felt that way, and I'd only seen my parents briefly. Once they'd heard that I had regained consciousness, they'd all rushed over. However, despite the new truce between the Cullens and the pack, staying for more than an hour, in a house with so many vampires, was just a bit out of their comfort zone.

"You know, my family is thinking of staying in Forks for a while. The local hospital is practically begging Carlisle to work for them, and he's seriously considering the idea."


I'd always dreamt of getting the hell out of this place, ever since I could remember... well, mostly after Sam. Now, however, things were vastly different. As cliché as it may sound, life now had a whole new meaning. It was far easier to appreciate what was once taken for granted. My family and friends meant everything to me, and the thought of just leaving them behind, so soon, was a rather unnerving one.

"What about you? And Vancouver? I wouldn't want you to just-"

He kissed me lovingly. "Wherever you are, that's where my life is. We can stay here for as long you'd like."

I sighed blissfully, then leaned in for a kiss, suddenly contemplating his earlier suggestion of ditching dinner with my parents, when someone knocked on the office door. "Hold that thought," I purred into his ear.

Alice skipped inside, Edward right behind her.

"Leah!" she chirped, throwing her arms around me. I accepted the gesture wholeheartedly, squeezing her in return. "Ow! Easy there!"

"Oh! I'm sorry. Did I just... hurt you?"

"Amazing." She was now circling me. "You're like a newborn, only-not. And, even more astonishing, now that you're, well, not just a shifter, I can see you. Muddled, like bad reception, of course, but just enough all the same. All the possibilities."

There was a devious glint of something in her eyes, and I honestly preferred not to be informed of whatever she'd seen.

"Alice, I could never repay you for your role in bringing us together. Believe me, I have never been happier, but, please, unless it's a matter of life or death-"

"No worries," she grinned.

"I'll try to keep her under control," Edward offered, winking.

"Thank you." You're not as big of a dick as I'd originally thought.

He shook his head, stifling a snigger.

Alice proceeded to inform me that she and Bella had become good friends. And, wasting no time in breaking her promise, she suggested I spend more time with her, stating that she would need me in the coming weeks. I had a hunch that Jacob had a lot to do with Bella needing a shoulder to cry on. I made a mental note to kick his ass later.

"Well, I guess we'll see you this evening."

"Don't wait up," Jasper teased, wrapping his arms around me from behind and pressing his lips to my neck.

Alice grinned widely, gazing at us with adoration, like an artist gushing over his or her own masterpiece. She turned to leave, grabbing Edward's hand.

"Oh, and Leah, don't make him grovel for too long. I haven't planned a wedding in over a decade!" she shrieked from the hallway.

Oh. My. God!


From the moment I walked through the door, I was ambushed, Jasper's hand ripped away from mine. My mom became a sobbing mess, along with Bella, as if they hadn't just seen me the day before. Dad and Seth had an arm around each other, anxiously awaiting their turn. I saw Jasper flash me a smile as he stepped back into the living room, letting my family have their moment.

A slight twinge from deep within my chest, as he disappeared behind the pale yellow wall, distracted and overwhelmed me for a second. Somehow, it felt wrong not having him within reach, not when I was experiencing such utter happiness, surrounded by the people I loved most.

In that moment, something clicked, solidified inside me. I needed Jasper in my life. I loved him more than I ever imagined was possible. A beam of light, blinding in its glorious radiance, visible only to my eyes, burst out from where my heart thundered, irrevocably binding me to that man on the other side of the wall.

The imprint was unexpected, different than what I'd been told. Was it because of the venom? Or the fact that I was female? Whatever the reasons, none of it mattered now. I slowly broke away from my father's grasp, whispering, "I'll be back," and nearly sprinting towards the very source of my life force. As though he already knew-of course he'd felt it-Jasper scooped me up into his arms.

"I love you. I love you... "My voice was tremulous, those three words weighted with the strength of my imprint.

His lips disrupted the flow of tears now streaming down my face, kissing me gingerly as a dozen I love you's flowed between us. After what seemed like forever, and yet, not nearly enough time, he murmured against my cheek, "Go now, love".

I nodded, dedicating one last kiss to that luscious mouth before reluctantly parting from his embrace, leaving a piece of my soul behind.

Seth was just outside the entryway, his expression one of deep understanding, far beyond his sixteen years. Wrapping his arms around me, he whispered, "We missed you."


After things had finally settled down and, after all the million and one questions had finally dissipated, Bella and I sat alone at the kitchen table. Mom and Dad were upstairs, grudgingly packing a few of my things after I'd told them I'd be staying with Jasper, even though I certainly didn't need any of it.

Jasper and Seth were in the living room, engaged in conversation. And I was very thankful for that.

"How are things between you and Jacob," I finally asked. I knew Bella had been avoiding the subject. She looked away nervously, sadness creasing her features.

"We're still together… taking it day by day, you know." She gently stroked the cast on her right arm and sighed, forcing a smile and glancing towards the living room. "You're so... lucky."

A gleaming smile stretched across my face. I couldn't argue with that. However, that smile quickly soured when I looked over at Bella. Her eyes had filled with tears, lips quivering with emotion.

"Bella, listen to me," I pleaded, taking her hand, "You can't let it affect you like this. Jacob may not be the same guy you left a month ago, but he still loves you. He can't help what he's become any more than I can. Give him time to come to terms with his new life, with the possibility of losing his free will... the possibility of losing you. Trust me; he's hurting just as badly."

"Easy for you to say," she snorted. "You've got Jasper now, you've imprinted, and you're immortal. It doesn't get any better than that, does it?" There was a slight edge to her tone and, it stung, but I couldn't be mad at her. I empathized with her pain. Just the thought of possibly losing Jasper caused a chill to ripple down my spine.

"Yeah," I muttered, retreating my hand, suddenly uncomfortable. But before I could say another word, Jasper's lips were suddenly at my neck, flushing me with heat and relieving any feelings of distress.

Bella averted her eyes, her cheeks turning bright pink.

"Are you ready to go home?" he asked, stroking my jaw. I nodded.


My mom waved from the front porch and, I returned the gesture, smiling at her until she was no longer visible.

I rested my head on Jasper's shoulder, needing to be close to him, as he pulled onto the dark stretch of highway. We didn't feel the need for words at the moment, the quiet calm of each others' presence was enough.

Several minutes passed before either of us spoke. "I never imagined... feeling this way," I said, clutching at my seemingly swollen chest. "I've never felt so..."

He lifted my chin, placing a kiss on my lips. "I know," he smiled.

"This changes so many things. I feel like I want, like I need things I never thought I would."

Images of me in a flowing white dress flooded my imagination. Endless nights of inconceivable pleasure, shuddering in his arms... Forever stretched out in front of us.

"Leah," he suddenly said, his voice strained. I felt as his entire body became fraught with tension, the car skidding to a screeching stop in the next second.

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously, confused.

Jasper's hands clenched the steering wheel, his eyes plastered on the dark road in front of him. I followed his glare, shocked to see Sam standing at the edge of the embankment. Our last encounter had almost turned into a tragedy. I couldn't imagine that he would deliberately come find us in the hopes of another confrontation.

We pushed the doors open simultaneously, joining hands as we reached the front end of the car, walking slowly but determinedly towards my ex Alpha-because that's exactly what he was. That connection I'd felt to him, not only emotionally, but as a part of his pack, had been severed. Apart from the imprint, I could only guess that my venom altered, shifter-vampire genes had a lot to do with the disconnect.

Sam's shoulders tensed as we neared, his heart rate accelerating. Instinctively, a growl began to rumble at the back of my throat. I listened for the others in the woods, nerves on end; after all, he couldn't possibly have come alone. But there were no familiar scents or heartbeats other than Sam's. Jasper squeezed my hand and nodded once, his features softening.

"He's not hostile."

I narrowed my eyes in Sam's direction, still wary of his intentions. There was no fucking way he'd get within an inch of Jasper. Not this time.

"What do you want," I asked, my voice harsher than I intended.

"Just to talk."

"Out here? Like this?" I questioned skeptically.

His gaze moved between Jasper and I and our interlaced fingers, until finally settling on my face.

"I'm sorry, Leah," he began. "For everything. For hurting you. Not loving you the way you deserved. I don't understand... this. I may never will..."

For the first time since we'd met, Sam's words bared no weight. That familiar ache in my chest was gone. Nothing he could ever say to me would so much as come close to touching the impenetrable barrier surrounding my heart.

I listened to his apologies, without saying a word, merely nodding. My acceptance went unspoken, but, somehow, I knew he understood. And, just as suddenly as he'd materialized, Sam was gone.

I was the first to climb back inside the car and, before Jasper could start the engine, I pulled him close. "I don't want to go back yet."

"No?" he asked, lifting me onto his lap. "Do you want to talk about-?"

I shook my head, not letting him finish. Sam was no longer a concern of mine. "It's been such an overwhelming night. I just want to be alone... with you." I pleaded, kissing his neck. "Take me somewhere, baby. Anywhere."

"The cottage?"

"Mmm, that cottage, huh?" I murmured, eyes still closed. "I thought we'd burned that place down."

"Almost," he groaned, reaching for my jeans.

"No, it's my turn." I countered, a firm hand on his wrist, easily ripping open his black designer slacks, taking his rock-hard erection into my hand. I'd probably never understand how this glorious vampire dick worked, but I couldn't care less.

"Leah," he growled, as I tightened my grip and began stroking him slowly, my tongue running along the length of his earlobe.

A series of low growls rumbled in Jasper's chest. He took hold of my chin, crushing his mouth to mine. The car suddenly seemed too constricting for two supernatural beings in the throes of passion. So it was no surprise when the anchors underneath the driver's seat snapped and protested as I pushed angrily on the intrusive cushion.

"Easy, love," he chuckled between hungry kisses.

"Fuck-Jasper," I panted, the uncontrollable urge to do that very thing driving me to the edge of my sanity. The combination of a shifter's temper and a vampire's hyper sensitivity was indeed an explosive one.

I growled, gripping the steering wheel behind my ass, intent on tossing the damned thing through a window. Jasper suddenly tore me away, placing me back into the passenger seat.

"What... are you-?"

Throwing the car door open, he leapt over the roof, nearly tearing away the passenger side door as he clawed to rip it open. I was on top of the hood within a second, legs brusquely spread open, as he shred my clothes and drove himself into me with luscious cruelty.


Jasper inhaled deeply, his nose nuzzled into my hair. We'd been lying on the hood of his car for almost an hour, gazing at the starless night sky.

"It's quite interesting, the way your scent has been altered."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked, turning slightly so that I was now facing him.

He smiled amusedly and kissed my forehead. "Everything about you is always a good thing, Leah. Different doesn't necessarily mean bad, especially when the difference I'm referring to is in the scent of your blood. "

"So I really do smell like a leech, huh? Great."

Jasper laughed, running his lips along my jaw. "Somewhat. Your original scent is still there, just not as dominant as before."

"Well, at least one good thing has come out of all this."

He grinned suspiciously at the mischievous tenor in my voice. "And what's that?"

Grabbing the collar of his shirt, I whispered over his mouth, "Wolf or not, I can totally-Kick. Your. Ass…"

A growl rumbled through my teeth as I suddenly hurled Jasper into the air with one hand and over a small ditch on the side of the road. He recovered quickly, of course, and positioned himself into a defensive posture, a playful snarl pulling at his mouth.

I crouched as well. "Come and get it, leech!"

"Oh, I will," he warned, now growling with more mock ferocity.

Jasper was air-bound in the next instant, launching himself towards me with ungodly speed and intent. However, if I was fast before, I was surely a force to be reckoned with now. One moment I was perched on his white Audi, the next, I was on the other side of the highway, hands on my hips.

"Is that all you got?" I pretended to gaze idly at my fingernails.

"Impressive," he admitted, preparing for another attack.

This time, I leapt first, intentionally ramming into his steel frame. We tumbled across the embankment a few times, feigned growls resonating loudly through the darkness. Jasper pinned me, a vicious grumble echoing in his throat as his teeth playfully opened against my neck.

"Delicious," he murmured, tongue running along my skin.

It had definitely been a good thing I'd let my parents pack that suitcase, as I was about to go through outfit number two for the night, and I was certain it wouldn't be the last. Closing my eyes, I moaned, "Baby-"

A loud swoosh of air forced open my eyelids, just in time to see Jasper and an unknown figure as they slammed into the windshield of the car. The thunderous shattering of glass became lost among the deafening howls that ensued.

Four days ago, my first instinct would have been to phase, but tonight, I was going to tear this son of a bitch apart with my bare hands.

I leapt over the mangled vehicle, grasping the bastard's arms as I flew over, then behind them, ripping both limbs in the process. My intervening managed to distract Jasper for a tenth of second, long enough for his attacker to kick, newborn strength, catapulting Jasper into me. I became brutally sandwiched between a steel torso and the bark of a large Fir, but I felt no pain, only blinding, murderous rage. I bared my teeth and roared, fire blazing throughout my body. The wolf stirred, clawing from underneath my skin, fighting to be freed. Pushing back the urge, I was on the blond intruder, his head between my crushing hands in the next instant. But just as I started to twist, my eyes flew wide when they met his.

"Wait!" I yelled to Jasper, who had already snapped the poor bastard's spine in two.

I released the hold I had on his skull and, he dropped with a thud, face to the pavement. Jasper immediately pulled me back, taking a defensive stance in front of me.

"Tell me why I'm not ripping this bastard's head off-and talk fast," he ordered through gritted teeth.

"I-I think I know him," I said, placing a hand on Jasper's tensed shoulder.

"Who. Is. He?" I began to walk around him, but he held me firmly, a growl rippling past his teeth. "Leah."

"Mike… his name is Mike." Although I'd told him about Mike from when I'd been held captive, Jasper didn't let up. In fact, he growled louder. "Wait, just… wait. Let me talk to him."

"No," he replied flatly. "He's a newborn. You're not going near him."

"I thought… he was attacking you," Mike suddenly muttered, now staring at us both from where he lay, mangled. Broken.

Though physically impossible, I felt as though I was in shock. Staring into his twisted features, my heart wrenched with guilt.

"We have to take him to Carlisle!" I shrieked, kneeling down, intent on putting him back together, somehow, making things right. After all, this was my fault. I'd had a part in his transformation, indirectly or not.

Jasper knelt beside me. "Leah-"

"Kill me," Mike deadpanned.


"Kill. Me," he repeated with a snarl.

"Why? We can help you. You just need-"

"DO IT!" he roared, snapping his teeth at my hand, missing my fingers by mere millimeters.

Jasper's wasted no time in granting the broken man's death wish. Before I could process another thought, he blurred to the trunk of his car, then back to me again, lifting me to my feet and away from Mike's body before setting the pieces ablaze.

Countless seconds ticked by before Jasper finally turned to me, pulling me to his chest.

"Are you all right," he asked.

"Of course."

His cell phone suddenly began to go off. Alice's panicked voice trilled through the receiver. I had intended to listen to what she was saying, but I found myself lost in thought, gazing in the direction of the flames. My guilt growing with the blaze. Because of me, Mike had lost everything. It would have been better to just go on without ever knowing his fate. At least then I wouldn't have to think about what I'd indirectly caused.

Jasper's soothing touch forced my eyes closed. I welcomed his comfort, hugging him tightly.

"They're not going to come here, are they?" I asked, realizing that, though I hadn't paid attention, I'd caught everything Alice had said. She'd seen, although hazy, the attack on Jasper, and tried to warn us-a little late.

"No." Jasper's fingers combed through my hair. "Leah, he made a choice."

"I know," I nodded, pushing all thoughts of Mike to a safe place. "Your car has seen better days, by the way. Are we going to just leave it here?"

"I'll have it towed in the morning. The cottage is just a few miles east. Are you up for a run?" He suddenly lifted me into his arms. "Or I can carry you, for old time's sake? I don't like to feel useless, love," he purred, lips grazing the nape of my neck. "You were certainly a sight to behold tonight."

I grinned, tilting his face towards mine, and losing myself in those golden irises.

"How fond is Esme of that cottage?"


I'd love your feed back! :) Again, I apologize for such a looooooong wait! Thank you so much for all the encouraging reviews, alerts, and favorites!