--I would like to take the time to tell you Twilight fans to check out my friend musicandtwilightfreak. She just wrote her first fic so go easy now. It's called Solar. It's freaking awesome so check it out, ok? : ) --


Happily Ever After


"I was going to say a witch." No one moved. No one even dared to breathe. Meredith glared at her husband.

"Henry, damn you, I said we were never to speak of this!" She whispered.

"Well, Meredith, I thought it was time she knew. I mean something could happen to her and she has no clue on how to fight demons." Henry defended.

"Yeah, she does." Smartass said.

"Shh!" Sweetie said urgently.

"Do you mean she already knows?" Henry asked sternly.

"Daddy, it was an accident," Kat said. "A couple of demons were trying to hurt me. Dean and Sam showed up and saved me."

"I suppose the age of chivalry is not quite dead, now is it?" Meredith asked. "And I cannot get past the fact of how beautiful the seven of you are."

"Mo-om." Kat whined.

"Sorry, dear, but I have learned that with art you need to appreciate it," Meredith smiled at them. Sweetie and Cry-Baby blushed. "And you two are just darling." Their blushes deepened.

"Meredith, please." Henry said.

"Now, don't be jealous, love. I'm too old to keep up with them."

"Mom, don't be gross," Kat said. Smartass giggled. "So you guys knew about all of this?"

"Of course we did," Henry said. "Our family has hunted for centuries."

"So, you're retired now?" Kat asked hopefully.

"Yes, deary, we are," Meredith said. "Now, Sam and Dean, you wouldn't happen to be John Winchester's boys, would you?"

"Guilty." Dean said.

"Great!" Henry said. "Absolutely fabulous. Of all the hunters our daughter could get acquainted with, it had to be Winchesters!"

"I take it you knew our dad." Sam said.

"Everyone knew your father." Meredith said.

"Some better than others." Henry grumbled.

"Now, dear, that was a one time thing and we weren't even dating yet."

"Aw, GROSS!" Kat, Sam and Deans yelled.

The doorbell rang.

"Pizza's here!" Smartass said, jogging toward the door.

"So how did this happen?" Meredith asked.

"Sammy here had a fight with his girlfriend and she did this to me." Dean said.

"Your girlfriend is a witch?" Henry asked.

"No," Dean said. "She's a-"

"Watch your mouth, Dean!" Sam said. "Yes, she's a witch."

"At least their morals are in line, right dear?" Henry said.

"Oh, posh, it could be worse. She could be a bloody demon." Meredith said. The rest of them laughed uncomfortably.

"Yeah, that'd be pretty bad." Happy said.

"Damning, even." Dean said, glancing at Sam.

Smartass came in behind a stack of pizzas.

"You guys hungry?" He said, voice muffled by the cardboard.

"What kind of question is that?" Sweetie said.

They all began to file into the kitchen.

"Mom," Kat said. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"What is it, dear?" Meredith asked.

"Did you know, about the whole angel thing?" She asked. Meredith sighed.

"I had my suspicions. But how could I know? The angel I talked to was so vague. I think his name was, oh what was it? Castiel, maybe?"

"Yeah, Mom, about that. You know that guy in the trench coat?" She asked. Her mother nodded.

"Yeah, that'd be him." Meredith was taken aback.

"Well, I do have to say that he is far better looking this time than he was then." She said.

"Can you contain yourself for more than five minutes?" Kat asked. Meredith grinned.

"Where do you think you get it from?"


Kat and Dean were tangled in each other's arms, both awake but not wanting to move.

"Your mom kinda freaks me out." He said.

"She freaks everyone out," Kat said. "You should have been at my sleepovers." Dean smiled.

"I kind of like being right here." He said. She blushed.

"What's today?" She asked, suddenly aware of the time-span of the last week.

"Friday, why?" He said.

"Because, the rest of you is leaving today." She said softly. Dean's brows rose.

"Wow," He said. "I guess it has been a week, huh?" Kat remained silent. "Hey, Kitty it'll be okay."

"It'll just be weird," She said, tearing up against her will. "Being around you without them."

"Yeah, you've never really talked to just me, have you?" He said.

"It'll be normal for you, but not for me." She said, still quiet.

"Kitty, it's gonna be alright, and it's not like they're really be gone. They are part of me." Kat nodded, wiping her eyes. Dean kissed her cheek.

"I hate goodbyes." She said.

"I do too." Dean said. Kat looked up at him.

"So, I know you and Sam go around the whole country fighting this stuff, which means…you're gonna leave too, aren't you?" Dean swallowed. He didn't want to be away from Kat, ever. He…he was pretty sure he was starting to love her. And if you all know him like I think you do you know what a big deal this is.

"Kat, the kind of stuff I do…people I care about get hurt. Most end up dead at one point or another. I can't have that happen to you." He said, struggling to do so. Kat shook her head.

"Then teach me. Teach me what to do, how to fight this stuff. What I need to look for. Please," She asked, desperate. Dean looked away from her. "Dean," She turned his face to look at her. "Dean, I can't think about not being with you. I can't think about being with anyone else, ever. It doesn't seem possible."

"You'll move on," Dean said gruffly. "Everyone does." She shook her head.

"Not me," She said defiantly. He was silent again. "Dean, please."

"I won't let you get hurt, Kitty." He said.

"I know you won't. You won't let anything happen to me. And if I know how to fight these things it'll be a lot easier," Silence again. "Tell me you don't want to be with me." She'd said it before, and it had the same effect on him.

"Kitty, I care about you too much to let you get into this life." He said.

"Forget the danger, Dean. I'll stay at the motels or wherever you're staying if it's above my head. I just want to be with you," She said. "Don't make me lose you too." He looked at her.

"You promise you'll stay behind if I tell you too?" He asked.

"I ran when you told me to. Why wouldn't I listen to that?" She asked. He kissed her.

"The second you get hurt I'm bringing you back here." He said. She smiled softly and leaned against his warm skin.

"You'd better go save them from your mother." He said. She nodded.

"I will…in a minute."

The rest of the day went by so quickly it made Kat's head spin. Sam called Ruby and she said that they would turn back at exactly midnight. Of course it was midnight. It wouldn't be a witch's spell if it wasn't midnight, now would it?

Now it was eleven fifty-five, and Kat was about to lose it. Why? Because it was time for the goodbyes. Smartass came up to her first.

"I'll see you, Kitty." He said. She smiled.

"I think I'll see you more than anyone." She said. He took a small bow.

"And honored to do so." He said. He grabbed her around the waist and dipped her back before he kissed her. She started giggling.

"Drama Queen." She said. Smartass shrugged. Paranoia was next.

"Goodbye, Kat," He said, outstretching his hand. She took it, smiling. "Be careful, okay?"

"I will. Bye, Paranoia." She said. He nodded and let go of her hand, backing up awkwardly.

"I'll see ya, Kat." Grumpy said gruffly. She expected another handshake, but he kissed her. She stepped back, startled.

"Bye, Grumpy. Thanks for that." She said. He nodded shortly. And now…Happy. She took a deep breath, preparing herself, even though she knew it was pointless. He smiled that heart melting smile as he approached her.

"I'm gonna miss you, Kitty." He said in that velvet voice she loved so much. His kiss caught her unaware as well. Once again she was putty in his hands. That fire was there all over again and it spread pleasure throughout her whole body, making her want more and more. Expert lips and hands made her want to scream, but she contained herself through some strange amount of self control. She pulled away, her legs numb.

"My god," Meredith said. "You cause orgasms by just touching people don't you?" Happy smiled.

"I'm really gonna miss you, Happy." She said. His smile grew. She moved to Cry-Baby and all memory of what had just happened disappeared. He was crying already, and that broke her heart.

"Hey," Kat said, hugging him tight and letting him cry into her shoulder. "It'll be alright, shh."

"You always made me feel better," He whispered through his tears. "No matter what." Kat swallowed tears of her own. She smiled at him. He kissed her, lips trembling like they always did.

"I'll miss you, Cry-Baby." She said.

"I'll miss you more." He said.

"I'll see you soon." She said. He shook his head.

"I really hope not." He said, trying to smile. She hugged him one more time before she let him go. There was one left. And he would be the hardest to see go.

"Sweetie," Kat said, hugging him. "I think I'll miss you most." He hugged her tightly.

"I'll miss you too, Katherine," He said. He looked at the floor and bit his lip. "Uh, can, can I kiss you?" She grinned and nodded.

"Hell yes you can." She said. Still so soft, so gentle, so amazing. He let her go, smiling softly.

"Goodbye, Katherine," He said. She was crying now. "And please, don't cry. You'll see all of us at some point or another." She nodded.

"I just never get to see you." She said. Sweetie smiled.

"I'll be sure to try harder then." He said. She glanced at the clock. God there was only thirty seconds left. She took one last look at all of them.

"I'll see you guys around, alright?" She said. They nodded.

"Bye." That was the last thing they said before the flash of white light. It was so bright she had to close her eyes. And when she opened them, they were gone. Dean looked around, as if to make sure. Kat sighed and looked at the floor. Dean walked up to her, smiling.

"Hi," He said. "I'm Dean Winchester," She smiled and looked up at him. He leaned forward. "And I can be whatever you want me to be."

And they lived happily ever after. Well, not really, but it's a nice ending, don't you think? Now I must leave you, my dear readers, at least, until the time comes that I tell the second part of this story. But that's for another time. Farewell!



--Thank you all so much! This story has been one of my funnest to write, and I couldn't have done it without you!! God bless you all. And yes, there will be a sequel, but it'll take awhile. I am also posting another story very soon. For those of you that read my series with Lauren and Dean and Maggie and Sam, You remember? Well guess what? It's baaack! An alternate ending titled "If I Ruled the World" Keep your eyes peeled for it!!--