I… forgot about this fic, I'm sorry, but I will try and update…

Anyways, if your still with me then I give you Tobita Yuu :D



also, sorry for the short AND late chap TT~TT

Disclaimer: ShoujoAnimeFanatic13 does not own GA or any characters from it… except Ryomi which is Natsume's younger twin, and Mitsuki which is my OC. I also do not own the song that will be played here

"Well, now, on to the next contestant, Tobita Yuu"

Squeals and applause were heard from the crowd (well, he did ditch his glasses for contacts, had his hair grow a little longer, which now falls to his eyes framing his face, and well, surprisingly, he's actually pretty cool now (still below Ruka and Natsume, but cool none the less) and he's still the same smart, kind and nice Iinchou everyone knows and love, which, in turn, gave him quite a lot of fangirls)

...*****************************************Boy's Talent Show, Prize: A Date with Mikan Sakura****************************************...

The stage dimmed, purple light suddenly switched on at the back of the stage, a silhouette could be seen at the center.

The crowd squeeled, then grew silent

The figure was holding a silver flute to his mouth.

(Please play this song while reading. Or else it won't be as good. www(dot)youtube(dot)com(slash)watch?v=2JH2kNiv58A just put in the dots and slash because FFN kills links, if it doesn't work… I still hope it does, play it before reading further, please)

As a tune began, an illusion appeared, it was a boat sailing at sea, and the silhouette was on this ship.

And all the lights turned on.

On the ship was Yuu, he was wearing a red bandana over his shaggy blond hair, a white, ragged dress shirt that was loosely tucked in, and black leather pants with the ends tucked in black knee high boots with red boot tops.

He was playing the tune on his flute, his eyes were closed.

And this were his illusions

He began dancing lightly on the deck, his flute still on his lips.

And the ship began to move, or looked like it.

His feet were tapping on the floorboards and his fingers moving on the flute as he played.

He was sailing through the ocean, the place bright with the light from the sun shining on him as he dances

Suddenly, the sky grew dark and rain began to pour, the wind blew strong and lightning struck

The waves grew bigger, and the ship rocked, yet it doesn't disturb him from his dance

He stepped and hopped and span around while playing his flute perfectly, not at all bothered by the chaos around him, whilst joining them in what seemed to be their movements

And then all cleared once again, the waves decreased and the clouds parted

He danced and danced until the scenery changed, he was now in an uninhabited island

The waves landing lightly on the shore as if dancing with him

The sun shone down on him, and the breeze blew on his hair and clothes

And he continued his movements until night fell and he sat down on the ground, swaying to his tune, as the fire reflected the shadows around him.

The shadows moved and flipped and twirled and swayed

The fire was crackling, swaying and twirling, the smoke turned alive

His tune continued, the smoke the flames and the shadows swayed, dancing along with him.

The fire then cracked and he finally removed the flute from his lips, all grew still, and he opened his eyes, honey colored orbs looked towards the crowd, a look of indifference was on his face.

He stood up…

Then smiled and gave a bow

The crowd went WILD. Cheers and squeels were heard everywhere

"WOW! THAT WAS SOO COOL!" Mitsuki screamed into the mike

"WELL, NOW THAT THE PERFORMANCE IS OVER LETS HEAR FROM THE JUDGES" as soon as she said that (actually, she was shouting, but that goes without saying) the crowd quieted down to be able to hear the judges' comments

Serena-sensei went first

"That was just marvelous, how you interpreted the tune with your illusions and danced along with it, it feels so real and… just… lovely" she explained

Jinno-sensei seems to agree "Very well done, I must say your illusions have gotten a lot better, the performance struck me as breathtaking" he said

"I can really feel the pirate spirit while you played, and the crackling of the fire seemed to warm me up" Noda-sensei said, "We—" whatever he was going to say was cut off, he suddenly dissapeard.

"Oops, looks like the nullification wasn't as effective as I thought" said Mitsuki seeing the spot where the previous judge had been.

"Sorry, that was me, I guess I suddenly released my barrier during the performance" Serina-sensei blushed lightly

"I see, its ok I guess Serina-sensei, he'll be back… I hope" Mitsuki gulped

"W-well, it was a good performance" Fukutan-sensei inched a little away from Noda-sensei's empty seat

"Those were really great comments from the judges, I agree COMPLETELY! Yuu's performance was Very realistic I could almost FEEL the water beneath my feet! And his flute was simply remarkable. Anyways, enough with that lets move on to number three! Ray Miraku"


She stared at the stage, it seems no one was about to come out

"Uhm, excuse me please" she then exited to backstage

"Hey, is Miraku here?" she asked the guys, then stared "Why is it only you guys in here?"

"Apparently, when the pervert performed, most of the other participants disappeared" (pervert meaning Tono) Natsume explained

"And when Yuu performed, before he was even finished actually, the rest just ran away. Its only us here now" Ruka continued, then he caught Natsume's eye and began their glaring contest… again.

Mitsuki sweatdropped. "Ahh… ok, so how and I going to put this…." she mumbled to herself

"No choice, Ruka-kun" she called


"Your number 5 right?"


"Right, so your next, get ready, I'll call you out in a little while" she then disappeared behind the curtain

Ruka stared back at her… then processed her words.


Once Mitsuki was out and back on stage, she held the mike and explained.

"MINNA-SAN!" everyone quieted down

"OK, so it seems that some people quit the event, probably because they know they can't win or something like that. Apparently, the guys who quit are numbers three, four, six, eight, nine, ten, eleven, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty-two—"

"HEY! I'M STILL HERE YOU KNOW!" shouted someone from backstage

"Oh, ok, number twenty-two is still here, anyways, twenty-three is gone too…… ok, these guys are such weaklings" she mumbled


And the stage dimmed once again.

Anyways, I hope that I didnt get you all angry and stuff cause I'm slacking off :'

I hope you liked this chap and do hope you guys can leave a review = )

The tune played (as you already know) is He's a Pirate from Pirates of the Carribbean