Hello minna-san, this fic was in my head so I decided to write it, I got a block for chap 4 of The Flame Casters Twin but I will update soon, anyways hope you'll like this, it is short but please review, this is my second fic

Oh yeah, this fic was not completely made by me, I had some help from my friend Inu_Yorjean

Mikan and others - 15

Youichi - 13

Tsubasa and others - 17

Disclaimer: AnnaPetLover13 does not own Gakuen Alice and it's characters

Boy's Talent Show. Prize: a Date with Mikan Sakura


In the Faculty Room.

"Principal, I cant take this anymore. They only want her attention, cant we do this please, I cant even get a good sleep because of what happened. It's driving me nuts, please agree to this" said an emotionless raven haired girl in monotone

"Im sorry Imai but no, this is not any concern of mine and we will have no benefit for doing this" replied the Principal

"You have to agree if you don't want me to show the whole academy this picture of you kissing a boy, Mr. gay principal" replied the blackmailer queen

"Imai!! Where did you get that, don't you dare show that to anyone" replied an angry, embarrassed, and shocked principal

"So I suppose we have a deal then" she said with a smirk on her face

"Yes fine go ahead, just give me that" said the principal

"Arigatou principal, I will now take my leave and prepare for the upcoming event" said Hotaru coldly and emotionlessly

Why, do you ask is our Hotaru Imai so pissed? Well it's because of everything that happened last week, it is just so so….. ahhh. Its just nerve popping, I don't know how to describe it

What happened in Alice Academy one week ago.

1. Natsume peeked at Mikan's underwear again which caused another loud screech from our brunette that made the peaceful academy not so peaceful anymore (more like everyone had gone deaf)

2. Ruka-pyon dropped his lunch strait on Hotaru's face/uniform all because he saw Mikan in a really really really cute outfit

3. Natsume almost burned Hotaru's not heat proof invention all because Tsubasa wont let go of Mikan

4. Yuu nearly got beaten because he was acting cool in front of Mikan, not to mention he changed his looks

5. Youichi keeps coming to class every break time just to see Mikan (Youichi is Mikan's kohai)

6. Ryomi wont stop hugging Mikan even with Natsume's presence

7. Ruka and Natsume wont stop competing over Mikan's attention

All in all, it was Very VERY ANOYING so our Ice Queen decided to do something to get all of the guy's out of their shells

In other word's she made a contest.

A Talent Contest

Only for boys though

admition: 10000 rabbits

ticket's to watch: 12000 rabbits

Hotaru's going to be rich after this

because all girls would buy a ticket

since she's sure that THE Natsume Hyuuga would join

and also the famous Ruka Nogi

why is she so sure you ask?

because the price is.......


PS. the girl dont know what the price is, only the participants and Hotaru

PS. Mikan has no knowledge about this contest whatsoever

well this is a very short chapter I agree

But this will only be a short fic so.....

anyways please review

arigatou gozaimasu minna