Chapter Ten- Goodbye

"I'm going to miss you guys!" Naruto cried as he pulled Hinata, Sasuke, and me into a group hug.

"I'm getting that Ino déjà vu." I muttered as Naruto let us go.

Naruto wiped away the tears that formed in his eyes before they fell.

"Oh, we'll see you soon. We're all meeting back here for fall break, right?" I inquired.

"Yeah," Naruto beamed. "Well, except for…Teme."

Naruto turned to Sasuke and new tears began to form in his eyes.

"What are you, a girl?" Sasuke snorted. "Are you seriously going to start crying profusely?"

Naruto sniffed and wiped the tears away again. He grinned at Sasuke. "No, I bet you're just sending your tears to me. We got that best friend telepathy going on."

"I think you've got a bad connection." Sasuke grumbled and the two of them playfully exchanged punches to the arm.

"Oh, I know you'll start bawling when you get home." Naruto snickered. "You just don't want to cry in front of your girlfriend."

"So what's your excuse for crying, Dobe?" Sasuke retorted.

Instead of a comeback, Naruto laughed and reached out to hug Sasuke, only to be shoved away.

"You already got your hug." Sasuke stated.

"Hey, hurry it up, Naruto!" Jiraiya, Naruto's guardian, called from down the road.

"Yeah, yeah, you're only impatient because a hot girl hasn't passed by!" Naruto called over his shoulder.

"You have such amazing relationships, Naruto." I giggled sarcastically.

"Crude jokes are just the sure signs of manly love." Naruto chuckled.

I looked at Naruto, then to Hinata.

"Oh, a guy to a girl is different. I'm talking man-to-man!"

"If we're talking about you we need to replace 'man' with 'boy.'" Sasuke snorted.

"See, Teme's a master at man-to-man interactions! And he's even mastered sarcasm!"

I was about to open my mouth to comment, but someone else spoke from farther away.

"Naruto Uzumaki!" Jiraiya called.

"Alright, alright! Well, this is it for now. See you guys later!" Naruto beamed, punched Sasuke on the arm again, gave me a small hug, and kissed Hinata before he ran off down the road. He waved the whole way until he was out of sight.


"There're only three of us left." I sighed as I sat at a table in my house with Hinata.

"I know…and soon none of us will be left in this town." Hinata nodded.

"Boy, if Naruto were here, he'd probably make a comment about how this town is really going to dull down once we're gone." I chuckled.

"Yeah…you're probably right." Hinata agreed, and looked down at the table.

"Hey, did Naruto ever tell you what college he got accepted into?" I asked.

Hinata shook her head. "No, he said he didn't know how to pronounce the name and just asked me to call him once I get to my college."

"He couldn't just show you the name on a piece of paper?" I inquired.

"Well…you know how Naruto is."

"Yeah, good point."

"So what do you and Sasuke plan to do?"

"Well…we'll try to talk at least once a week on the phone, and there're some three and four day weekends that we plan to escape and meet somewhere in the middle or here in town." I explained.

"Well…good luck with that."

"Well, speaking of college, I need to finish some packing." I stated as I stood up from the table.

"Would you like me to leave?" Hinata asked.

"No, I could use some company."

"Where did Sasuke go, anyway?"

"He's at home being forced to make the college road map he and Itachi will be following over the breaks. He says it's starting in one company, ending in hell."

Hinata giggled lightly at my statement and we walked into my room to finish my packing.


"I'm going to miss you, Sasuke." I told him as we stood in my driveway.

"I'll miss you, too." Sasuke stated as he pulled me into a hug.

"So, what does the road map say, for now?" I asked.

"So far we've got the plans to take up all of my first year breaks." Sasuke answered sadly.

I closed my eyes and sighed. "That really sucks."

"You're telling me." Sasuke grumbled. "You just have to deal with me not being with you. I have to deal with you not being with me and dealing with being in a car for most of my breaks."

"Well, don't die of torture or neither of us will be happy."

Sasuke smirked. "I won't. I'll endure everything so long as I know I'll see you in the end."

I smiled at him as he leaned down to kiss me. When we pulled away, Sasuke let me go.

"I love you." Sasuke said.

"I love you, too." I replied, and Sasuke led me to the car where all my things were packed.

I climbed into the passenger seat just as my mother came out from the house to check that we were done saying our goodbyes. She walked over to the car, hopped in, turned it on, and began to leave the driveway.

I looked out the window as we passed by Sasuke, who had started to make his way back home. He raised his hand in a gesture to say goodbye. I pressed my hand against the window and gave him a sad smile just before my mother picked up speed and Sasuke soon disappeared from my sight.


I lay in my new dorm room with all my needed items unpacked. I stared at the ceiling. All of my friends were on my mind.

I sighed and sat up in my bed. I stood and decided to walk around the campus.

I sauntered around the grounds. I barely even glanced at any of the buildings or people that walked around, so I wasn't too surprised when I rammed right in to someone. I hit the ground with a thud.

"Ow, shit." I grumbled. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

My, originally closed, eyes snapped open. I recognized the voice that spoke to me anywhere. It was a deep, yet gentle voice that I had fallen in love with since the first day I heard it. I turned my head up and locked my green eyes with seemingly endless dark ones. The ones I had fallen in love with. And finally I saw the full form of the one I had inevitably, completely, fallen in love with.

"S-Sasuke…?" I stammered.

Sasuke smirked down at me. "Sakura," he said.

"S-Sasuke…!" I exclaimed, and bounced up. "You're…you're…what're you…how'd you…oh, just start explaining!"

Sasuke chuckled, grabbed my hand, and began to lead me to a more secluded place.

"I'm in the college that accepted me, that's what happened."

"W-what…but…I thought they didn't accept you!"

"It was all a part of my plan." Sasuke smirked.


Sasuke stumbled back as my palm collided forcefully with his face.

"'All according to plan,'" I growled. "Do you have any idea what your 'plan' did to me? Do you have any idea how many times I cried because I thought we may never see each other again? Do you have any idea about how—?"

Sasuke cut me off when he pulled me into a kiss. He held it for a few seconds and then pulled away.

"I know I made you cry, I know I made you worried, but it was because of Karin." Sasuke explained. "She was tailing me, and that's how we ended up in that college mess. I had to say that I was going to a different college because I knew she was going to try to get into it. I did it so we could escape."

I stared at Sasuke, completely stricken.

"You…did it for us?" I inquired. Sasuke nodded his head. "That's…so sweet…but I'm still upset with you!"

Sasuke chuckled and hugged me. "Don't worry, we have four years for me to make it better."

"Well, what about the traveling with Itachi thing?" I asked.

"That wasn't an entire lie." Sasuke admitted. "I will have to travel around to see some businesses, but it won't be every break. I will admit that all my breaks are taken up, though. If I'm not traveling the country, I'm with you."

I smiled and kissed him out of joy. "So you played a game of hide of seek, pretty much."

"Hide from Karin, and look, I found you."

I giggled. "So, what do you think Naruto's going to say when he sees we get to be in the same college?"

"Um…I don't think he'll care."

I gave Sasuke a perplexed look, he smirked at me, and I suddenly gasped as I made the connection. "He's in Hinata's college?"

"She's probably unconscious from shock as we speak."

"That's so great! Oh, I bet Ino will be jealous!"

"Probably, but I think we can deal with her."

I laughed and grabbed Sasuke's hand. I began to pull him along.

"Where do you plan to take me?" Sasuke asked.

"My dorm room, where else? And just to let you know, I don't have any roommates."

Sasuke smirked. "Great, so that means no interruptions."

I giggled and Sasuke began to move with me.

"This is going to be a great four years."


Oh my god! I finished this! Oh my god! I don't even have the ninth chapter out! Oh my god! There's no light in my room…why does that keep happening? Well, I finally finished this! I guess this means I'll start on that sequel to "Sleepover Extravaganza: All-out War" soon. So, if you haven't voted and you have an idea of what you'd like to see in it, vote now because It's probably going to be gone a day or so after I publish this. Well, that's it! Hope you people liked it!