What is love? As far as I can tell, it is passion, admiration and respect. If you have two, you have enough. If you have all three, you don't have to die to go to heaven." -William Wharton

Sango batted her lashes over the fire at Miroku, who, in turn scurried away like a frightened animal. When Sango saw this, she simply huffed and turned her attention back to the blazing fire, trying to not feel the red, hot flame spreading across her cheeks, signifying her embarrassment. She also tried to not notice the way that he was shying away from her advances like a deer did from a hunter. Her eyes dared to cross over the fire one last time as she saw the monk, his head in his hands, looking like he just wanted to be the last thing alive at that moment. Sango's eyes were alight with anger as she felt her back go rigid and the veins in her forehead pop. She plastered on her 'Nothing is wrong and I won't throttle you' smiles.

"Miroku- Sama, I think that I will take a bath now" And she turned to leave, without so much as a glance in his direction.

"Bu-" Miroku started, but thought better of it and just sighed.

Sango walked to the spring that was close by where Miroku and her were camping, just them. She pulled her clothes off of her body, and spared one longing glance at the spring. Kagome had inspired this love for baths for her, before when she didn't know her, she would only take one perhaps every week. But that is in the past now, isn't it? She asked herself. She absently nodded her head as she braided her hair as she took another step toward the spring.

Her brown hair cascading down her shoulder blades and back, she took another step, like a puppet on a string. I bet it's so warm… her hands moved to the soaps that she had moved there so that she could have them for when the monk finally pissed her to the edge of her sanity. She slipped her toes in and a hiss was released from her mouth, as the water touched her sore and tense muscles and forced them to relax to the consistency of goo. In went one leg into the spring, followed by another, then her torso and finally came to rest just below her chin. A sigh of pure bliss left her, as she started to massage the tension of the day away. Once that was done, she started to soap up her hair, then her body and rinsed once before she settled down to do some thinking for herself.

~~~~ With Miroku ~~~~

He saw her throw another teasing glance at him as he let his mind wonder to what those kinds of glanced did to his second head, or how her smile would make his heart flutter and bounce in his chest. Or how when she showered him with such glances, he wanted to go into a giggling- um, laughing fit. He did not know this behavior, and he didn't know what to expect from the small woman that held his heart in her small hands. He was shying away from her advances, because he wasn't used to this kind of thing from her. Now beatings and such were well known to him, and he was starting to wonder what happened to those beatings.

Another thing that was scaring him was that she seemed angry with him, Yet he still hasn't been hit… Maybe I am just loosing my mind? Miroku thought to himself, sighing in defeat at the fact that he didn't know what to do with himself. When he saw that forced smile she put onto her face, he was sure that he was in for a good beating, but it never came from her small hands. No, it came from his mind, still suspicious about her intentions. What if it's a trap, h'm? What are you going to do when you are at her mercy when you go to her to tell her that you love her with all your pervert heart, and she beats the bloody hell out of you? I don't want to go when there are no people around to hear my screams of agony after, while and long before she beats me. Damn it! Why did Kagome and Inuyasha have to go now of all times?!

She didn't even notice that I was hurt by her leaving, she broke my concentration, damn it takes a while to muster some courage up. Maybe I am taking the wrong approach here?

~~~~ With Sango ~~~~

Sango sighed as she looked to her hands, which were starting to prune. Oh well, guess it's time to get out now huh? She sighed again as she pulled herself out of the delicious warmth that the spring was. As she pulled her clothes on, she wondered on the monk. Why did she do that? She should have known that any direct advances on him would get her no where. She had to try to see if he could maybe sleep three feet closer to her than the normal twelve feet away. She chuckled to herself as she walked to the camp, only to be pulled into a loving embrace, and a clumsy kiss. "Wha-" She sputtered, as she felt herself forced to the ground and a mouth finding hers once again.

She moaned into the mouth, despite herself and she heard a pole or rod being jammed into the ground. With her molester's weight off of her, she jumped up to run, but only made it three feet before she collided, head on to a barrier. Sango looked up from her fallen perch, glaring scornfully up at the offending object, the blasted thing keeping her from her escape and freedom. She looked over her shoulder at her attacker, and her eyes widened, as she looked at the monk, his eyes feral, as he was circling her, licking his lips in a predatory manor. Her eyes widened at the moment that she found that the monk's robes were replaced with a loosely worn hakama and a pair of tabi socks as his outfit.

She couldn't help her eyes from wondering over to his predatory form as his mouth shifted into a seductive smile. Her eyes were suddenly drawn to his muscled torso as it bunched with tension, then released in a small tremor, which for a reason unbeknown to her, sent her poor mind into a swirl of lust and passion. His eyes bored into hers with such a intensity that sent her mind into a dark abyss, void of anything but those deep royal purple eyes boring into hers, the gaze like looking into her very soul. Sango sat herself up and dusted her outfit off, a cherry blush making its way onto her face as she looked all around her, at anything but the monk in question. Her mind swimming, she staggered toward him, anger in her eyes. Her hand raised as she was about to strike him, and her hand swooped to his face, but never make contact with his tanned skin. Instead, his hand reached hers, grabbing it firmly and flipping her over, and then he landed softly on her, his eyes once again piercing hers.

Her mind cursed those eyes that seemed to delve deeper into her being every time that he looked at her. His hands started to go up and down the length of her hips, and every time he would do so, his eyes became more intense, if that was even possible. Her mind fuzzy by all the things in this situation—his deep eyes, his muscled torso, that refused to stop flexing, the way his skin would bunch when her eyes would roll in her head. His barley dressed form, the way that he was touching her, it was all starting to overwhelm her.

She knew that she wasn't supposed to be a virgin, but she had at least tried to loose her maidenhead, but she could not will herself to. When she had first started training at the tender age of four, her father had explained all of what she needed to know. At thirteen, she was to loose her maiden hood at the yearly festival that was held for such. The entire purpose was that if the females were raped, it would scar them less if they hadn't had to go through the extra stress of being a virgin when raped. So it was all for their health when they thought of this festival. There was a gathering of all the girls just coming to age and the highest bidder took them, and then they went on with their normal lives. Only Sango couldn't, she had sat on the platform fanning herself, and one man with purple eyes had won her. But when she got into the room, he had just wanted to talk to her, ask her questions, get to know her, you know. When dawn came, he was gone long before, and he had just left a purple rose in his wake.

He had not taken her, and for that she was grateful. She did not want to loose herself to the man that took her virginity and end up loving him, just to find out that he was a demon in hiding. But this had consequential things in store for her, such as the lusty monk that was staring down at her. His hands grabbed her knees and started to pry them open while gritting out,

"Sango, today you have sat here, you have flaunted what is mine. Today, I will have you. Or was your flinging yourself at me just a show to see what I would do?"

His hands continued to pull her legs apart, while Sango tried hard to not notice that moisture was building up in her nether regions. A mall moan left her when his hands had gained progress to her inner thighs. She shuddered at the rough handling that he was giving to her, she was used to being the one that gave out orders and such. But he was pinning her down and spreading her apart with just his hands, and she couldn't help being turned on by the raw power and lust that he was exhibiting to her. She was powerless to stop him, but she wasn't sure that she wanted him to stop at this point.

Her legs finally apart, his hands rested on the inside of her hips, her apron (that green thing on the bottom half of her Kimono) crumpled and bunched at her waist. Miroku pulled himself up for a kiss, while discreetly pulling apart her upper Kimono. When he had pulled it apart, his hands moved back down to start working the chest binding off of her, but he was surprised to see that she wore no binding. Strange. Miroku's hands softly started to massage her mounds, making sure to miss her nipple every time. When he broke apart from the kiss, her eyes were hazed with passion, her lips swollen and her hands reaching back to him, to bring him back for another kiss. Miroku smirked and lean down to her, his mouth only centimeters from hers when he spoke.

"Sango, my love, are you surprised that I am stronger than you?"

His mouth grazed hers in a seductive way. His hands, for the first time, caressed, pinched and pulled her nipples. Her soft mewls urging him on as his mouth replaced his hands on her twins. His hands ghosted across her flat pale stomach, but strayed ever lower. Then, just above her sex, he stopped and her mewls were replaced by an impressive growl.

"Sango do you want me to continue?" His question unleashed her fiery passion, her need, but he was there and was a willing recipient of all of it. His hand moved ever lower, till it came to a stop when he cradled her sex, while she was bucking to him, begging for him to continue. He grinned above her before he thrust one finger into her moist center, reveling in the sounds she emitted, content to listen to her soft and loud cries. His finger sped as her insides quacked and clenched in her moment, the relief of orgasm just moments away. His fingers movements sped, with the urgency that she inspired inside him.

As she was reaching her high, he positioned himself inside her, shock crossing his face. She is a virgin?! An overwhelming sense ofguilt crossed his mind, along with a even larger feeling of anger. But, it wasn't directed at her, no but at himself. I might as well of raped her. Miroku pulled himself out of her taunt body. His mind filled with self guilt, as he saw her face, twisted with an unidentifiable emotion.

"I... I'm sorry Sango, I- I didn't know that you were um... untouched. Feel free to punish me for my foolishness"

He hung his head as he sunk to his knees. He expected to feel her small hands relieving him of his life, but he didn't expect to feel her dainty hands rubbing his face in the most loving manor that he had ever felt. He dared to look into her eyes and he felt his heart clench as he saw tears in her eyes. But she leaned down, and her soft mouth met with his and her hands came around his neck to try to ensnare and force him to start responding. Her tongue darted out of her mouth, pried his lips apart and it delved into his mouth, tracing everything, as if trying to memorize every tooth, curve and depression. As she broke apart her hands moved to cup his face, his eyes holding tears.

"You are the man, aren't you? The man that left me the purple rose?"

Miroku's eyes opened wide as remembrance hit his mind. Before he could only remember her brown hair and eyes, and her shy face when he spent his money to purchase a night with her. And unfortunately, that didn't narrow down many of the woman in japan. He looked steadily into her eyes and he remembered, he remembered the young woman with the dark blush staining her cheeks, with light brown eyes and long brown hair. His hand covered hers as he nuzzled it.


She was on him in just a moment, licking, nipping and sucking everything that she could reach. He flipped her with him, so that he was on top of her. He was inside her with one swift thrust, as a moan ripped itself from her mouth. He ground his heated flesh into her core. A few moments later they came, screaming each others name as Miroku sunk down, rolled his body and landed with a small grunt. He drifted to sleep as he uttered one last thing.

"I love you."