This is, in fact, the very end of It's In His Eyes. Thank you for reading all this time. I really appreciate the support throughout this insane mess.

Disclaimer: Even though it is the end, it is still not mine.

Chapter 14



"How many?" the waitress asked me.

"Three, please," I told her. Alice, Rosalie, and I were meeting for lunch. I hadn't seen either of them in three months. I had decided to call them not five minutes before my cell had rung. It was, of course, Alice. She has impeccable timing. Turns out we both had news to tell the other. We called Rosalie and set up the lunch date.

I sat down at the table the waitress led me to, and unfolded a napkin on my lap.

I looked down at my hands, admiring my wedding ring for the millionth time.

"Ogling your ring again?" Rosalie's voice asked.

"How-" I started but she cut me off.

"You've got that goofy grin on your face,"she said simply.

She sat down next to me. "Go figure; Alice is late again."

"Fashionably late, of course," I laughed.

"Oh, of course," she replied, smiling.

We chatted for a few minutes while we waited for Alice.

"Hello lovely ladies!" a very chipper voice exclaimed.

I looked at her. "Hey, Alice?"

"Yes, Bella?" Her smile grew wider.

"Would you like to explain that?" I asked, gesturing to the slight-but-obvious bump on her stomach.

"This, my dearest Bella, is the news I had to share," she said, placing her hands on either side of the bump. Her wedding band twinkled in the restaurant's lighting.

She sat down across from me and Rosalie in the booth.

"I'm pregnant," she said happily.

"How far along are you?" Rosalie asked.

"Just about 17 weeks," she said.

"You didn't tell us for 17 weeks?" I asked.

She looked sheepishly at me. "In my defense, we didn't realize I was pregnant until about two months ago. I missed my period, but that's happened before. I didn't think anything of it until I got the morning sickness."

"What's that like for you?" I asked, momentarily forgetting about how long she waited to tell us.

"That's a very un-Bella-like question. It's not bad. I usually throw up once, right when I wake up," she told me.

"Uh, hello, about to order food over here!" Rosalie said.

"Sorry," we said in unison.

After we ordered, Alice seemed to remember that I had news, too.

"You had something to share, didn't you?" she asked.

I nodded. "You see, unlike someone," I faked a cough, trying to be funny, "I actually decided to tell my best friends when I found out I was pregnant."

"No way," Rose said.

"Way," I laughed.

"How far along are you, missy?" Alice asked.

"Barely. I just started showing the signs. I took the test two days ago."

"No way," Rosalie said again.

"Stop that!" Alice snapped.

"I can't help it. Barely three years out of college and both my best friends are married and knocked up!"

"Hey now. You're married, too," I grinned.

"This is true," she said.

"This will soon be you!" Alice pointed to her belly.

"I'm going to be your baby?" Rosalie joked.

"No, silly," Alice laughed. "You'll be a momma soon."

"I don't know," she said.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I asked.

"Emmett and I haven't really talked about kids. I mean, yeah we've talked a little, but nothing like 'Okay, I want three kids, and nice house and a dog running around.' We're just barely settled into our house," she said.

"But do you want kids?" Alice asked.

"I do, but I don't know about Emmett," she said.

"He does. Alice, remember when Emmett was babysitting our old neighbor's baby?" I asked.

"How could I forget that?" she laughed.

"He was so good with her. Granted, he did make us change the diapers. When we told Emmett he would make a great dad someday, he smiled wider than we'd seen in a while," I explained to Rose.

"'You really think so?'" Alice said, horribly imitating Emmett.

Rosalie laughed. "I wish I could have seen that."

"You will. Someday he'll be your baby's daddy," Alice grinned.

"Someday," Rosalie repeated.

The End. =P