My first attempt at humor. Please be nice (insert puppy eyes)! Don't own, love. MelloxMatt

Matt was bored to tears.

Mello was lounging on the worn sofa, not even aware of his presence. He sat on the floor, leaning back against the coffee table, cigarette in hand, and flipping through the TV channels so fast that the lights and blurs of colour could give one a seizure. Bored, he set down the remote, not even noticing that he left it on a kid's channel. He played with the volume on the remote until it blasted out: "WE ARE THE WINX! WE ARE THE WINX!"

Matt yelped as a gunshot cracked the air and shattered the screen. Mello sat upright, clutching the smoldering pistol in on hand, staring at the screen with huge eyes.

"Holy shit,"

Matt stared at his best friend, who was still poised, pistol in hand, as if he thought the TV would suddenly come to life again.

"Jesus Mello, you didn't have to shoot it."

"Shut up," Mello mumbled, setting the pistol on the coffee table. "You had it way to fucking loud."

Matt stuck his tongue out at Mello and stared at the shattered TV screen.

"Well. Now what?"

Mello shrugged and got up of the couch, stowing the pistol in his leather pants.

"You know something?" Matt leaned back against the coffee table, his hands folded behind his head, "That girl we're tracking, Misa Amane? She plays Stella on that show."

"What show?"

"Winx Club."

"Who's Stella?"

"The hot one."


"Ok, the blond one."

"You've watched it before?"


Mello shook his head. "You're an idiot. A fucking idiot,"

"That makes sense, I'm the one who does most of the fucking around here."

Mello's throat swelled tight as his hand balled into a fist.

"Better watch it, Mells. Amane's hot. And, as I'm sure you've noticed, we haven't done anything for a while. It may just be that I don't swing 'that way' anymore."

Grinning, Matt left the room to leave Mello stewing in his thoughts.

It was true that they hadn't had sex in a while. Mello had no idea why. In the months they had lived together since he'd blown up the Mafia, they'd been bopping like bunnies. Now all of a sudden, there was nothing, and Mello's hormones were driving him banana sandwich (a/n love Dane Cook).

'Fine,' Mello thought bitterly to himself, "If it's a fairy he wants to fuck, then it's a fairy he's gonna get."


"I. Can. Not. Believe. I. Fucking. DID THIS!!!!!!!!"

Of all Mello's crazy schemes to arouse Matt, this had to be the most insane.

He was wearing the Stella Winx Club outfit. Orange gypsy top. Orange short-shorts. Orange, knee high, high-heeled boots. Cyan armbands and headband. Clear blue wings protruding from where they were taped down.

His hair was tied in two low pigtails with cyan ribbon. He even had the Stella make-up, orange lipstick, glittery orange eye shadow, and black mascara.

Frankly, Mello was amazed he was able to find the costume in a considerable size at all. Still, the shorts left much to be desired, they road up way to high for comfort and exposed a shade too much.

But by now, Mello was far past caring. Matt was sure to be in for a treat when he got home.

"Get ready, Matty baby, 'cause Mello-Stella is gonna blow your mind."


Matt arrived a few minutes later. Exhausted, he kicked off his leather boots and slouched towards the bedroom.


"Hey Matt," Mello purred, lounging across the bed the two shared, legs spread in a very tempting manner, "It's rude the keep people waiting, you know,"

Matt swallowed hard and licked his lips, "M-Mell, o."

Mello got to his feet in the high-heeled boots and sashayed towards Matt, hands on his hips.

"Mello Magic Winx!" he cried, twirling around in an exaggerated circle, flinging the gypsy top away with the wings. His pulled at the ribbons in his hair and they swirled down the honey locks, twirling like those helicopter leaves to the floor. The headband was next to go, flung from Mello's hair to meet the ribbons.

Next were the boots. Mello twisted his body and seized the zipper in his teeth, ripping it down first one boot, then the other. He kicked them off, stood, and raised his arms over his head in a cross. He then shimmied his hips, wiggling out of the orange shorts. He kicked them away, turned once more, then struck his finally pose; standing side-ways one foot in front of the other, left hand on his hip, the right with him biting down lightly on his index finger, palm up.


Matt stared at Mello, his eyes as enormous as another part of his anatomy at this point in time.

"What. The. Fuck"

Mello continued to stand there, completely nude, make-up glittering on his face and surrounded by clothes. However, the seductive smile on his face earlier was replace with an almost…worried one.

"Oh. My. God."

Mello had enough. He turned to face Matt and put his hands on his hips.


"What do mean 'what'? What the fuck was that?!"

"You seemed to enjoy it though," said Mello, nodding to the bulge in Matt's cargos.

"Well, ye-ah!"

Mello had leaned in and took Matt's arousal in his hand, after freeing it from it's navy blue prison.

"Me-mel-lo. C-c'mon. Stop it, p-please…ngh, ahhh…"

"A little sensitive are we?" Mello smirked.

"Well, yea-ahhhhhh…we haven't done anything in a while,"

Mello was ready to hit the roof, "AND WHO'S FUCKING FALUT IS THAT?!"

Matt just shrugged.

Mello sighed, stood, and resumed his Winx pose.

"C'mon, Matty-baby. I know you want me," he purred.

Matt couldn't wait anymore. His mind and heart were racing, 'Ohhhh yeaahhhh…"

He stood and made a start towards Mello. He gently put his hands on Mello's shoulders and pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks," he murmured, "That felt great,"

Mello was mortified, "Hunh?"

"I just came," Matt told him with a grin, "Thanks"

He pulled his pants back into place and left the room.

Mello stood there in shock; the make-up his Winx routine, that damn costume…

Mello flung himself face down on the bed, not caring he was smearing the pillows black and orange.


*poor Mello! Will he be able to seduce Matt with some other crazy scheme? Stay tuned! (p.s. reviews are appreciated and loved)