It's the final chapter everybody! Yay! Happy Reala Day, everyone! :D

Chapter 6: Back to Normal. Almost.

Once the rumbling stopped and the light and hum faded away, NiGHTS glanced around the room in confusion. "What was that?" she asked.

"I have no idea." said Owl, who was right beside her all of a sudden. "But it would be really great if it didn't happen again. What's wrong with your voice, Reala?"

NiGHTS gave Owl a puzzled look. "I'm NiGHTS, remember?" She glanced at her body and gasped when she saw she was wearing her purple jester's outfit. "I'm...I'm me again!" She grinned widely and laughed, "I'm--ha ha! YES! I'm back!!"

"My back!" Reala groaned loudly. Now that he was in his own body, he could feel the pain from Wizeman slamming his hand on him (which was NiGHTS at the time).

NiGHTS looked at him and remarked, "At least you have really clean teeth. Have you been eating lots of chocolate and candy while you were in my body?" She asked because she could taste chocolate and lollipop on her tongue and teeth.

Reala didn't respond. He just coughed and struggled to his feet. "Ooh...ouch...pain...make it stop..."

"In a minute, Reala." said Wizeman, turning to NiGHTS and Owl. "I suppose that 'thing' that just happened meant that Reala and you have switched bodies again."

"Ah, so there was a way to reverse the spell!" NiGHTS said happily.

"Er, no, you'll still switch bodies a year from now." Wizeman explained dully. "And probably every year for the rest of your lives."

"WHAT?!" NiGHTS and Reala exclaimed.

NiGHTS shook her head quickly and backed up. "No, I can't be Reala ever again! I won't do it!"

"And I don't want to be NiGHTS ever again!" Reala added.

Then NiGHTS got an idea. "How about instead of switching roles when we switch bodies, we just do our own jobs?"

Wizeman put a hand on his chin thoughtfully. "You mean that even though you'll look like'll still help Visitors and stuff?"

NiGHTS nodded. "Right! And even though Reala will look like me, he'll still work for you and stuff!"

Reala agreed. "I like that plan. I say we go with it."

"Then it's settled." Wizeman decided. "Every April 1st, NiGHTS will do what she usually does, and Reala will do what he usually does, even though they will both look like each other and confuse the heck outta game players."

"Here, here!" said Owl cheerfully.

NiGHTS then yawned. "Well, I'd better go now. I still need to watch the After the Final Rose special."

"Yeah, me too." said Reala.

"But it's over now." Owl pointed out. "It's already after midnight."

NiGHTS growled, "Well that wouldn't have happened if someone hadn't made me miss it!" She glared at Wizeman.

Reala glared at Owl. "Thanks a lot, Dad."

Wizeman simply responded, "Don't worry, they'll probably be talking about it on Good Morning Nightopia."

"Hey, I'm still awake, so we can watch it on the Early, Early Show!" Reala beamed.

"No." Wizeman said at once. "You need your sleep."

"Aww!" Reala frowned.

"I'll tuck you in..." Wizeman said singsongly.

"Ok!" Reala said happily. He slowly began flying to his room, holding his back.

Owl turned to NiGHTS. "And you've got to go to bed, young lady."

"Kk." NiGHTS flew out of the castle, followed by Owl. Once they were back in Nightopia, NiGHTS said, "I actually missed you, Owl."

"Oh, why, thank you, NiGHTS!" Owl smiled.

"Well, technically, I missed your pancakes."


NiGHTS gasped in delight when she saw a group of Nightopians. "Nightopians! I haven't seen you guys since yesterday!" She flew towards them with a big grin and her arms outstretched. "Come give me a hug!"

But the Nightopians screamed and flew away, crying.

NiGHTS faltered in confusion. "Huh? What's wrong? Why are they flying away from me?"

Owl sighed. "It seems we have a lot to talk to them about."

NiGHTS shrugged. "Oh well. Hey, can I have a lollipop? I've been dying to have one since I returned to Nightmare!"

Owl froze. "...Er...Um...Yeah, about that..."

(From a safe distance)



"Good night, Reala." Wizeman said after tucking Reala in his bed.

"Good night, Daddy Wizeman." Reala said with a smile.

But Wizeman told him seriously, "You do realize that after today I forbid you to call me 'Daddy'."

"Huh? But why?"

"First of all, I don't want the other Nightmarens to start calling me that either. Second, I'm technically not your father; you were created by me, not born of me. And third, it's not in your character. By the way, I think you're old enough to tuck yourself in now."

"Ok." Reala said, slightly disappointed.

"Oh, Reala?"


"I'm very proud of you."

Reala was so happy that he couldn't say anything as Wizeman left his room. But once he did, Reala grabbed a flashlight from under his pillow and turned it on. He located his Nintendo 64 and put in a game. "I sure hope NiGHTS didn't mess around with Ocarina of Time, either. I was so close to beating the final boss last time." He checked his file. "Hey, she beat the final boss for me!" he noted. And then a new rage filled him. "I WANTED TO BEAT THE GAME MYSELF! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

"Reala, go to bed." Wizeman said flatly from his throne room.

"Yes, Master."

Yeah, this fic was pretty random. I'm sorry that everyone was out of character at times. I think I may take a break from humour FanFics. For now, anyway. Thank you for reading! Please review! :D

PS: Special thanks to Rocky and CG for reviewing every chapter!