I'll Save You

AN: My beta was RhiannonNymph thank you for your help. You did a wonderful job with this. I hope you all love this story as much as you enjoyed my first Dean and Ruby story. Read and review.

Summary: Castiel pulls Dean out of hell, but he goes straight back to Ruby. Castiel tells him to stay away from her, but he does just the opposite and has her stay with him and Sam on a permanent bases. Defying Castiel's orders again Dean and Ruby go to Vegas, and get married without Sam. Ruby knew Castiel when she was human and knows that he really is looking to help Dean. However, like always, Dean doesn't like being told what he can and cannot do. Dean doesn't know that Castiel knows Ruby however, but it comes out in the end.

Chapter 5

Bobby was outside when Ruby finally woke up; she didn't see anybody so she went looking. She found him outside under a truck, she made some noises so she didn't startle him.

"See you're awake finally." Bobby said, sliding out from the under the truck, "They'll be back in few hours."

"That's cool; did Dean leave anything for me?" She asked.

"No, he just left with Sam," Bobby said, "Why?"

"He was supposed to go shopping with me, I need some clothes, I don't have any of my own besides the ones on my back." She said, not that they generally stayed on her back while Dean was around.

"Not to big on wearing Dean's clothes?" Bobby joked.

"Not so much, he's clothes are too big for me and the jeans, well it's not to comfortable." She said leaning against and old beat up, hunk of junk car.

"About this summer…" Bobby started, Ruby immediately stood straight, picking up a defensive stance.

"I tried to convince him to stay here Bobby, but if I even mentioned here, he freaked out on me. I kept him as safe as possible," she said.

"I know you did, that's why I was going to thank you for doing what you did. I don't think he could have survived losing Dean if you hadn't been around. You made sure he didn't go down the wrong road."

"Dean would have killed me. I was going to find away to get him back, Sam and I both tried, they would never deal. I tried so many things, when Sam opened the devil's gate, that's when I got out again. I tried to pull Dean with me, but I couldn't get him off the hooks; Alistair has a cruel scene of humor. I wanted Dean to come with me, but it took God himself to get Dean out of there. I failed him." She hated how she sounded. Weak. Needy. She didn't want Bobby seeing her like this, she didn't want anyone to see her like this. She pushed away from her husbands surrogate father, heading for the same barn Dean had trapped her in last year.

Bobby came after her. "Ruby wait," he said turning her around, he could finally see the good side of her, the tears she wanted to cry proved that she wasn't evil, "you didn't fail him." He had a warm hand on either shoulder, "You would have failed him if you'd made a deal. You know Dean would have found a way to bring you back just to kick your ass himself. You saved his brother, hell you got me through the last four months. Neither one of us could think about anything besides the fact we had to burry Dean. You are the only one that didn't fail Ruby; you gave Dean a reason to fight all last year."

Bobby knew that Ruby was close to breaking, Dean and her were more alike than anything when it came to being broken. "I have no reason to feel happy, I couldn't save Dean, and I did fail him. I couldn't bring him back, I couldn't save the man I love," She said, "I lost the only person that I loved because I couldn't save him from Lilith. She took my body and used it against me, she used me to get to Dean." she yelled.

"You gotta forgive yourself, Ruby, Dean knows you didn't mean for it to happen," He said, "he loves you enough to marry you and you know he's taking a risk with that, but he doesn't care because he doesn't see the demon in you. He sees the woman that lives deep inside, he sees the good in you."

She wasn't sure she would be able to keep the tears back, Bobby's hands were so strong, and heavy on her shoulders, "I'm not worthy of him, I got him killed, I got Sam hurt, I got stuck back in hell." she mentally ticked off items on a list of failures. "I could have pulled him out, but he couldn't come back with me," she said, "I gotta go."

She broke from his grip, but Bobby grabbed her before she could leave. She fought him as he tried to keep her there. They fought, but Bobby won in the end he held her close and hugged her, proving to her that Dean wasn't the only one that carried about her.

He might not be that great with the emotional side of women, but he knew that Ruby needed somebody to listen to her tears because she couldn't tell Dean the truth.

It was dark before Dean and Sam got back. Bobby had dinner ready for them. "Ruby needs to talk to you," he said when Dean tried to sit down.

"Okay," he said, getting right back up. She was sitting on the edge of their bed, hands folded in her lap. "Hey, Bobby said that you needed to talk."

"Yeah, I need to tell you some things." She wanted to pat the bed and have him sit next to her, but she was afraid, "I lied to you when I said that I didn't try and open the devil's gate with Sam, we both tired. Twice. He tried once and got me out, then I tried to get you out, and it didn't work."

"Why in the hell would you do that?" Dean ground out, she hated that tone of voice.

"I'm sorry, Dean please don't hate me," She said, "I couldn't take it if you did."

"I don't hate you, but I'm pissed off," Dean said back, "how could you do that? You promised me you wouldn't do that and then you go and do it anyway?"

"I wanted you back." she could hear the anger edging in on her own voice. She just wanted him to understand. He had to understand. "I know that it wasn't the smartest thing to do."

"You're damn right it wasn't smart, I can't believe that you would stoop that low, just to save me."

"I love you, Dean, I wouldn't have done it if I didn't." she stood, "I couldn't live without you Dean, that's why I had sex with Sam, he was the closest thing to you, I needed you and if I closed my eyes I could see you."

"Don't even say that, you sacrificing yourself in the same sentence with love." he turned his back on her.

"Dean," Ruby said, but he left the room.


"Do I want to know?" Sam asked when Dean came back in the kitchen, but before he could get an answer Ruby was right there.

"Don't you dare walk away from this, Dean, I will kick your ass so hard if you walk out of here."

"You touch me right now I will use the damn knife on you," Dean yelled regretting it the moment he said, "I'm sorry,"

The comment only had Ruby reeling for a moment, she didn't think twice before she punched Dean in the face. Bobby pulled her away from Dean and Sam stood between them.

"Let's go cool off," Sam said pushing Dean out the door. "What just happened?" Sam asked, still pushing his brother away from the house.

"She tried to open the devil's gate to get me out, and then she said she did it out of love," Dean said, "I told her not to ever mention love in the same sentence with sacrifice for me."

"Dean, you are so stupid," Sam said. He let go of Dean's shirt and took up an easy stride next to him, "Ruby loves you so much she was willing to die for you. I'm pretty sure that no woman on this earth would ever be willing to die for you."

"Shut up,"

"No Dean, seriously, Ruby did everything she could to stop me from doing stupid stuff. I'm sorry if it kills you that she wanted to save you." He looked at his brother like he was the stupidest person he'd ever met.

"She's not worth my life, Sam; I'm not worth her giving her life."

"Yes you are," Sam said.

"You're more than worth giving my life for," Ruby said coming outside, "I would give my life to save yours every day if I had to. I love you Dean and to me that is all that matters. I've never had a person to love; not somebody like you, I told you what my life used to be like Dean, and I couldn't take thinking that you were rotting in Hell with Alistair hurting you. I know what it's like, he tortured me for years Dean, and I know his sick, cruel ways."

Dean didn't say anything, neither did Sam. Dean knew that he had no right to threaten her the way he did. "I'm sorry, I never meant to say…" he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence, "I'd never forgive myself."

"I knew you didn't mean it, but I couldn't resist hitting you," Ruby admitted, "I needed to hit something,"

"You can hit me anytime you need to, long as it's for a good reason." Dean said pulling her into a hug.

"You forgive me?" she asked into his shoulder.

"Yeah, baby, I forgive you, just tell me everything in advance next time."

"Okay," Ruby said kissing him before they went back inside the house.

Dean and Ruby were looking for clues while Sam did the research for the hunt. They hadn't come up with anything yet and it had been two days. Dean was getting bored with all the looking and not enough doing so he sat on the hood of his beloved car trying to piece together what they did have.

"The women do not come back alive," he said out loud to himself as he went through the information, "they were chained to something wooden because they had splinters. It had to be longer than three days that they were held, the way the metal was warped into their wrists. According to the coroner they were conscious the entire time they were tortured. I don't understand this," he breathed lying back on the windshield.

"Take a break, Dean," Ruby said from inside the car, "you've been out here for three hours now."

"I know, but I'm so close I can feel it, but I can't figure out where they were being tortured, there are wood splinters in their backs, but there was rock ground into the victims first. They were gutted while they slept though, everything else was done while they were awake, except for that, I want to know why." He said closing his eyes.

Ruby got out of the car, took the folder and books from Dean, throwing them in the passenger seat.

Leaning her elbows onto the hood of the Impala, she said, "Close your eyes, now picture what you described to me," she lowered her voice, trying to keep it calm and even to help him, "Wood splinters, but rock being ground into the bodies. The smell of the ocean, but the smell of trees close by," she started, "chains grinding into your skin, you can hear waves splashing, but you can't see anything, you can feel the warm breeze, now where are you?" she asked him.

Dean had developed a few extra gifts from his time spent in Hell, the senses had developed more and now he was able to picture places just by the details given and the smells of them. He hadn't told anybody but Ruby and he didn't plan on to either. There were other things he still had from his time in Hell. None of them he wanted to keep. However, this one was important at times so he used it.

"A cave near the ocean, but closer to the woods," he said before getting off the car and going inside the house, "I think the victims were taken to a cave, by what I've seen in the police and coroner reports, that's what the injuries point too," he said hoping they didn't question him.

"Dean, how would you know that?" Bobby asked him, "because we can't even conclude that from all this."

"Hey," he said with a grin, "Sam's not the only one with brains." all he received were incredulous stares.

He sighed, and decided he'd have to tell them, he didn't have time to spend trying to convince them, "It's like Sam's visions, he knows were things are, and well, I do too." he paused, and waited, they were still silent. He could feel Ruby at his back, her support just a look away, "I know that they were at some kind of cave that's near woods and an ocean. Equal distance probably, so you going to help us or do we have to do it ourselves?" he grabbed for his jacket. Sam caught his arm.

"You can't go off half cocked Dean, who knows what you're walking into."

"Either you come or you don't." Dean said, and walked out without waiting for them.

Bobby knew that Dean wouldn't wait so he grabbed his coat and followed Dean out the door. "I'm driving," he said before Dean got in the car, "we're taking my vehicle," he added when Dean started to protest.

"No, we drive separate." Dean said

"Ruby talk to him."

"No, you're not pitting my wife against me, get in the car, Ruby." he said before he shut the door.