I Loved You Too Late

By: Moonlit Love


Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam. I just own this plot.


~*~ One year later~*~

Relena sat outside, her light, mid-back length hair fanned over the back of her chair. A party was going on at her house, and many people were gathered on her front lawn, and others just outside her gates. They all were here to celebrate her birthday and here to news she was going to deliver shortly after the celebration.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, the light blue and aqua hues of the afternoon sky gave off waves of calmness and happiness. Everyone was laughing and talking, not having a single care in the world. Relena looked around to spot all her friends.

Heero was no where in her sight, but Relena knew she was in his sight. Duo and Hilde were laughing on a blanket but a few feet away from her, stealing romantic kisses between fits of giggles. They were really a cute couple, and they had become even closer after their marriage. Everything seemed to be going good for the two. Even a new arrival was coming their way.

Relena spotted Trowa next. He was using his left arm to lean up against a tree. He looked unemotional until he heard Catherine's voice, but he couldn't spot her.

Relena surpressed a giggle as Catherine came from the tree and landed on Trowa's shoulders, causing him to give a startled gasp. The couple had been steady for quite a while, and there were even rumors of an engagement soon. Of course Trowa always denied it with a blush.

She moved her sight to Quatre. He was lying in the grass reading the most recent novel from Relena's library. Next to him Dorothy sat, twirling a small piece of her hair and bugging Quatre to go horseback riding with her.

Quatre cast a glance at her every now and then, but he was mostly too engrossed in his book to go riding. "If you don't want to ride, can we go fence. You read those books to much to pay attention to me anymore," Dorothy whined.

Quatre put his bookmark into his book. He sat up and flung a stray lock of hair from his eyes. He placed the book down next to him and sighed. "I will always have time for you Dorothy, I just need to get this book returned to Miss Relena. I promise I am on the last chapter, and then we will go both riding and fencing," Quatre said as he placed his hand on Dorothy's.

At this, Dorothy smiled. She did a light kiss to Quatre's cheek that sent him into several shades of red. Quatre picked up his book to hide his blush while Dorothy sat next to him beaming triumphantly. Relena smiled at the couple. They had just started to go back out once more.

Then she saw Sally and Wufei. Heero and Relena were still on rough grounds with Wufei, but they still wanted them to enjoy the day with their friends. The news of what Wufei did was still a secret, many thought Relena had merely gotten lost after she escaped the Universal Bandits and Heero had rescued her.

Wufei and Sally stood at a distance from the rest of the people. Lightly conversing in an alien tongue to Relena's ears. They didn't seem to be arguing or anything and Sally smiled and laughed gently every now and then. Relena wasn't sure what their relationship status was, as their ties to each other weren't as close as they once had been.

Her brother and new sister-in-law came up to her. "Happy birthday, sis," Zechs told her as he hugged her.

Noin gently laid her baby girl, Laurey, into Relena's waiting arms. Relena smiled down on the sweet baby's face. "Happy birthday," Noin agreed.

Relena smiled at the both of them. "Thank you," she replied.

"Noin! Zechs!" a voice called from behind.

Noin and Zechs turned to see Lady Une and Trieze approaching them. Both were properly dressed. In Lady Une's hand were two ornate envelops. "Open them," Trieze urged as Lady Une handed them their envelops.

Noin and Relena opened the envelops at the same time. "Wedding invitations!" Relena exclaimed.

"We became engaged, but last week," Lady Une beamed.

"I am truly happy for you both," Noin smiled as she hugged Lady Une.

"Way to go," Zechs told Trieze as he congratulated him with a pat on the back.

"We have an appointment to make, dear, sorry we can't stay longer," Lady Une apologized as she shook Relena's hand.

"Happy birthday, Relena, and may you have blessed one this day," Trieze told Relena.

Relena smiled her thanks. "We really should be going, too. Laurey gets crabby when we stay to long and she has an appointment but an hour or two away. Good bye, Relena," Noin spoke.

Relena nodded her consent to them and handed Laurey back to Noin. "Be sure to stop by again. I'll wait for yours and Laurey's visit," Relena urged.

Noin smiled and nodded before letting Zechs escort her away. Relena watched them go before lying back into her chair. The afternoon was slowly drifting away when Relena realized she should make her speech.

Relena stood and began to make her way up to the podium. She heard a rustle in the crowd and saw all eyes were on her. She did a light smile. She spotted Heero down to the side of the podium. He sent her a smile and resumed his pose.

"I just want to thank all of you for coming here. It means so much to me to have all of you present today. We will have more activities to do after I finish here," Relena began, "The reason I am making this speech is quite simple.

"I am here to announce my engagement to Heero Yuy. It has been a long battle in our relationship, but we have finally come to odds. I am here to personally invite all of you to my wedding in the fall. Thank you," Relena smiled at the crowd.

There were a few catcalls, and Duo, who was now next to Heero was nudging him in the sides and whistling. Hilde stood by, laughing. Relena climbed down the steps and took Heero's arm in hers. "Ready Mr. Yuy?" Relena asked with a grin.

"As always," He smiled down on her.

Together they walked to the carnival. They were going to share this night together and the rest of their lives as well. Relena couldn't have felt more happiness than she was feeling now. Life had treated her well, and she was soon going to become Mrs. Heero Yuy.

Relena and Heero walked arm in arm to into the rest of their lives.

~~*THE END*~~

This really is the end of my story. I will miss writing this and for all of you, but I will have a new Gundam story coming out soon. Be sure to watch for it.

(Included is a preview of a Tenchi Muyo story I will soon be posting. If you like Tenchi, please read it. Thanks)

Thank you for reading this to the very end,

Moonlit Love ~~*~

Upcoming fics:

Prove It- a Sailor Moon fic (2-3 months)

My One and Only- a DBZ/Gundam fic (2-3 months)

I'd Give My Life For You- a Tenchi Muyo fic (preview included) (1 month)

My Heero and My Enemy- a Gundam fic (1.5-2 months)

Fics yet to come:

Leisha- a Ronin Warrior fic (?)

Butterfly- a DBZ fic (?)

Sakura's Hope- a Card Captors fic(?)

I'd Give My Life For You

By: Moonlit Love

Note: I do not own Tenchi Muyo. I am just using the characters. The story is mine. Please review it when you are done reading it. Thank you.


Years after Ayeka and Tenchi are happily married and ruling Jurai together, war strikes. Ryoko, now a good friend of Ayeka, comes to help them, only to find out how shallow her love for Tenchi is compared to Ayeka's.

But both women set out to protect the man they love. They do so at the risk of losing their lives. They stick together to prove to the opposition love is the strongest tie in the universe. But something will prove both of them very wrong.