A/N: Was bored, and needed some Smitchie goodness. I noticed this after reading an interview of Demi in Twist. Check it out! Please R&R!

Michelle Torres's heels clack against the wood floor of the recording stage. Hollywood, didn't that sound nice? She inhales the air. Nice sweet, Hollywood air. She would probably never get over it. Never ever ever.

Her jeans buzz, and she slips the white iPhone out of her pocket.

I'm in town. Take you out tonight?

She smiles. She would reply later. She has just one interview left to do.

The double doors slide open, and she steps through, amidst the screaming and steady song playing in the background. Her steps soon match the beat, as she was used to doing on stage. She could have danced right there and then. They played his songs everywhere. How easy was it for her to love him? But the host beckons, and she slides into the plush couch. Smiling and waving, she loves the applause even more.

"So, Michelle!" The host gives her a hug, and she giggles at the weird badly dressed lady, who was earning more than her to just ask people questions.

"You are an international sensation, darling!" But before the host continues, the crowd is already in an uproar, up on their feet, screaming "I love you!'

"So… let's get right to the dirt. When is your next record coming out?"

Mitchie loves this question, and she smiles happily.

"Sometime this June, and I'm so excited!" She squeals.

"I can see that!" The host laughs, and proceeds to the next question.

"What would be your ideal date?"

Mitchie laughs, and pretends to think, though she already knows the answer.

"Japan, no wait, Disneyland!"

The crowd goes crazy again and nothing but the wild gesturing of the host can calm them down. The host's smile fades slightly, but she forges on, like an expert interrogator.

"Talking about dates, are you dating anyone?"

The host is infamous for getting the truth out of stars, and probably thinks she has her next victim up to answering the most sought after question the world has been asking.

Is Michelle Torres available?

Fortunately, Mitchie is an actress. Actresses can act, that's why their called actresses. She plasters a huge grin on her face. "Nope, sorry. Everything you hear is a lie."

Upset she hasn't been able to crack Mitchie, the host scowls, and ends the interview sooner than expected. As they have their final embrace, Mitchie hisses. "Won't you like to know?" And turns around, waving happily to the crowd, the good girl once again, leaving the astounded host in her dust.


She clicks open her door, and steps in, turning on the light. As she turns to enter her kitchen, a familiar pair of hands covers her eyes.


She coaxes the hands off, and stands face to face with her dark haired boyfriend.

"You never replied."

"I never like texting." She kisses him on the cheek, her chin brushing lightly against his clean shaven lips.

"What do you want to do tonight?" he asks, kissing down her neck.

"Take me to Disneyland, Shane."

He smiles, and kisses her again.

"I'll think about it."