A/N: To those who are reading To See You Happy, I apologize for the long wait. I am at my sister's house and I don't have the story with me at the moment. I promise though that I WILL update on Sunday as soon as I get home, so wait for it. But, now, I'm missing my writing and so I thought that I could write short one shots while I'm here. So, please read and enjoy!

She was mad. He could tell and he couldn't really blame her. It was his fault she was bound to this Earth as a spirit. She was supposed to be in peace. Wonderful, everlasting peace. She should be laughing, sprinkling her love for others in the cascading rain or in the rays of the sun. Yet, she was here, tied to a man who refuses to let her go.

She glares at him now. He doesn't pay attention. He could honestly careless if she was angry at him. He needed her here. As long as he could see her, hear her, he was fine. He didn't even have to touch her, though it would be nice if he could. But her trasnparent body would not allow it. It didn't matter. She was here, everything else was insignificant.

"Let me go." She pleaded.

"No." His response was simple, implying the end of the discussion.

She didn't give up. This was too much pain for her to bear. To see her friends, her loved ones, but never able to relish in the joy of holding them. Never to partake in the moments of being alive.

"Inuyasha... please."

"I can't Kagome."

It was true. He really couldn't. The jewel was used. Used to keep her here. It would be in vain to rewind time and wish something else on the jewel. He knew the jewel would not grant his true wish in the first place, but he had hoped it would be close to what he wanted.

This was... pretty close to what he wanted.

Seeing her was better than not seeing her at all. Her transparent soul was better to imagine than rotting flesh enticing maggots to a gourmet meal.

He was selfish. He'll admit. But as long as he could see her, he really didn't mind being selfish.