A Walk On The Beach

Disclaimer: I don't own the Southern Vampires. Sole copyrights belong to Charlaine Harris. I'm just playing a little with them.

AN: I've never written a story before. I hope you like this. Please review so I will know if I should continue.

Sam was back from taking care of his mom, and boy was I glad. He said that she was going to be fine. His step-dad was accepting the fact that his wife was a shape shifter. Sometimes major changes in your life just takes a little time to get use to. I hope he can get use to it for both of their sakes.

While Sam was gone he left me in charge and asked me to look through the files and try to hire someone to replace Arlene. There was a lady who lived in the apartments that Holly lived in, that needed a job. Her name is Selma. She was perfect for the job. She is new in the area and had experience working in a bar before.

Sam was pleased with Selma. He said that he couldn't have done better himself. He seemed to be happy to be back home and to get on a regular routine. He was also pleased that we ran things so well. And other than being so tired, I feel like things ran pretty smoothly. Sam was only gone for about 2 weeks. I was glad to stay busy to keep my mind off of the vampire that wanted to have a talk with me.

Pam came by on Friday night too. Not to long after Sam had gotten there. She said it was to just visit for a while. When I wasn't real busy I would stop by the bar and talk a minute with her. She said that things have been busy at the bar and can't wait until Felipe leaves.

"So Sookie, how have you been lately?"

"Well, pretty busy when Sam was gone. But, I guess that things will slow down for me since he's back home."

"Let's get together this Thursday night and watch a movie. We can just make a girls night out of it. See if Amelia wants to join us."

"I don't know about that. You know she's been dating Tray Dawson a lot lately. I really think that they are really getting close."

"That's fine Sookie, if she's busy with that Were than its no big deal. We could still get together."

"Sounds good to me."

I was glad when my shift finally ended. I finished up all of my side work and made sure all of my tables were cleaned. Sam was in his office going over some invoices when I went in to get my purse to head home. Sam stood up to hug me and thank me again. I told him that I was glad that his mom was at home and on the mend. After saying goodnight I was out the door.

I woke up Saturday mid-morning. The sun was shining through my window. Amelia greeted me as I exited the bedroom with a cup of coffee. After eating a couple pieces of toast and drinking a cup of coffee I could hold a conversation.

"So, Amelia how was your date with Tray?"

"Fine, I think we are really getting along great and the sex is great too."

I chose to ignore that comment. Amelia is a loud broadcaster so I have to try to keep my shields up so I don't know stuff that I really don't want to know.

Octavia moved out about a month ago after she got a job in Shreveport. After Katrina, a witch friend of hers moved to Shreveport, so Octavia moved in with her.

"So have you talked to Octavia lately?"

"Yea, she seems real happy living in Shreveport and likes her job a lot. How was work last night? Did Sam get in o.k.?"

"Work was fine but busy. Sam is back and I am so glad. He said that his mom seemed to be doing fine. Oh yea, I almost forgot to tell you that Pam came by and wants to get together for girls night Thursday. Are you interested or do you and Pam have to much history?"

"I love spending time with Pam. We will always be good friends. What does she have planned?"

"Just watching movies at the house and maybe we can paint each others nails. You know just hanging out together."

"That sounds like fun! It's been a while since Pam and I have spent time together. Do you work tonight?"

"Yea, I go in at 7:00."

"So did Pam mention Eric last night?"


"Did you ask about Eric?"


"When are you going to talk with him?"

"I don't think that is any of your business. But I really don't think that there's anything to talk about. It's obvious that he is just wanting to move on, so there really isn't anything left to talk about."

"Why would you think that Sookie?"

"Because Amelia," now I'm starting to get upset, "if he was interested I believe I would have heard from him by now. It's been about a month and I haven't seen or heard of him in any way. I just don't want to think or talk about it anymore."

I just got up from the table washed my cup and escaped into my bedroom. It's time for a long shower and to go run errands. While in the shower my mind drifted back to that night of my shower with Eric. It seems I can't do anything in the house these days without having a memory of my time with Eric. Maybe I should have settled for a cold shower. I thought that it would have had been relaxing to have a long hot shower. Instead I got out frustrated and sad. The truth of the matter is that I am scared to have the talk with Eric. I don't think that I can bear to hear him tell me that he doesn't feel the same way as he did and can't believe that he said those things. Besides why would he want to be with me? He can have anyone that he wants. And he would never have to have a commitment if he didn't want to. But it still doesn't keep me from torturing myself by thinking about the way he smells and how he feels when he wraps his arms around me.

I so wanted to ask Pam about him last night. But I just couldn't hear her laugh and tell me about all the fangbangers he has been with or the encounters that he as been having in his office. I just really need some time away from here. So I can get my head and heart together and try to move forward.

I ran my errands and headed into work. The night at Merlottes went by uneventful. We were quite busy. I was glad because it helped me to keep my mind off of all my problems. That's the good thing about working a lot of hours. No time to think.

Before I knew it, it was Thursday night. I worked the lunch shift and got off at 5:00. On my way home to get a shower I heard my phone beep. That meant that I had a message. When I parked around the back of the house, I pulled out my phone to read a message from Pam. It said that something had come up and she wouldn't be able to come for girls night.

Amelia and me decided to watch a movie anyway. I really wasn't in a very good mood and just wanted to go to bed. Amelia popped some popcorn and I put in the movie Lake House. We both sank into the couch and started the movie. I was really having problems with staying focused on the movie and it was one of my favorites. All I could think about was Eric. I could feel through the bond tonight that he was really angry.

"Sookie…Sookie….Hey Sook, what are you thinking about? Where did you go, cause you weren't here? This is starting to happen a lot. What's going on? Are you alright?"

I didn't really know what to say. No, I'm not ok but I couldn't say that. Maybe I should talk to her about what's going on in my head. Maybe I would feel better if I told someone. If Gran were here she would say Sook, you won't feel better keeping it inside, maybe you need to just let go of it. Ok so here it goes.

"I'm sorry Amelia." I just sighed. "Well… I've been thinking a lot about Eric lately. And I can't get my mind to let it go. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just can't stop thinking about Eric and now that he remembers everything about our time together. Well it just kinda gave me hope that maybe he still felt the same way as before but I see that I was just giving myself false hope. I see now that I need to just move on and it's harder this time. I had to let him go last time because it wouldn't be fair for him. I mean he didn't know who he was or what he was giving up. I was hard enough to let him just walk away. But I did and I moved on and dated Quinn. A big mistake but I had to start somewhere. Now I'm bonded with Eric and he has all his memory and he doesn't want me."

Amelia just looked at me with pity and sadness in her eyes. I didn't want her to feel sad for me. I thought that I would feel better but I don't.

"Sookie it's time for you to talk to Eric about this."

"No. I think its time to move on."

"Come on girl you have to tell him that you love him."

"What? Where on earth did that come from? I didn't say that."

"Yes you did. Until you talk to him about this then you won't be able to move on. He should know that you feel this way."

"We have a blood bond remember? That's probably why he is avoiding me. He hasn't even tried to contact me in any way. That's Eric letting me know how he feels. I just need to get away from here where there isn't so many memories so I can get a grip on things and see how I really feel. I'm so confused. I'm sorry Amelia, I don't know why I'm struggling with this so bad."

"Hey, I've got a great idea. My dad owns a house in Ft. Walton beach Florida. He sometimes leases it out or uses it for business associates. I'll give him a call and see if we could use it for a little while. Why don't you see if Sam will let you have some time off?"

I could use some time away from here and I'm sure Sam would let me go. Business was kinda slow. After thinking about it for just a few minutes I felt a small smile come across my face.

"That sounds great! I'll check with Sam and you let me know what your dad says. This could be a lot of fun."

"Great! I can't wait to pack. We may not be able to swim, it might be to cold. But you will feel so much better when we get back."

"I'm exhausted. I think that I'm going to just head to bed. Sorry about the movie and all my whining."

Ameila just got up and gave me a hug.

"Don't worry Sookie, everything will work out."

"Thanks Amelia, I'll see you in to morning."

I went to my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I put on an old flannel night gown and headed for the bed. I was so tired but my mind wouldn't rest. Once again I laid there thinking about Eric. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. I finally fell off to sleep.