A Tale of Two Newbies

Chapter One: Boredness Leads to Discovery

Staring at the computer screen can be quite boring, but there's never anything else to do. This is according to a typical thirteen-year-old female who has yet to discover her love for boys and any other social activities. She could always read a book, but the computer screen was much more entertaining at the time, not to mention her brother was hogging the Playstation. The girl sighed, pushing her glasses back up her nose before blowing strands of hair away from her face. There had to be something to do on a sunny day. Luckily, her wish would come true. Clicking randomly with the mouse, she discovered something different she had never seen before.

"Fanfiction? What is this?" she wondered aloud as she began exploring the site and all of the wonderful things that it had to offer.

It wasn't long until she found the video games section. She found a section for just about every game that she could actually beat as well as every Final Fantasy game known to man. And then she found it. The best section besides the Legend of Zelda that ever existed: Kingdom Hearts. With a loud squeal, she clicked on the link and began scimming down the lists. Finally it was something she could read besides an old dusty novel forced upon her by her English teachers! It was something even better than reading Twilight! To this young girl, fanfiction totally rocked, especially the Kingdom Hearts section!

She couldn't contain her joy and had to tell someone quickly! She picked up the phone and began to dial.

"Hello? This is Sue speaking."

"Sue! I just found something amazing! You need to get on the computer and check this site out!" the girl exclaimed happily.

There was a sigh on the other end, however. "Mary, I'm on the phone. Talking on the phone and getting on the computer don't mix. I have dial-up, remember? My parents aren't with the time. In fact, they don't believe in high-speed."

"Fine. Come to my house then. It'd be cooler if we checked it out together," Mary suggested.

"Okay. I'll go ask. Bye!"

Two hours passed and the two girls were having a ball. Their minds were slowly being tainted by the fluff and yaoiness of it all. If they had it their way, they would go tell the whole entire world about this site.

"Hey, Mary. We should get an account on this site."

"Why? I don't want to review. Why should I review?" Mary questioned.

"You don't have to review. I think you and I should start writing some stuff. I mean, we both make good grades in English and we're pretty... What's the word? Oh, literate enough to do this stuff. It would be fun. We could make up our own Kingdom Hearts 3!" Sue shouted.

Mary clicked her tongue in thought before her eyes brightened with excitement. "Yeah! It would be so epic! We should write it together. I'll make an account right now. Since your computer sucks we'll do everything on mine, okay?"

Sue agreed and soon the two girls created an account.

"Well, I gotta get going. I'll start brainstorming and give you some ideas for a story tomorrow, okay?"

"I'll see you tomorrow, Sue. This is going to be so much fun!" Mary waved goodbye.

Once Sue had left, Mary turned back to the computer screen, staring at their account profile: MarySue22.

Mary knew that they were going to have so much fun with this, however, little did they know that there were going to be those that wouldn't find their magnificent idea all that grand...

Jupiter-Lightning: Hello, all! Just wanted to point out that not all chapters are going to be this short. I'm terribly sorry for the slow start, but I promise that the real hilarity will soon ensue! Reviews are very much appreciated and I hoped you enjoyed reading this so far!

Disclaimer: The only time I'm putting this... I do not own KH. I only own original characters and the plot.