I hop you enjoy the story

Disclaimer: I don't own winx club or Totally spies i only own this plot.

Spy swap

"Come in girls" spoke a nervous Jerry "your next mission will be out of this dimension"

"Don't you mean out of this world" spoke a curios Sam.

"No literally out of this dimension."

"What are you taking about Jerry?" asked Alex.

"You have been invited to attend a school called Alfea to help get ride of some menace that has turned up there."

"But where is it," asked Clover.

"The headmistress is sending to some students of a neighbouring school called Redfounten down to collect you to see if you can fit through the barrier"

"And what if we can't" asked Britney.

"Then you can't help. But if you can you will be posing as students and start as freshman"

"What about the age deference?" asked Alex.

"Never mind that what is a freshman," asked Sam and Britney.

"A first year and there will be no age difference."

"A first year but we're about to graduate from high school," spoke a furious Clover not totally listening.

"And what do mean no age difference?" asked Alex.

"Literally that Alfea is a college"

"But were going Mali-U University" Raged Clover

"No your not and this is an assignment"

"But!" they all a protested

"No buts go get changed they will be here any minute now"

The girls pressed the buttons on there X-Powder and tuned. When they had finished they were wearing their spy uniforms. Clovers were red, Alex's was yellow, Sam's was green and Britney's was blue.

A few minutes later a portal opened and out stepped some junior boys, Brandon, Sky, Timmy, Riven and Helia

"Hi were the boys sent to get you"

"Woo what hunks," whispered Clover floating over to Sky. Brandon however stepped in front of her.

"Keep away from the Prince."

"May I ask what year you are in and why the school has sent a prince?"

"We are juniors or third years at the school for heroics and bravery." Informed Timmy

"They have sent me as I am part of this team and it is a team assignment. However I do not need protecting" respected Sky

"The brown haired boy is Sky's squire Brandon, The one with the orange hair is Timmy, the purple haired boy with an attitude is Riven, Helia is the blue haired and I am prince sky" spoke a yellow haired boy.

"So there are only princes here," added Jerry "welcome to WHOOP"

"How are we getting to this place?" asked Sam eager to see this barrier.

"We go through a portal created by this," informed Timmy holding up a blue devise "Our world is much further developed in technology than yours."

"Ok let's get going" hurried Clover, as she wanted to check out the mall.

Timmy stuck the devise to the wall and pressed a green button.

"OK its ready" Riven muttered, "In you go"

"Don't push them Riven" complained Helia

The girls stepped willingly into the portal to the unknown.

i hope you enjoyed it please review

Disclaimer: I dont own winx club or Totally spies i only own this plot.