Disclaimer: Only own my made up characters, all the rest of One tree hill belongs to Mark and are just toys that I'm playing with.

Summary: Brooke gave up her and Lucas' baby for adoption 11 yrs ago (end of season 2). What happens when there is an accident and that baby is brought back into her care? How will she react? And how will Lucas reacts when he finds out?

Someday: Prologue

25th June 2005

"Just one more push, and the baby will be out" The doctor said as he looked at the terrified young girl far too young to be having a baby. Her face bright red from all the force she was exerting, her chocolate brown locks clung to her face from sweat and her eyes were squeezed shut focusing on the task at hand. The doctor brought his focus back to delivering the baby.

There was a short wail and the young girl opened her eyes, panting slightly and looked at the scrawny purpley- pink bab,y who's face was scrunched up as it carried on crying, that the doctor was holding up for her to see.

"Congratulations Miss Davis" The doctor said smiling, "You have a beautiful baby girl"

All the emotion from the last 9 months, giving birth and seeing her baby in front of her and knowing that she won't be taking her home to see her first smile or to see her take her first steps, it overwhelmed Brooke so that she broke down and the tears started falling and to Brooke it felt like they might never stop. The adoption hadn't been her idea it had been her parents who wanted to keep the 'Davis' reputation intact, Brooke had only agreed because she knew she wouldn't be able to look after the baby properly she was young and still wanted to live her life. She was just too selfish at the moment to look after a baby and they were couples out there desperate to have a child that would be able to take care of her baby better than she ever could. She was doing this for her little girl to make sure she had the best in life, something that Brooke knew she wasn't going to be able to provide.


Brooke had fallen asleep soon after, dreaming of the life she and Lucas could be living with their little girl and when she woke up there were fresh tears in her eyes. In an attempt to clear her mind Brooke decided to go for a walk to help think and to get rid of the tears, she unconsciously took the path to nursery only realising what she had done when she saw the big window that showed an equally large room that held tiny newborns. Brooke looked through the window and scanned the babies until she found the one she was looking for, baby Davis. Her little body was in a pink onesie and her tiny arms were waving about.

She knew it was against the rules that her mother had made, apparently for her own good, but Brooke had to go to the baby and explain. She wasn't abandoning her, she was giving her the start in life she wouldn't get if she was with her. She walked down the aisles and kneeled by her baby's cot, softly stroking her arm.

She has Lucas' eyes, Brooke thinks to herself looking at the big baby blues that were staring up at her, 'although aren't all babies born with blue eyes?' She thinks confused, 'then again babies are supposed to be born with blonde hair and her little girl has a dark little mop on the top of her head'. She looks down at her baby with pride but it slowly turns to sadness again. 'What if giving her up is not the right decision? Lucas said he wanted to be with me before I left we could be a family… but he'll probably never forgive me for lying to him.' She carried on stroking the little soft arm staring at her baby for a while, she lost track of time.

"ahem" Brooke heard someone give a little fake cough, so she looked up straight into the eyes of an older gentlemen, he looked like he was in his late 30's grey specks were visible in his brown hair and his face while being quite handsome also looked quite stern.

"Oh I'm sorry" Brooke says forcing herself to look up from the baby, "I just wanted to goodbye" She explained, as a pretty petite blonde came up behind the man giving Brooke a soft comforting smile.

"I understand, this must be very hard on you" The lady said as Brooke made a small nod with her head, "I'm Mrs Van de Graff and this is my husband, you must be Brooke Davis" She waited for Brooke to nod again before carrying on " We would like to thank you so much for this gift your giving us, we've been trying for years and well…"She trailed off, but Brooke understood this couple couldn't have a child and looking at them she knew that they would be the best parents to her little girl and that's all she could ask for.

"We were actually thinking of naming her Isabella Brooke Van de Graff" Mr Van de Graff interjects and Brooke gives them a tearful smile, her emotions still all over the place.

"Thank you" she whispered to the couple as she stood up about to leave, but then she stopped turning to look at the couple. "Could you maybe take a picture of her with me?" something they quickly agree to knowing that this will be the only reminder Brooke will have of her little girl. Brooke handed over the camera which she had stashed in the cardigan she had over her hospital gown.

Brooke then gingerly picked up the little girl and placed her carefully in her arms, making sure she supported the head. A few pictures were taken, one where Brooke is looking down into her baby's eyes, another where she's smiling at the camera and one where they're both facing the camera and one final picture of the baby alone.

The Van de Graffs then leave the room standing outside in front of the open window looking in as Brooke said her final goodbyes to the baby she is holding in her arms.

"Isabella Brooke, I hope you know how much your mommy and daddy love you both sets of them. I need you to know that I'm not giving you away because I don't love you, its because I love you I'm doing this ok? Your going to be so loved and happy with that couple out there, and they're going to be your new mommy and daddy, so please be good for them" She then placed a soft little kiss on the baby's soft cheek "I love you baby girl."

She walked out the room to the couple standing outside. Mr Van de Graff had his arm around his wife in a protective manner. They looked at her, they could not even begin to imagine how hard this must be on her, especially with her hormones all over the place.

"You don't have to do this and I know I'm asking a lot, but if she ever finds out about me can you give her this letter" She says pulling out an enevelope "It pretty much tells her everything and has a picture of me and the father." The couple nod and take the manilla envelope from her. "And maybe you could give her this necklace, when she's old enough. It was a gift from my grandmother and I want Isabella to have it" Brooke took off the necklace that always hung around her neck, it was her prized possession and she knew she was doing the right thing giving it.

Brooke then begins to walk away "We promise to take good care of her" the couple say and Brooke turns around and nods. That's all she wanted to hear, and as Brooke slowly made her way back to her hospital bed waiting until she had pulled the covers completely over her before she broke down completely, the knowledge that unlike all the other mothers here she would be going home alone without her baby almost completely engulfs her.

A/N- I know this is a bit short but it's the prologue and it'll get better promise. Tell me what you think and if I should carry on with it. (I know others have done this whole thing before so if you think I should leave tell me) if i carry on the next chapter will obviously be present day

Good/ Bad please review.