Past again: That will be the day...

"Today, she will come." This sentence, spoken casually at the dinner table by the headmaster, caused emotional turmoil for Severus Snape.

He rushed out of the hall into the fresh air and inhaled deeply. So it wasn't a dream; she was real. It had been hard at times to convince himself that the story was true and not just a dream. Only six years to go and she would be his. In the meantime he would have to be a dreaded teacher to her, but he would protect her – even from herself and from him.

With banging doors he entered the hall again and sat down. A rumor went through the elder pupils. He heard whispered words. "Be careful, he's in a foul mood again…"

Just as he thought about replying casually with: "Ten points from Gryffindor," the great doors of the hall swung open and Minerva McGonagall shepherded the first years towards the head table.

The Sorting Hat was put on the first years' heads, and he caught a glimpse of bushy brown hair. Was it her?

"Granger, Hermione!" called Professor McGonagall, and Severus's heart almost skipped a beat. He carefully schooled his expression, not giving away the joy he felt at that moment.

"Gryffindor!" She emerged smiling from under the hat, and her eyes met his. A bolt of lightning struck through him, but she only saw an imposing black figure.

"It's her. No doubt!" He felt a rush of gratitude for having chosen to fight for her and his future.

After the long years of waiting, he was certain: tomorrow, the first day of this future would begin.